Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround


R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Hello All Infuriated R8000P Owners,


Ok I found out a solution to the V1.4.1.50 "Lock-Down" as I call it.  I too was not able to install updates through, Automatic Update, Manual Update Upload, or TFTP.  I believe the problem was that TFTP window was either shortened to an almost impossible time to actually transfer the update and flash the firmware.(NOTE: I am not an embedded firmware engineer or anything close, though I do have a CompE degree.)


 I tried holding down the Reset button like my life depended on it: While starting, after it booted completely, 30 seconds after booting, 30-30-30 resets, holding down the button while reseting it through the GUI.  I was about to give up and try a TTL to USB or even JTAG to update the darn thing, but noticed that pressing the Reset button ~5 seconds after powering on the router and holding it for about 6-8 seconds then releasing it the ping response turned to TTL=100 from the normal device ping of TTL=64. I then tried the old TFTP after the first TTL=100 ping but to no avail.  I also noticed that the LED switch is needed to be in the OFF position.


This is where nmrpflash came in to play.  The tool waits for the device to respond and starts a server to flash the update.


NOTE: I am not responsible for bricking your device.  If you are willing to update your device and possibly brick a working $200 router for an update this is what I did.


1. Install Mr. Lehner's nmrpflash from his GitHub repo: https://github.com/jclehner/nmrpflash/releases
    a. Follow these steps for different OS's https://github.com/jclehner/nmrpflash.      Such as NpCap for Windows and dependencies on Linux.


2. Move the downloaded nmrpflash to a  new folder on the Desktop or wherever you want along with the latest firmware, in my case V1.4.2.84_1.3.42.chk rename it to something easy like 0.chk


3. Factory Reset the router.


4. Set the LED switch to OFF


5. Plug the ethernet port from the PC to the Ethernet Port 1 on the Router


6. Now plug in the power into the router and turn on the router.


7. Set up a static IP on your system. 

    IPv4 IP Address

    Subnet mask:

    Default gateway:


8. Open a command prompt and start pinging with: ping -t -t you should recieve som Request timed out and general failure responses and finally the Reply with TTL=64


9. Open a seperate command prompt and change the directory to which ever folder nmrpflash is in:


cd path/to/nmrpflash

and run

nmrpflash.exe -L

This will show which port the router is connected to such as eth0 or net0. 


Now turn off the router


10. Then write this into the same command prompt where PORT is the one returned from the step above

nmrpflash.exe -i PORT -f .0.chk

and run it. It will wait for a connection to the router to enter TFTP mode




This is where timing is essential




11. Turn on the router with the button and wait ~3-5 seconds or until the power LED is solid Orange


12. Press the RESET button immidiately after it is solid and hold for ~6-8 seconds and release it.  The activity light for Port 1 should start to blink and I think if you notice it blinking it is too late.


13. nmrpflash will fail once and you have to quickly. Rerun the same command by pressing up on the arrow key and pressing enter.



14.  If all turned out fine you should see this on the output of nmrpflash


I had to run it atleast 3 times to get the timing right. I would reccomend for to wait atleast 3 minuites before rebooting.


After waiting I got this



You know it failed if nmrpflash timesout after 60s without Receiving Configuration.  You will also know that it failed if the 3 WIFI leds turn on solid white.  You have turn off the router and start at step 10.


If you still have trouble getting the timing right look at the ping cmd window and see what is happening while doing steps 11 and 12.  You might have to hold it for longer or less


Here are my failures:



This might sound like I am trying to pull your leg or waste your time but this worked for me. 


Thanks for reading and good luck.


I will try to respond to any questions.


Also if someone can Wireshark the Router to see the actual TFTP window so we as a community can fix this problem ourselves.


Sorry I fixed the pictures


@plemans @shadowsports @BobStevenson @nwork @wtdoor95 




Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 1 of 19

Accepted Solutions

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround



For me, the timings were completely different than what you said. 


Here are the steps that I took that worked for me:

  • Turn off the router
  • Execute the code "nmrpflash.exe -i PORT -f .0.chk"
  • Turn on the Router
  • Once the Orange light comes on, press the Reset button
  • The upload should do its thing.

View solution in original post

Message 5 of 19

All Replies

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Sorry, I don't know why the pictures don't load


Message 2 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Thanks for writing this up!

I don't have an R8000P but maybe it'll help some of the other users of it stuck on the .50 version. 


MIght help for @DarrenM to know as well 🙂 

Message 3 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

@R8000PFixer wrote:

Sorry, I don't know why the pictures don't load


For future reference, it takes time for images land. To ensure that you aren't posting anything naughty, a Netgear moderator has to approve the pictures.


You can attach images to messages without any delay. But they way you embedded them is better for people who read the thing.

Message 4 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround



For me, the timings were completely different than what you said. 


Here are the steps that I took that worked for me:

  • Turn off the router
  • Execute the code "nmrpflash.exe -i PORT -f .0.chk"
  • Turn on the Router
  • Once the Orange light comes on, press the Reset button
  • The upload should do its thing.
Message 5 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I gave up on gettting this sorted out by Netgear long time ago (awful customer service), then stumbled upon your post by chance!

@R8000PFixer ,Your solution is far from simple, but it does the job. So happy to see V1.4.1.50_1.3.10 gone from my screen! 🙂


Message 6 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Man I still can'get this to take.  Any ideas...mine just keeps saying destination host unreachable.


Message 7 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

@tlreese77 wrote:

...mine just keeps saying destination host unreachable.


Which command did you issue when you got that response?


Message 8 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Sorry thats on the Ping command.  I can get the other stuff to almost work, but it seems to always timeout, probably just a timing issue on my end.

Message 9 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

@tlreese77 wrote:

Sorry thats on the Ping command.  I can get the other stuff to almost work, but it seems to always timeout, probably just a timing issue on my end.

OK. Always helps to hgave details.


Your analysis sounds right. But maybe one of the people who has done this can confirm that. Fortunately, TFTP has been good enough for me. But I wasn't working with a dead router.




Message 10 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Thank you so much for this! This solution worked for me! (after a few tries, like 10, but it worked)

Model: R8000|Nighthawk X6 AC3200 Smart WIFI Router
Message 11 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Folks, I have been battling this for quite a while, and this solution works!  Awesome job @R8000PFixer !  However, the timing of this thing is really tough.  It seems that 3 tries at this solution means you are very lucky.  For me, it was 19.  AND I found that there are some timing tweaks to get you past errors like "TFTP_UL_REQ" timeouts.  

So here are my 19 cents:

1) get Nmrpflash installed

2) get NPcap installed, (gotta have it)

3) For me, I did not need to have the ping window going to get the nmrpflash -L to give me the correct adapterID (mine was net7)

4) The adapterID is case sensitive in the nmrpflash command

5) The LED switch was left on
6) Use router port 1 of the router

7) Change your wired IP address to be static but if you have lots of devices pick a number much higher than

😎 If you can, run your CMD window as admin, to avoid the admin prompt ever time you try this.

9) Then go to c:\users\your_username\desktop

10) copy your firmware file there and rename it to something short, like R.chk

11) turn off the router

12) in the CMD window type the command below, using your adapterID where I have net7.  The -t and -T affect longer handshakes

13) nmrpflash -v -i net7 -f R.chk -t 10000 -T 10000 and press enter

14) when the command starts, power on the router and right when you see the power light press the reset button for anywhere from        three to seven seconds, and on some tries, even try pressing the reset button before the power light comes on.

15) you will get lots of fails, and if the white lights come on, or the command times out, go back to step 11

16) Suddenly, on your last pass, the timing works out and the R.chk file loads.  Don't get impatient as it runs a while.

17) Wait for the instruction to "Reboot your device", and let it sit a minute.  Then reboot it.

18) You may have to go back and change your wired static IP back to non-static, or windows may choke on it

19) You can then reconfigure your router from scratch, rebooting several times before it is how you need it

20) Your firmware will indeed be updated, and the nightmare is over.

21) Interesting reading here: https://github.com/jclehner/nmrpflash and consider a donation.  This fix is worth it!



Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 12 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

I wanted to take the time to thank all of you for your hard work in fixing this problem...for yourself. 


I have NO idea of what you write.


I paid $200 for a router that I have to sweat to make it do what should be automatic or easier for the layperson.


I just hope the updated firmware doesn't make or break any security requirements I might need because I can foresee I will not be updated this black box again.  I NEVER had this problem in 2 or 3 years.  Why now?






Why are we on the brink of war?


  Thank you again, Carole




Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 13 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Good work around for those that this worked for. That being said this is a consumer grade device and no consumer grade user should be task with advance networking/ programing solutions. Netgear needs to take responsibility for each and every one of their devices having this issue! This issue is well known and wide spread, if you have found yourself on this forum with this issue and can return your device do so and buy something that does not say Netgear on it!

Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 14 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Works for r7960p as well!

Message 15 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Hi everybody 


I was struggling a while before I got it worked. In my case, the scenario was even more straightforward. The clue was to add IP addresses explicitly and no reset button at all


ETH connected to router port1

Local PC IP address:

Interface name: net12

File with firmware name: a.chk 


1. Switch router OFF

2. Send command from PC: 

C:\ppp>nmrpflash.exe -v -i net12 -a -A -f a.chk

3. Switch router ON check out the terminal:


Waiting for Ethernet connection (Ctrl-C to skip).
Adding to interface net12.
Advertising NMRP server on net12 ... /
Received configuration request from 10:0c:6b:13:4e:7d.
Sending configuration:
Received upload request without filename.
Using remote filename 'a.chk'.
Uploading a.chk ... Warning: TFTP block rollover. Upload might fail!
OK (53346382 b)
Waiting for remote to respond.
Remote finished. Closing connection.
Reboot your device now.


Powercycle this **bleep** and job is done

Message 16 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Are you not using the latest FW update? 

Message 17 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Yes. Once the workaround is used, the FW update works again, but NOT using the 50 version.  🙂

Message 18 of 19

Re: R8000P V1.4.1.50 Update workaround

Got it. Thanks for clarifying 


Message 19 of 19
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