Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Router Keeps Rebooting


Router Keeps Rebooting

Router R7000 keeps rebooting by itself. Called netgear, replaced product twice but eventually ends up in same situation. Sometimes works for days and then all of sudden Router keeps rebooting by itself every couple of minutes or hours. Can't believe $200 router would behave this way. Had switched to $30 router and works like charm...

Netgear doesn't seem to have clue, makes me repeat same troubleshooting steps from script which I have by heart now.

Anyone faced with similar issue ....any resolution?
Message 1 of 28

Accepted Solutions

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Hi Prime40633 and rowe100,


I would suggest contacting support team as it might be a hardware issue.

View solution in original post

Message 21 of 28

All Replies
Not applicable

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I returned mine when it rebooted on day 15. 😄
Message 2 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Could be faulty power supply
Message 3 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

check you wall voltage and watch for brownouts
if a router works for days and then just reboots just randomly
sounds like a power issue
Message 4 of 28
Not applicable

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

This reminds me of a similar problem with the WNDR4000. When they released FW.66 I updated and within hours it rebooted on it's own.

This went on for over a month, I would update then it would randomly reboot. After the many postings I posted describing the issue Netgear contacted me and actually sent a test unit with a serial cable to capture the events. Each time it rebooted I would send them a report and then they would send a beta FW.

My point is FW has caused these types of issues and for some reason not all routers are effected the same way. I had posted asking if others had the same problem and everyone said Not me mine's fine. After several months then others started seeing their router reboot too.

When my 7000 rebooted I saw it reboot, no one else was home and only my laptop checking e-mail at the time. I sit twenty feet from it and caught it when all those idiot lights went out.

It wasn't input power related, not to say that it couldn't be a run of intermittent power warts. I use a true UPS made by Best not this crap sold for under $50. Best converts input ac to dc and then converts back to AC, making it impossible for a drop or spike to get through.

I assume OP tried a different FW version and I would refrain from using USB until the router is proven to be stable.
Message 5 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

having same issue have replaced product twice as well frustrating and dont really know what could be causing issue...
Message 6 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I have experienced the same problem, it continuously drops the wan connection, wifi network and reboots by itself. This issue has heavily increased using the later software versions and the latest one is totaly unusable. So I downgraded and tested my way down and have found the V1.0.3.24_1.1.20 to be the latest most stable version and it also states in the release notes that it's wifi certified and contains stability fixes. So far all my problems with dropped networks and reboots is gone. To me the reboot issue is a serious bug in the software that Netgear need to fix..
Message 7 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Same problem. Constantly rebooting, especially when trying to access the Status page.
Message 8 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Same issue. The re-boots are random. The logs do not show any errors, preceding the re-boot, the Log just shows that the router was initialized.

Firmware version is V1.0.3.80_1.1.38 which I upgraded to a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure if this is when the problem started but it sure is coincidental.

The suggestion above that it could be a power glitch / surge is possible, but I would have thought the router would be fairly tolerant of dirty power as they are designed for home use, where the power is not clean (like a datacenter for example)

Advice above suggests reverting to V1.0.3.24_1.1.20.

I have a support call out with Netgear and if no joy from this I think I will revert to V1.0.3.24_1.1.20.

Would welcome any other advice / comments
Message 9 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I had the same problem when I connected an external hard drive to the router.
There seems to be an issue with the USB ports on this router.
Look at the issue people are having with NAS and corrupting hard drives.
Called Netgear somewhere in India I am sure and they told me they do not support file transfers. That is a different issue. I would unplug anything plugged into this router and see if it keeps rebooting on you.
Message 10 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Innovate, did you ever solve the issue or returned the box? I get the same thing running the latest firmware.
Message 11 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting - Fixed for me

I called support and their action actually worked.

Not sure which one it really is but I suspect more than likely its the reset to default step after installing updates. I saw mentions of that here and elsewhere. The docs and the update process do not mention it but it is buried in a PDF somewhere...not in the version that comes with the router. Its an unnecessary step that must be compensation for a bug, but it worked and is not too hard to handle...though since I autoupdate the firmware, I can assume it will happen again and will need to repeat when reboots resume.

Anyway the 2 steps I took were:

1. Direct connect power to the wall - removed from an older surge protector

2. After firmware updates, backup config. Then restore to factory settings, and restore config from the file. They say this should be done after every firmware...which sucks...and should get fixed.

I have been emailing logs to me every day since then (2 weeks now) and have not had a single unexpected reboot since - things are looking great.

The power thing seems suspect but I have seen other devices including the xbox one mention this as a probable cause of some issues. I suppose it is possible that the devices are more sensitive and/.or the power supply is less clean/consistent power...

But based on the fact that the problems seem to occur soon after an auto update of the firmware it seems the revert to factory settings step is the likely fix.
Message 12 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I had an issue about a week ago which required me to build the router. I used the reset factory, flash firmware, reset factory method. Since then the router will reboot every 4 days at ~6:30am. I dont think its a dirty power issue since the unit is connected to an APC UPS. I would like to replace it but it seems from previous posts the problem is firmware related. Any idea what I need to do to fix the issue... the router is driving me crazy with all problems.

Message 13 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I too have had numerous random router re-boots. Sometimes up to 10 times per day, then okay for a few hours and then another.
I contacted TS who told me all the normal things to try such as factory resetting etc. I did the 30-30-30 reset with the latest FW, (before and after) but it still happened.

One thing I am trying now is to turn off both up and down QOS which others have mentioned success with - we'll see.
Also disconnected my Magic Jack to see if that's the problem. It's only been 2 hours since I did this with no re-boots so far, so too early to tell but I will report back if things improve.
Message 14 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I think this problem has to do with ipv6 lease. If you cmd to find out when the lease expires, I bet the router will re-boot shortly after that time - mine does like clockwork.
I am trying to disable ipv6 to see if that changes.....
Message 15 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting


Interesting... I was looking at my cable modems (SB6141) setting last night and noticed the IP Mode was set to "IPV6 only".
Message 16 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I had a similar problem. Router would reboot frequently. At one point it was rebooting every 30 seconds. Tried resetting to factory settings and phone support requested I alter some of the advanced settings for WIreless and then reduce MTU. None of these worked. A search showed up that this problem is pretty common when certain devices connect to the 2.4Ghz wireless radio on the R7000 with both stock firmware and the open source versions. Testing showed I had several devices that caused it including Iphone 4s and Ipad V1. I returned the router as phone support just followed same script and advised that I should just return and get another unit. The forums seemed to suggest the issue was latest drivers provided by Broadcom for the chipset used in this and a number of other routers firmware. So the test of downgrading firmware to an old version seems like a good place to start. Shame support didn't believe me and kept advising it was hardware.
Message 17 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Its common - Check this thread on the subject - http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=944676&highlight=#944676
Message 18 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Hey guys my name is Tony. I'm having an issue where my netgear R8500 keeps power cycling and doesn't give me the chance to do anything with the firmware. Any advise? Going crazy over here.
Message 19 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Hi everyone - has this been resolved?  Any suggestions to avoid the rebooting?  My Nighthawk reboots only when accessing certain apps from the Roku 3.

Message 20 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Hi Prime40633 and rowe100,


I would suggest contacting support team as it might be a hardware issue.

Message 21 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Netgear - is there beta firmware available to address this issue?  Huge PITA!

Message 22 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Hi rowe100,


What is the exact model number of your nighthawk router?

Message 23 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

I have model R8000 AC3200


BTW - Support requested that I go back to an earlier version of the firmware then reset the router using a pin on the button on the back of the router.  I went ahead and tried the reset with the current most recent version of the firmware I already had on the router, and right now, it appears to be working!  


I will keep testing.  I had tried unplugging the power and then powering back up the router, but that didn't work.  The reset is working so far, but of course a pain to reset everything.  I didn't reload the cfg file as I am guessing it would over write something that the reset fixed.


I will report back how it goes.

Message 24 of 28

Re: Router Keeps Rebooting

Good News!  So far so good.  Resetting the router by using a paperclip to push the reset button the back of the router worked!  I have not tried to figure out what setting might have created the original issue, but when I have a free weekend I may try to get to the bottom of it.  

Message 25 of 28
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