Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On


X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On

Got an R7800 in the summer. For most of the last month it has been playing up, and has a very specific and very important issue which I believe is a hardware flaw. I approached NETGEAR for support, but after talking with them on the phone I was asked to pay in order to receive support, which I found very shady and disingenuous. I chose against paying in order to get support for a device that malfunctions and was sent a series of e-mail instructions which do not tell me anything useful and do not cover any steps I have not already performed. To add salt to the wound, the e-mail I received (case number 44163882) includes a supposed link where I can "send a follow-up", but clicking on that link sends me to an error page: "Page Unavailable Sorry, but the requested page is unavailable due to a server issue. Our engineers are working on it, please check back later." 


In other words, I cannot receive warranty support at all. This is something I am sure is not legal and I am at a loss that NETGEAR seriously thinks this is fair, to deny support to customers just because they are beyond the first 3 months of their purchase. I have decided to list my problem here, hoping that the community can help - or maybe a helpful NETGEAR staff will pick up on this and offer meaningful advice.


I have the above R7800 NETGEAR Nighthawk model router mentioned above. Originally it used to work fine. I believe I received it with firmware Firmware Version pre-installed. I use it in router mode, attached to my Virgin Hub 3.0 router/AP. After updating firmware version to the latest (Firmware Version, a very serious problem emerged. I do not know if updating firmware is related or coincidental. 

Specifically, the device will randomly turn off both 2.4 and 5 G WiFi signal randomly. When this happens, pressing the relevant WiFi button on the device will NOT turn on WiFi. On the Routerlogin page, which becomes only accessible with cable, an error appears on the WiFi Settings page "This action is currently disabled until the wireless On/Off button is pressed". Of course, pressing it, whether a short press or a long press (e.g. 3 seconds, 5 seconds held down) does absolutely nothing. Crucially the button had not been pressed to turn it off. Rebooting the router does not solve the issue. The only way to get it back working is to do a full reset, and set-up again from scratch. Following this WiFi will work again, until the problem happens again. The problem happens randomly, and it might take 5 minutes, it might take 5 days, but it WILL happen and the only way to fix the router will be to do a full hard reset. 

My technical expertise level is fairly high. I am comfortable and confident with computer hardware and software. I have done the whole range of recommended steps, including various kinds of reset, resetting the Hub 3.0 (and restarting it) router; etc. to no avail. 

I thought that maybe downgrading (rollback) firmware might help solve the problem. So far I have tried Firmware Version, Firmware Version, Firmware Version, Firmware Version, and Firmware Version and the problem happens on every firmware level. Every single one. At first the problem used to happen infrequently. Then it started happening on a weekly basis. Today, it has happened more than 10 times already altogether, on various combinations of firmwares. Every time I update or rollback firmware, I perform a full hard reset and set-up everything again from scratch. I also do a full reboot and reset of the Hub 3.0 for good measure. No matter what action I take, the problem will happen again. I even tried running the Hub 3.0 both in modem mode, as well as a normal AP in conjunection with the R7800. I tried removing the connected hard drive. I tried only connecting a small number of devices to it. No matter the combination, after a while WiFi will turn off, the lights will no longer show, and the device does not let me turn it back on - either via software or hardware - at all. 

I am tired of doing hard resets. I have spent well over 7 hours just today doing this thing. 

Can someone help me? If someone from NETGEAR is listening and reading, can you please update the relevant ticket and allow me to get the support I need in relation to this product? I am frankly just about to return it altogether and choose another brand. Surely this is not the right kind of experience, and customer support you want to be providing, is it?

Model: D7800|Nighthawk X4S – AC2600 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 1 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On

Hi everyone,


I am absolutely at my wit's end with this situation. Today I have reverted all the way back to Firmware Version The problem still happens. WiFi radio will work for a while, and then randomly the radio lights on the device will switch off altogether, 2G and 5G will disappear from all network devices, and will stay gone. I have tried every kind of combination I could think of. The router used to work perfectly for a good long time, and the problems begun and gradually became more and more frequent. Now it happens on an hourly basis probably. Doing a complete hard reset (using the button at the back, setting it up again from scratch, etc.) is the only thing that gets WiFi radio back on and the lights working. And then, soon enough, it happens again.


I have obviously not chosen any options to automatically turn off radio. I am not pressing the WiFi on/off button on the router. I am not changing any settings when the problem happens. In all arrangements, the R7800 is set to Router mode, and takes in the internet connection from a Virgin Hub 3.0. I have no reason to believe that the problem is the Hub 3.0 - but I have also hard reset it numerous times just in case it is the cause. I have isolated the problem to the R7800 because the problem happens even if it is not connected to the Hub 3.0 at all (so, has no internet connection).


I am almost certain the problem begun when I upgraded to the most recent firmware (Firmware Version, but it could have been totally random. I don't think it is a firmware problem, because I have tried so many other firmware versions. This is not normal behaviour, and if it was settings or memory/cache related, it would have resolved itself following hard resets. It doesn't.


Maybe one of you can have a look and provide support? I would really appreciate this!





Message 2 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On

Read your posts and "felt sorry" for you having to go through this.....so I'll try and give you some options to try out. I am using the same router and am using latest v. firmware, without the wifi issues you are having.


So, here are my suggestions:

1. Use latest firmware(since you have already ruled out it's a not afirmware issue) and If not tried already, reset the Netgear to factory defaults. This option is located under "Advanced/administration/backup settings" and then click on the "erase" button. I usually just press and hold the reset button for 20 seconds after doing firmware updates.....but since you already tried that!  😉


2. Don't use the "smart connect" option on the Netgear(should be disabled by default).


3. Just for good practise, check and make sure there isn't any checkmarks in any of the options concearning "Turn wifi signal off by schedule". Also make sure, that any of the antennas on the Netgear has not become loose.


4. I don't personally know the Virgin Hub 3.0 router/AP product(I'm european), but I would recommend either turning it's wifi signal off or completedly turning the device off and have the Netgear receive the internet signal from your ISP modem to the WAN port(if the Virgin is needed for internet acces, then just turn off its wifi signals as suggested and connect Netgear through ethernet cable). This should help isolate if the Virgin hardware plays any role in disturbing your Netgears wifi signal.


5. Last thing would be to check, if you have strong wifi signals coming from your neighbours.  You can use a mobilephone and a app called "Wifi Analyzer" from farproc(on android) to check for this. Then I would suggest trying to change wifi channels. You could also just try(for trobleshooting purposes) and use 5GHz solely and disable the 2,4GHz signal. And see if this makes a change in behavier.


If nothing of this worked....you likely just have been unlucky and something "gave in" during the process of updating the Netgear router, but would have happened down the line regardless. My recommendation would then be to simply create a RMA ticket with Netgear and have it swapped for a new unit using the warranty left on it.


Good luck.....and let us know what solution worked for you!   😉

Message 3 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On

Hi there, many thanks for this response. I will proceed to respond to your individual points:


1. Yes the problem seems to be independent of firmware. I always reset to factory defaults, and I have tried both by holding the reset button on the back of the router for 30 seconds, as well as the method you outlined, by going to Advanced->Administration Settings->Backup Settings and clicking the Erase button. So yes, both methods have been tried. When I say I am doing a hard reset, I refer to either method, and I have tried all firmwares with both methods. I have also tried other combinations, such as only rebooting, only resetting, resetting then rebooting, and rebooting and then resetting. I have tried disconnecting everything, all cables and the AC power and leaving the device on its own for a while. Literally every single combination I can think of. 


I classify myself as a relatively advanced user, with a strong background in software and hardware - just short of an expert or professional. I am fairly confident that this is a hardware issue.


2. Smart connect is not enabled.


3. Turn wifi signal off by schedule is not enabled. No antennas are loose.


4. The Virgin Hub3.0 is UK specific. I have tried with both its own wifi signal turned on and off. It does not seem to make a difference. The Hub 3.0 is needed to receive the signal so I cannot fully bypass it - but I know many others who have not had any problems using an R7800 and this particular Hub 3.0 router. So, since the problem happens whether Hub 3.0 is using its own antennas or with them turned off (e.g. in modem mode), I do not believe Hub 3.0 is physically disturbing the Netgear signal. I should also mention that in one of my tests, I verified that the problem occurs even when the R7800 is not at all connected to the Hub 3.0 and the Hub 3.0 is turned off. In that case, I have no internet, but I would still be able to have access to WiFi (e.g. to have a local network). The problem happens even then.


Moreover, even if it was, it would still not explain why R7800 physically turns off its own WiFi radio: the led buttons turn off, and in the Settings the device reports WiFi as disabled. It asks me to press the WiFi button turn it back on, but pressing the button does not do anything.


5. We have a relatively congested WiFi area, but again this does not explain the actual behaviour. This is not a case of WiFi signal simply being weak or showing signs of strong interference. One moment I have perfect signal at quite a long distance from the R7800 and the next its led lights for WiFi 2G and 5G turn off and all devices no longer see the radio at all. 


How can I create an RMA? Netgear asked me to purchase their service option for support. Clearly I was not happy. I have never before come across a company that actively tries to sell you service support during the warranty period - despite legal frameworks clearly obliging them to offer this support and be proactive in helping service and repair a device under warranty.


Also adding user @microchip8 to this thread, as I have found from other threads that they are very knowledgeable of this particular router. If you know anything that might help me, please kindly do so.

Message 4 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On

Hi again!


First, I like to mention that there is actually circumstances that can make your Netgear router act up like you descriebed. And that is if your using "DSF" channels on the 5GHz wifi. This can make your Netgear router automatically disable your wifi signals, if it suddenly detects signals coming in. I had this issue years back, where I had used channel 128(I believe) for years without issues and then I suddenly had issues with wifi disabling itself.

If you live near airports or military camps.....or just within range of a nearby radar transmitter, you can get this is issue with 5GHz wifi. Solution is to try other wifi channels....usually the lower non-dsf channels are the most "compatible" ones!  😉


And just to make this complete(some people overlook this), if you have moved the router or installed new wifi equipment at your house(like those troublesome Google Chromecast devices that made a lot of trouble with peoples wifi at home)....this could perhaps make your Netgear become unstable too....just to let you know, even "experts" sometimes overlook little details like these!  😉


Regarding RMA, you can check if your router is within warranty here = https://www.netgear.com/mynetgear/registration/Product_WarrantyCheck.aspx 


If my memory serves me correct, within the "MyNetgear" menu your router should be listed(if registered) and if it's within hardware warranty, you can select it and push a button option to open a RMA ticket!  


Hope this was helpfull.



Message 5 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On

Thanks yet again for this informative and helpful response!


I can confirm that 5G was never set to a DSF channel, but on 40 and 44 when manual, and on Auto otherwise. 2G was tried on Auto, as well as 6 and 11. These channels specified above should be good to go, so I sadly have to eliminate this possibility too.


As for new equipment being installed. No Chromecast in the home, although I do have two Alexa/Amazon Echo Dot devices in use, and a WiFi Yeelight lamp. Crucially, they all were working fine - the router did not have this WiFi turn-off problem from the beginning but only developed it gradually. No device had changed on my network for a couple of months before the problems begun. Crucially, I also tried eliminating potential problematic devices by only allowing devices to connect to the router in a "vet" process:


1. I would connect one device. Let the router work with that one for a while.

2. Then add one more, etc etc.


I do not believe I verified a single device causing the problem. If anything the problem seemed random, and happens regardless of device(s) connected to the router.


I have proceeded to ask for an RMA. I really hoped this is something the forum has heard of before, to avoid the hassle of a return and replacement - but so long as that solves my problem I will be okay!

Message 6 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On


Well, let us know if a replacement unit fixed the issue or not...could help others save time(and tears) if encountering same issue!  😉



Message 7 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On

I certainly will do so. And of course I hope the problem does not repeat, which may indicate something beyond hardware!

Message 8 of 9

Re: X4S R7800 Router WiFi Stops Working After Random Periods - Cannot Turn Back On



Most stable version for the R7800 is .68. Everything after seems to go downhill. I would factory reset before and after you load that version. If that does not fix your problem, I'd try Voxel's firmware where many have had success with. Voxel is stock with upgraded packages so don't be scared of it.


Message 9 of 9
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