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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times


RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Going through my wit's end. My router has been powering on and off multiple times a day as of the past few days. 

Have tried confirming it is on the latest firmware, have factory reset it, tried connecting the router to different outlets, even tried temporarily disabling WMM to no avail. 

Router serial starts with 5VE

Purchased in August 2020 (less than three years old)

The only way I can get it to work again temporarily is by taking out the PSU cable plugged directly into the router 2-3 times before I can get the lights to appear again on the router. Seems like a hardware issue but Netgear's team hasn't been very much help.

Any advice would be super appreciated! 

Message 1 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?
Be sure your using a good quality LAN cable between the modem and router. CAT6 is recommended.

Are you using the Yellow WAN port in back for the connected to the modem or the mutli gig port? 


What all do you have connected to the router? 

What are you doing when the router does this reboot? 


What channels are you using? Auto? Try setting manual channel 1, 6 or 11 on 2.4Ghz and 40 to 48 channel on 5Ghz.
Any Wifi Neighbors near by? If so, how many?

How is Advanced WiFi Settings configured? 


You have a v1 RAX so the beta mentioned in the forums is targeted for v2 that were seeing reboots. v1s were not seeing this issue. Hoping maybe with some troubleshooting, we can figure this out. I don't believe NG supported the beta on v1s since nobody with v1s saw problems like users with v2s did. 


Do you have or have ever had the following enabled? Armor, SPC or Traffic Meter? 



Message 2 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Hey Furry, thanks for the quick response. I don't have a modem that the router is connected to as my ISP does not require this. The router is directly connected via a fibre cable to an outlet in the wall set up by my service provider, Fibrestream: https://www.fibrestream.ca/faqs#:~:text=You%20need%20a%20Wi%2DFi,Modems%20are%20not%20compatible.


I am using a CAT8 ethernet cable between all my devices and the router. I am using the 5G/multi-gig port not the WAN port. < What is the connection rate supported on the ISP ONT? 1Gb or 2.5Gb? If 2.5Gb, CAT6A STP would be recommended, not UTP.


Have you tried the Yellow WAN port on the RAX connected to the ISP ONT? 


The router has done this reboot when I have only had my mobile phone (iPhone 12 Pro Max) actively using Wi-Fi and am surfing the web late at night. It seems intermittent as there are only a maximum of 7 devices connected to the router at any given time. I eliminated the possibility of overheating as the router is not warm to the touch when it has performed the reboot. 

I live in an apartment complex so there are a few neighbouring wifi's nearby though not many (about 10 or so from what I can see in the list) - I am on the 24th floor in a building of 32 floors.
Is there any Transmit power settings under Advanced Tab/Advanced/Wireless Settings? 

I have attached a screenshot of my advanced wireless settings as requested. 


I do not have Armor nor have ever enabled it, same with SPC I believe. Traffic Meter was the same until last night as I wanted to see the usage/logs but then disabled it. To confirm, before this I had never enabled Traffic Meter and the issues were occurring before I had ever enabled this.

Hope this helps! 

Message 3 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Do you have a screen capture of the Advanced WiFi Settings under Advanced Tab/Advanced/Wifi Settings? 


Message 4 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

@Mask0mimi wrote:

Hey Furry, thanks for the quick response. I don't have a modem that the router is connected to as my ISP does not require this. The router is directly connected via a fibre cable to an outlet in the wall set up by my service provider, Fibrestream: https://www.fibrestream.ca/faqs#:~:text=You%20need%20a%20Wi%2DFi,Modems%20are%20not%20compatible.


I am using a CAT8 ethernet cable between all my devices and the router. I am using the 5G/multi-gig port not the WAN port. < What is the connection rate supported on the ISP ONT? 1Gb or 2.5Gb? If 2.5Gb, CAT6A STP would be recommended, not UTP.


Have you tried the Yellow WAN port on the RAX connected to the ISP ONT? 


The router has done this reboot when I have only had my mobile phone (iPhone 12 Pro Max) actively using Wi-Fi and am surfing the web late at night. It seems intermittent as there are only a maximum of 7 devices connected to the router at any given time. I eliminated the possibility of overheating as the router is not warm to the touch when it has performed the reboot. 

I live in an apartment complex so there are a few neighbouring wifi's nearby though not many (about 10 or so from what I can see in the list) - I am on the 24th floor in a building of 32 floors.
Is there any Transmit power settings under Advanced Tab/Advanced/Wireless Settings? 

I have attached a screenshot of my advanced wireless settings as requested. 


I do not have Armor nor have ever enabled it, same with SPC I believe. Traffic Meter was the same until last night as I wanted to see the usage/logs but then disabled it. To confirm, before this I had never enabled Traffic Meter and the issues were occurring before I had ever enabled this.

Hope this helps! 


Message 5 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

The connection rate supported is 5Gigabits - are you saying I should be using a Cat6A cable instead of a CAT8 ethernet cable?


Yes, I have also tried the WAN internet port post factory resetting but see no difference. Again this wouldn't help my case as I have been using the Multi-Gig port since 2020 and haven't had any issues since then until now. 


The Transmit Power Control is set to 100%. Updated screenshot provided. 

Message 6 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

@Mask0mimi wrote:

The connection rate supported is 5Gigabits - are you saying I should be using a Cat6A cable instead of a CAT8 ethernet cable?

STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) should be used, not UTP (Un-Shielded Twisted Pair). 


Yes, I have also tried the WAN internet port post factory resetting but see no difference. Again this wouldn't help my case as I have been using the Multi-Gig port since 2020 and haven't had any issues since then until now. 


The Transmit Power Control is set to 100%. Updated screenshot provided. 

Try setting the power to 25%...

Try setting manual channel 1, 6 or 11 on 2.4Ghz and 40 to 48 and 149 to 161 channel on 5Ghz.

Have you tried enabling Smart Connect?



Message 7 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Ah gotcha, thanks for clarifying!

I'll try setting the power transmit% to 25% and let you know how it goes 🙂 
I've tried the manual channels mentioned periodically over time but haven't seen a difference here, to be honest.

I have enabled Smart Connect previously but found it was interfering with the performance of down/up speeds I was getting unfortunately. Do you recommend re-enabling this to combat the power issues being reported? 

Message 8 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Lets try the cable and transmit power first.

I would set manual channels as well. 

I might set 40Mhz only channel width as well. 

Message 9 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Hey @FURRYe38 - transmit power failed and setting the manual channels for each 2.4 and 5G bands failed to resolve the issue unfortunately (lasted two hours though!)


To confirm I am using the following cable now which looks to be STP supported: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07YQQ8BG5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


How does one set 40mHz only channel width? I only see the option for 20.40 MHz Coexistence. Let me know if I should try anything else. 



Message 10 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Uncheckmark the check box next to 20/40Mhz. 

Can try disabling WMM feature I guess as well...

Message 11 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Yup can confirm the checkmark next to 20/40mhz was already disabled. 

Have tried disabling WMM previously but have not seen this resolve the issue either unfortunately 😞

Anything else you'd recommend trying out? 

Message 12 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Running out of ideas. 

Only thing I would try would be to load FW using a wired PC and web browser on to the router. Then power cycle the router OFF for 30 seconds then back ON. Factory reset and setup from scratch using a web browser. Don't enable any features. Set single SSID name and PW with smart connect enabled. Manual channel 1, 40 and 149. 


See if this happens more. 


Any chance you have a neighbor, friend or family member that you could take the router to to see if the problem follows? Would be telling...

Message 13 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Sorry @FURRYe38 haha didn't mean to stump you! 


To confirm, should I be uploading the same firmware using a wired PC? I did try this last night and performing a factory reset, before writing in today but would like to confirm what constitutes as "Features"? Should I not be using the Multi-Gig port as well as this counts as a feature too? 


For the single SSID, should this be on the 2.4GhZ band or 5GhZ or does it not matter which one I choose? 


I have tried using the router over at a friend's place too but no luck unfortunately 😕 - at this point assuming this is a hardware issue and I'm just due for an upgrade. 

Message 14 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Ya try the 1Gb WAN port. 

Doesn't matter, just enable Smart Connect


Ok, if you tried the router at a different location and problem follows, the router maybe just plain faulty and needs replacing. 


Last resort you could try this and see. No guarantees: 



Message 15 of 17

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

Where to download the  beta version FW for RAX120v1

Message 16 of 17
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: RAX 120 V1 Firmware Version 1.28.40 constantly powering off and rebooting multiple times

You can find the beta firmware here RAX120-V1.2.8.43-rc.img




Message 17 of 17
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