Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem


ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

I'm using ReadyCloud to upload files to my ReadyNAS and used to have no problem, but now whenever I try to upload anything and to any folder, it gives me a Failed Connection Error. I can see my device, but the files won't upload. 

Model: RN21200|ReadyNAS 212 Series 2-Bay (Diskless)
Message 2 of 37

Accepted Solutions

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

What happens if you browse to https://nas-ip-address/admin (using the real NAS IP address of course)?


Perhaps also try downloading RAIDar, and see what status it gives for the NAS.  https://kb.netgear.com/20684/ReadyNAS-Downloads

View solution in original post

Message 8 of 37

All Replies

ReadyCloud File Sharing Server Cannot be Reached

When we share a link so someone outside our company can download a file, they are receiving the following message when they click on the link:

This site can’t be reached

rc-z2-r1-i2.io.netgear.com took too long to respond.


Any idea on what the issue could be or how we can resolve this? 


We have the latest frameware version, version 6.9.5.  ReadyCloud is enabled under  Cloud.  I am able to log into ReadyCloud and view our shares/folder/files.  No changes have accord on our network.


Thank you in advance for any help.

Model: RN10421D|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4-Bay
Message 1 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

Can you download files?


Did you check the admin web ui of the NAS (to confirm that your volume is ok)?

Message 3 of 37

not able to download files

I can see and access all of my storage devices but as of 2/22 I am unable to download any files. It says it is connecting but that's all it does and then fails. Using Chrome and tried other browers but with same results. 

Model: RN31400|ReadyNAS 300 Series 4-Bay
Message 4 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

It just tried downloading one of my files and it doesn't do anything. No error message, but no download. 

When I try to access the Admin page, it says I can only access it when on the same network (LAN) as my device. My computer is connected to the same wifi but I'm not connected via ethernet cable. But the NAS is connected to the router via ethernet cable. 

Message 5 of 37

Re: not able to download files

I am having the same problem.  I can navigate through the file structure with ease, but cannot download anything.  Please fix this, we rely on this service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS:  When I look at the model number through the cloud, it only says 212.  The controlled model fill-in space above forces us to guess at what model it is.  I am running firmware 6.9.5.  Reaching in through a Windows 10 laptop running Edge.

PPSS:  When I try to get in through Chrome, it produces the message "connecting," and then fails to do so.  This has got to be some sort of problem with the cloud service.  Please fix it, I really need to get in.

PPPSSS:  This thing has been running a month without any trouble.  Now, when I contact support, I try and register the product, and it tells me country of purchase (Amazon!) is not valid.  This is getting worse and worse.

Model: RN212|2 BAY Desktop ReadyNAS Storage
Message 6 of 37

Re: not able to download files

I have 3 different Nas;s in two different locations and no matter what I do with whatever browser and firmware I cannot download anything. Definatley the Netgear servers giving us trouble. Please fix this soon I have orders to fill.

Message 7 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

What happens if you browse to https://nas-ip-address/admin (using the real NAS IP address of course)?


Perhaps also try downloading RAIDar, and see what status it gives for the NAS.  https://kb.netgear.com/20684/ReadyNAS-Downloads

Message 8 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

This really looks like a problem with ReadyCLOUD, not any particular unit.  There is another thread going about inability to download.  I can't contact support for my free 90 day support, because it says my new model 212 I bought through Amazon last month is the wrong country of purchase.  I hope someone registered with support tries to download something soon so this can get fixed.  This is not an acceptable level of reliability for cloud service.

Model: RN212|2 BAY Desktop ReadyNAS Storage
Message 9 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

It says error, the connection timed out. But then I downloaded the RAIDar and at first scan it didn't find my device, but then I hit Rescan and it found it and it needed 2 firmware updates. Then I was able to access the admin page. And now I can use ReadyCLOUD and I successfully uploaded my file! So the RAIDar software is what helped. Thank you so much!

Message 10 of 37

error sharing web link READYCLOUD and Error downloading and uploading in other networks ReadyCLOUD

Help Me error sharing web link READYCLOUD I am kindly requesting your collaboration, because when I try to share a file through LINK WEB, I get the following error that I attach. And error downloading and uploading in other networks ReadyCLOUDnas1.PNG


Model: RN4220S|ReadyNAS 4220 2xSFP+ (chassis only)
Message 11 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

We have noticed the same behavior starting 2/23/19.  Appears to fail on all browser connections from most locations, However on a support call with ReadyNas support in Ireland today they were able to upload and download files.  We are on the latest firmware. Apperas to work ok on local network. just ReadyCloud remotely or locally. It appears to us to be a ReadyCloud hosting issue.

Model: RN424| ReadyNAS 424 4-Bay with up to 40 TB total storage
Message 12 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

I am now back at the office and have confirmed there is no problem on the local network and ReadyCloud was running.  This is almost certainly a cloud problem, and the whole point of cloud service is to reliably provide access.  Very disappointed in my new product, which is otherwise great.

Model: RN212D21|ReadyNAS 212 Series 2-Bay
Message 13 of 37

Re: not able to download files

Is anyone from Netgear watching this community site? If so can you please fix whatever is wrong with the servers not being able to let us access out own files for download. This is getting to be a desparate situation for my business. Let's get something done soon Please.

Model: RN31400|ReadyNAS 300 Series 4-Bay
Message 14 of 37

ReadyCloud Down, Not Allowing Downloads Since Over the Weekend

I bought my Model 212 on or about 1/23/19 from Amazon via this page:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015S0Y50M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It worked fine for a month until this weekend, during which I discovered I could download nothing through ReadyCloud, though I could access the device and navigate through the file structure effortlessly.  Chrome reports an attempt to connect when a download attempt is made, with no further message.


After reviewing these boards, I downloaded and ran RAIDar locally.  It reports no errors.  I then attempted to contact support.  That requires registration of the product.  When I try that, I get the error message:  "The product's country of purchase is not valid."  I have no idea what that means.  An Amazon rep promised to look into it and get back to me. She did not.  (Is Amazon selling used equipment as new?  Or equipment from the wrong country??)


I am not the only one having this problem.  There seems almost no likelihood that this is a hardware problem.  I am using the most recent 6.9.5 firmware.  How can I solve this problem?  How can I get in touch with Netgear--does anyone have a telephone number?  This is a very unsatisfactory customer experience.  I need to be able to rely upon remote access.  

Model: RN212D21|ReadyNAS 212 Series 2-Bay
Message 15 of 37
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyCloud Down, Not Allowing Downloads Since Over the Weekend

Hi @jbuchal


We made tests on downloading files using ReadyCloud Desktop and mobile App and it works fine. Have you tried downloading through Desktop App or mobile app?


I have checked on the issue using the portal and reported this however, the issue cannot be replicated. What issues are having when creating a case through my.netgear.com? What country are you in? You can send me a PM so we can check and try to get you in contact with Support







Message 16 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud Down, Not Allowing Downloads Since Over the Weekend

On the main problem, I believe it was with the ReadyCloud service itself, not the NAS.  


Personally I don't use ReadyCloud - IMO the performance and reliability isn't enough to depend on it.  Instead I use OpenVPN to access the NAS remotely.  ZeroTier is a good alternative to OpenVPN for remote access.  OwnCloud is an alternative to ReadyCloud.


@jbuchal wrote:

That requires registration of the product.  When I try that, I get the error message:  "The product's country of purchase is not valid."  I have no idea what that means. 

You can follow up with a PM to @Marc_V and/or you can email customer.service@netgear.com.  It's best to take care of this now, as it would get in the way of a warranty replacement if you needed that down the road.


@jbuchal wrote:

(Is Amazon selling used equipment as new?)

You'd get a different error if the equipment was used - telling you that the equipment was registered to someone else.

Message 17 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud File Sharing Server Cannot be Reached

i noticed the same thing yesterday, most recent time this feature worked that i'd tried was last week, monday

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4-Bay (Diskless)
Message 18 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud File Sharing Server Cannot be Reached

I am still having this issue as well. 


Anyone from Netgear have an idea why we would be having issues being able to download a file using the share link option?

Message 19 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud File Sharing Server Cannot be Reached

I am having the same issue. My software / firmware is up to date and I have not made any setting changes. Users trying to use the web or email links time out with a response of

The server at rc-z2-r1-i2.io.netgear.com is taking too long to respond.

Model: RN212D21|ReadyNAS 212 Series 2-Bay
Message 20 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud File Sharing Server Cannot be Reached

to add to the variables i'd noticed:

-if you put a password on the link, the password checking part works as expected. 

-if you request email notification on access, you don't get any

Message 21 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

Cannot upload files on ReadyCloud AND Web Link does not work. Nothing has changed - THIS HAS WORKED FLAWLESSLY FOR PAST YEAR. Is this a NetGEar ReadyCloud server issue?

Message 22 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

Someone suggested running ReadyCLOUD desktop instead of/or in addition to reaching in through a browser.  I am going to try that when I get home tonight.

Model: RN212D21|ReadyNAS 212 Series 2-Bay
Message 23 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

I can access the drive without issue using a share on my computer - it just does not work when going through the netshare DNS

Message 24 of 37

Re: ReadyCloud failed to upload connection problem

I'm having the same problem.  My two NAS 516 are working properly and running 6.9.5. I can access them as I normally would, but as of 2/23, I cannot upload for download files using the ReadyCLOUD web application.  Any other suggestions on a fix?

Message 25 of 37
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