Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: ReadyCloud service went offline and Delete all user accounts and files


Betreff: NAS offline ?

Hier gibt's keinen Netgear-Support. Den kann man ab 50 $ kontaktieren. Höchstens Hilfe von Kunden. Und wenn admin/password wie bei mir nicht funktioniert, darf man ja wohl ein bisschen schimpfen, oder? Ich glaube kaum, dass sich das Problem von alleine löst.
Message 301 of 707

Betreff: NAS offline ?

ich ärgere mich ja auch gewaltig über sowas....


probier es nochmal folgendermaßen:


1. Explorer öffnen und in das Adressfeld die IP Adresse von deinem NAS eingeben

2. wenn der Benutzername und das Passwort abgefragt werden gib ein: admin und password

3. wenn du Zugriff auf dein NAS hast lege einen neuen Benutzer an

4. neue Benutzerdaten in readyCloud eingeben


Bei mir hats so geklappt.


Mach jetzt grad eine komplette Sicherung aller Dateien (nur Sicherheitshalber).

Allerdings frag ich mich schon was das ganze soll.

Sowas hatte ich in all den Jahren bisher nicht, hat immer alles super funktioniert.


Bin jetzt auf jeden Fall happy das alles wieder funktioniert.


Allerdings hoffe ich das es mir nichts wegschießt wenn ich das Adminpasswort ändere (das habe ich noch nicht gemacht, weil ich erst einmal die Daten sichere).

Message 302 of 707

Re: NAS offline ?



Korrekt, der Support verlangt einen ordentlichen Batzen wenn die 90 Tage Erst-Support abgelaufen sind. Insofern finde ich das eine sehr freche und dreiste Weise, wie Kunden den Hersteller kontaktieren sollen, wenn es Probleme gibt. Problemlösungsfähigkeiten sind ein ganz besonderes Merkmal eines Herstellers, Netgear versagt hier kläglich.


Dann der absolut nebensächlich erwähnte Hinweis des Community-Moderators, das als "Nachteil des Verlustes der Serververbindungen eben alle Readycloud User samt Shares gelöscht wurden. Das wurde einfach mal so nebensächlich erwähnt. Das ist ein absoluter Supergau. Wir die wir hier schreiben sind ja nur der Gipfel des Berges. Ich möchte nicht wissen wieviele Tausend User mit dieser Problematik zu kämpfen haben.


Slas schrieb:

Hallo @Zusammen,


wie besprochen, es gab Probleme mit der Server Verbindung, ein Nachteil war leider eine automatische Abmeldung der Cloud User und Verlust der  Privaten/Home Shares.


Das gleiche kann mit lokalen Home Shares passieren,  wenn der dazugehöriger User vom Readynas entfernt wird. Somit würde ich eine Nutzung von Home Shares als ein Speicherort für sehr wichtige Daten nicht empfehlen.




NETGEAR Community Team


So eine Antwort ist natürlich der absolute Hammer. Natürlich ist es eine Unmöglichkeit, das Netgear nicht Backups einspielt und mindestens die User wieder herstellt. Ich kann auch in Ordnern die in anderen Shares liegen und die von Readycloudusern angelegt wurden nichts schreiben. Trotz Änderung der Rechte auf Everyone. Es kann nur noch der admin in diesen Ordnern schreiben. Hat Netgear überhaupt Backups seiner Cloud-Infrastruktur ? Die ganze Sache sollte an die Presse weitergereicht werden, damit hier mal recherchiert wird. Kann doch nicht sein das Netgear einfach einen auf Stillschweigend macht und versucht sowas unter den Teppich zu kehren.


Das manche User keinen Datenverlust haben, mag sich wohl dadurch erklären, das diese Shares mit lokalen Benutzern angelegt wurden und Readyclouduser nur Zugriff hatten. Alle meine Readycloud User haben defintiv die Home-Shares mitsamt Inhalten verloren. Teilweise habe ich leider nicht alle Dateien aller Nutzer sichern können, d.h. ich habe defintiv Datenverlust. Das auch hier dann der Hinweis vom Netgear Community Moderator kommt, man solle besser nichts wichtiges im Home Share speichern, kommt zum einen zu spät, zum anderen müsste Netgear hier also explizit auf die GEfahr einer Löschung bei Verlust des Users hinweisen und/oder eine explizite Abfrage zur Löschung durchführt, wie bei allen anderen Shares. Hier muss extra und explizit das Wort DESTROY getippt werden. Bei Readycloud Usern hat Netgear vollkommen freie Hand anscheinend und absolute Gewalt über unsere Daten.


Ich habe wie gesagt viel gesichert gehabt, aber ca. 10 GB an wichtigen Dokumenten sind futsch. Und ja, auch ich bin stinksauer.

Message 303 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

If you only want to use ReadyCLOUD again, access the local GUI with the local admin user and reactivate ReadyCLOUD. Otherwise:

Message 304 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

@kohdee wrote:

We have identified the users that were affected by the ReadyCLOUD outage from March 30th 8AM-12PM Pacific. These users experienced reset Home Folders for ReadyCLOUD user accounts. We will be reaching out to ReadyCLOUD owner accounts via e-mail to follow up to offer assistance.

I sincerely hope you have included my account in the 'identified users affrected' list, @kohdee, as I have had four accounts deleted at 15:33 GMT on 30th March!  I fully appreciate a NAS is NOT a backup device, as Netgear and sage people on this forum are careful to remind all users, so I have backups on removanble HDDs.  However, if I had not checked on this forum today, I would have conducted a full backup as usual, which would have overwritten my previous backup (yes, that is my choice), and I wouldn't have been any wiser until I tried to access some data in those accounts, and it would have been too late.  When was Netgear going to advise me of the issue?  This is totally unacceptable.  I do not expect my LOCAL data to be deleted REMOTELY by a leading global enterprise IT infrastruture company. The actions (or inactions) of the company over the next couple of weeks regarding this distructive failure will dictate its future.

Whilst I'm on my soapbox, I would urge users add their support to StephenB's Idea Exchange post here - maybe then the fallout from any such disatrous action can be minimised.

Message 305 of 707
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

We didn't delete any data remotely. The process was automatic. We have identified the cause of why this happened and it is related to an unexpected ReadyCLOUD outage that was different in nature to previous outages. We are working to make changes to address the cause.


To maximise the chances of recovering deleted data it is important that you don't run scheduled volume maintenance or make changes to your volume (including adding/deleting snapshots, making other writes to your volume etc.)

Message 306 of 707

Re: Cant access my http://readycloud.netgear.com site

Is there a way to set up my RN214 so that I can access my data off site without ReadyCLOUD?

Message 307 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

(Before you jump to the throat, I'm only trying to help.)
If your main backup propagates deletions, it would be advisable to add a secondary solution for versionning.
Despite responsibilities and all that, once data is gone, it's gone. So a good backup, regardless of the primary storage solution, is the only thing that allows you to recover your data. The resiliency of the primary storage only reduces the chance that you'll ever need to use that backup. But no matter how resilient, it doesn't replace the need of a backup.
If helpful, I have described mine there: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Using-your-ReadyNAS/My-recommendation-Don-t-use-ReadyCloud-user-hom...
Message 308 of 707
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

@dnanthony83 wrote:

I've shutdown my ReadyNAS so that my snap shotting process doesn't overwrite any data that may be recoverable.


@dnanthony83 wrote:

I fear that my 2TB+ of data that was in the ReadyCloud Home folders is going to be a serious PITA to recover. I did have a backup running to an external hard drive, but that doesn't have the most recent data which of course happens to be the most critical data.

Hopefully if no writes have been made it's just a matter of it taking a lot longer and needing a higher capacity USB drive. We obviously can't recover the deleted data directly to the volume it was deleted from.

@dnanthony83 wrote:


I will be signing up for a cloud backup service immediately after my data is recovered. Unfortunately there aren't many that work with the ReadyNAS. 😞

We've added a few more cloud service options in ReadyNAS OS 6.7.0 which is now available! Once and only once all data recovery attempts are complete (whether successful or not) and you are ready to move on then you may wish to update to that.

Message 309 of 707
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

@BadBob wrote:

Oh, another point, I purchased, I'm sorry, I must have borrowed their NAS 102 in 2015 and no longer have techical support unless I purchase, lease or whatever they call it.

In that case perhaps follow the suggestion in my earlier post

@BadBob wrote:

I wish someone had told be before purchase or whatever they call taking my money, that the hard drives are not under my complete control.

The ReadyCLOUD outage was unexpected and different in nature to previous outages. We have identified what caused the problem and are working to address the cause.

Message 310 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

I join the group of the people which loose all the home directory for user connected to the readycloud account...

At least i use the nas in order to have a "safe" backup of my files...


In this case my computer was my Backup.

Message 311 of 707

Re: ReadyCloud service went offline and Delete all user accounts and files

This doesnt work, cant access the NAS in anyway, all usernames and password are rejected including the default and the user set ones!

Message 312 of 707

Betreff: NAS offline ?

Man kann auch versuchen den


Username: admin

Passwort: <Das alte was du genztz hattest>


benutzen das hat bei mir zumindest funktioniert.


Bin leider auch betroffen von den Datenverlust der Home Ordner, und frage mich wie ich wieder an die daten herran komme... bis jetzt habe ich zumindest mein NAS abgeschaltet um neues schreiben auf den Nas zu verhindern (Read-only-mode traue ich imoment nicht) und warte noch auf eine lösung.


Im Englischen bereich des forums wird darüber auch ordentlich diskutiert und scheinbar gibt es zuminest einen ansatz auf hilfe wie es aussieht.



Ich konnte es bislang nicht testen da ich weder derzeit eine entsprechend große Festplatte hier habe noch, die nächste woche zeit dafür finde wegen einer schulung.

Message 313 of 707

Re: ReadyCloud service went offline and Delete all user accounts and files

If you want to reset the password of the local admin user to its default (password), you can perform an OS Reinstall via the Boot Menu:
Message 314 of 707

Re: User has been Auto deleted - all data lost

If you talk about recovery attempts, are you referring to RAW recovery or btrfs history based recovery tools? Are you planning to prepare some basic steps or commands that we could try to recover them using the latter?
Message 315 of 707

Betreff: NAS offline ?

Ob ich über den Explorer oder Browser gehe, egal ob admin oder password oder umgekehrt....nix geht. Bzgl. der Lösung im englischen Forum: Ich wüsste nicht, wie ich mein NAS in einem bestimmten Modus booten soll, bzw. was es bringen soll, da eine USB-Platte dran zu hängen....ich komme ja nicht auf meine Daten! Ich warte jetzt erst mal ab und verfolge die Ereignisse im Forum. An eine Kontaktaufnahme von Netgear glaube ich ja eher weniger. Ich werde tendenziell, wenn es keine Lösung gibt, mir ein neues NAS Gehäuse von einem anderen Hersteller holen und die Platten da einbauen und das beste hoffen. Falls Datenverlust entstanden ist, werde ich rechtliche Schritte einleiten.

Message 316 of 707

Re: ReadyCloud service went offline and Delete all user accounts and files

OS Reinstall didn't work for me, still can't log in using defaults.
Message 317 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

@mdgm wrote:

We didn't delete any data remotely. The process was automatic.

@mdgm-ntgr, I have a geat deal of respect for you and your past and continued input into this forum, but I have disagree with your comment.  I, or any of my users, did not delete the accounts.  The 'automatic process' was not created or run by me, or any third party software I was running.  The process and ReadyCLOUD belongs to Netgear or one of its subsidiaries.  Ergo, the data was deleted by Netgear.  I trust you appreciate the logic in this.  Don't worry, I'm not going to take you to court, it's just Netgear needs to accept it deleted user data, and move on.

I appreciate your advice regarding scheduled maintenance.  Unfortunately, like a number of forum members, I have automated these tasks, and a disk test was run at the beginning of the month.  Your advice is too late, but if there was a notification system for outages on ReadyCLOUD, maybe it might have warned me in time.  Now where have a I read something about ReadyCLOUD email notifications.......?


Message 318 of 707

Re: ReadyCloud service went offline and Delete all user accounts and files

If you performed an OS Reinstall, use admin / password on the local GUI.

Message 319 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

His point was that there was no violation of privacy, that nothing connected to your NAS in order to remotely delete the home folders. As I explained in previous posts on the subject, because of some connection issue with the ReadyCLOUD service, the NAS was UNREGISTERED from ReadyCLOUD. Part of the unregistration process is to delete ReadyCLOUD users along with their home folders on the local NAS.

Message 320 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

@jak0lantash, I'm quite level headed, so I don't tend to jump down people's throats, and I appreciate the time you have taken to try to help.  Your backup solution is complex, but probably the safest I have seen in a long while, so you are to be congratulated.  I prefer a simpler solution, on the understanding that it has limitations, but is within my budget and risk appetite.  However, in the 8 years I have been using ReadNAS devices, I have never anticipated the type of failure that is the currenmt issue.  It just proves we are never too old to learn.

Message 321 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

@jak0lantash wrote:

His point was that there was no violation of privacy, that nothing connected to your NAS in order to remotely delete the home folders.

@jak0lantash, I obviously need to type faster....

I'm not sure that was his point, but you also seem to be missing mine.  I don't care at the moment (in this instance) whether the deletion was done by a phsical Netgear agent finding it's way around my privacy settings, or an external process that acted on an automated local agent - the EFFECT is the important point here.  If I had done something wrong to setup my NAS and it caused data loss, either by my action or inaction, I would have only myself to blame.  This issue has been caused by an eternal entity (Netgear or its subsidiaries) outside my local network, having an effect on the access to my local data (hopefully recoverable, therefore I didn't use the word 'deleted').  I am less interested in how it has happened and more interested in Netgear resolving the issue and putting processes in place to make sure it never happens again.

Message 322 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

Bottom line, the result is catastrophic for those affected. But it is still important to understand what happened because we need to know how technology works and what are its limitations.


I do not have the technical expertise of most in the community. The explanations that I have seen so far don't explain on my level what happened, but I can make some layman inferences.


Something as yet not explained and/or not shared (and there may be good reasons for that) messed with the NETGEAR server(s) that store ReadyCLOUD user credentials. ReadyCLOUD user credentials became unregistered from the NETGEAR server over the web. This probably caused the ReadyCLOUD app under the Cloud tab of the Admin Page to toggle from ON to OFF when the registered credentials were no longer avaiable. As a result, any ReadyCLOUD users (cloud users, not local users or local user folders) were deleted from the NAS by the ReadyCLOUD app. Whenever a ReadyCLOUD user is deleted, the OS is programmed automatically to delete the associated ReadyCLOUD user's home folder. 


This OS behavior of automatically deleting cloud user home folders (not to be confused with the ultimate, unforeseen cause of the current problem) has come up before in the context of NAS device registration of cloud accounts related to the switch to MyNETGEAR (for me from using ReadyNAS Remote to using ReadyCLOUD). After dealing with that, I used ReadyCLOUD for remote access only, but did not store anything in the cloud user's home folder as Sandshark is currently recommending.


In connection with this incident, there has been no external intrusion into our NASes. The problem was an interference of some kind with ReadyCLOUD user credentials stored on the web, which removed the user from the local instance of the ReadyCLOUD app and triggered an automatic home folder deletion programmed into the OS running on the NASes. There are some advantages in certain situations to this behavior—for example, if a subsidiary cloud user wants to delete an account and the associated home folder from the NAS. In hindsight, maybe the automatic deletion feature should be something an admin opts into rather than being the default.

Message 323 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared

@coloatty wrote:


Something as yet not explained and/or not shared (and there may be good reasons for that) messed with the NETGEAR server(s) that store ReadyCLOUD user credentials. ReadyCLOUD user credentials became unregistered from the NETGEAR server over the web. This probably caused the ReadyCLOUD app under the Cloud tab of the Admin Page to toggle from ON to OFF when the registered credentials were no longer avaiable. As a result, any ReadyCLOUD users (cloud users, not local users or local user folders) were deleted from the NAS by the ReadyCLOUD app. Whenever a ReadyCLOUD user is deleted, the OS is programmed automatically to delete the associated ReadyCLOUD user's home folder. 

That's pretty accurate, to my understanding anyway as, like you said, not much detail was shared, and based on my good knowledge of the ReadyNAS (I'm a former NETGEAR employee). I only have one thing to correct. Toggling ReadyCLOUD on/off doesn't unregister the master ReadyCLOUD account (MyNETGEAR SSO credentials), it only starts or stops the service. The "Leave" button is the one that unregisters the master ReadyCLOUD account, and that's when the ReadyCLOUD users and their home folders are deleted. So during the outage, the ReadyNAS OS didn't decide to stop the ReadyCLOUD service (toggling off), it decided to unregister the master ReadyCLOUD account. That is the bit that went wrong, again to my understanding. Regardless of the status of the ReadyCLOUD servers, this shouldn't have happened, maybe toggling off, but not unregistering.

Message 324 of 707

Re: Home Folder Dissapeared


Now that we all understand what happened, which is nice, what is the solution to get our files back (that are waiting on the hard disk without any access to it..)?


Or when can we expect a solution? 😕



Message 325 of 707
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