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Addons on R6, phpsysinfo

NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Addons on R6

/apps/plexmediaserver/plexmediaserver_environment specifies that the transcodes should be stored in /apps/plexmediaserver/tmp

The problem is this directory does not exist and it is using /tmp to store the transcodes.

Even if I create the directory and reboot the NAS it still uses /tmp

There are instructions here on how to manually change the temporary directory: http://forums.plexapp.com/index.php/topic/65594-custom-cache-location-for-transcoding-on-ubuntu/ (note the setting you need to change is visible if you turn on Advanced Settings)

After doing that
# cat /apps/plexmediaserver/MediaLibrary/Plex Media Server/Preferences.xml should give something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Preferences MachineIdentifier="XXXX" ProcessedMachineIdentifier="YYYYY" AcceptedEULA="1" FirstRun="0" TranscoderTempDirectory="/apps/plexmediaserver/tmp"/>

Hopefully a fix can be made to properly set the Transcoder Temp Directory automatically on install.
Message 26 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

I have this root is full issue constantly. I just ignore them, because root isn't full when i check.

Interesting to find out it is related to Plex. When the new beta plex is released I will report back and let people know if it has been fixed.
Message 27 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

I just looked at AMR's box via SSH. Same issue, Plex filled /tmp with transcode files, root was full. This caused Dashboard to freak out in a never ending loop of 'connection lost', reloading the GUI over and over. The OS itself needs better error handling, it should have self-heal options to resolve this...
Message 28 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

It should have /tmp on /c/ with warnings to prevent it from going over hundred of GB, too many apps use /tmp for their temporary content.

I have/had the same problem with php of 4.2, sometimes, ajaxplorer wrote the temporary file on /tmp instead of directly on the folder. I moved /tmp to /c/tmp and created a symlink, but i'm not really sure if it works perfectly.
Message 29 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

tiranor wrote:
I moved /tmp to /c/tmp and created a symlink, but i'm not really sure if it works perfectly.
Not reliable. /tmp is used on boot too, before the RAID volume is mounted, could run into race issues.
Message 30 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

I just checked, it didn't survive the reboot, the symlink isn't there anymore, and i have a "new" /tmp folder.
Message 31 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

tiranor wrote:
I just checked, it didn't survive the reboot, the symlink isn't there anymore, and i have a "new" /tmp folder.
Ya, it does some sanity checks on boot, and fixes permissions on core directories like this.
Message 32 of 43
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Addons on R6

My last post explains how to change where Plex stores its temporary downloaded files. I haven't checked to see if it survives an update of the add-on
Message 33 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

mdgm wrote:
My last post explains how to change where Plex stores its temporary downloaded files. I haven't checked to see if it survives an update of the add-on

Thanks that did the trick!!!!!!!!! But for some that are not tech savy to SSH and create the directory still will have the issue until Plex addresses the issue.

Message 34 of 43
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Addons on R6

You shouldn't need to create the directory manually, I think (though I haven't checked). Plex should attempt to create it automatically if it doesn't exist, I would think.

It looks like before this thread existed this issue had already been discussed in the PlexPass section of the Plex forums.
Message 35 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

I just assumed you would but you are probably correct once you specify the path under settings for Plex the dir would be created.

Anyone have a guess on when 6.05 will be released?
Message 36 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

The list of people affected by the uninstall bug is growing daily. Darth Vader, any feedback yet?
Message 37 of 43

Addons on R6, phpsysinfo

May I ask you to upgrade phpsysinfo_3.1.7_all.deb to version 3.1.8? THX.
Message 38 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

installed uTorrent, restarted etc but everytime I try to setup 'remote acecss' i get Registration Failed - can't seem to find any logs for it other than this line Jan 02 19:37:23 Redwood-NAS apache2[2353]: [warn] [client] mod_auth_token: failed token auth (got '', uri '/dbbrokerln/'), referer: http://readycloud.netgear.com/client/index.html

a lot...
Message 39 of 43

Re: Addons on R6 - TWONKY installation package?


is there already or will there be an AddOn installation package for easy uploading + installation of the latest 7.2.8 version of twonky (available at the twonkyforum web site), to the ReadyNAS OS6 Machines ?
Message 40 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

yes it's already in my dropbox (community)
Message 41 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

Will there be an update to Phpsysinfo 3.1.8? I see the main page github lists 3.1.17 as the latest. I'm running the 3.1.8 version, and since updating firmware to 6.2, The SMART info section is now blank. Hoping that somewhere between 3.1.8 -> 3.1.17 this was addressed.

I also see there's a 4.0-WIP version. A deb file for both the 3.1.17 and the 4.0-WIP would be awesome!
Message 42 of 43

Re: Addons on R6

Hi Super-Poussin,
Ive just upgraded from a readyNAS Duo (v1) to a ReadyNAS 104, upgraded its firmware to 6.2.2, but it appears Genie has been removed. I installed Transmission but I see no way to pay for it, quite happy to pay the $4.99 although it appears to be an older version than I had on my Duo (Duo has 2.84 (14307) whereas the 104 has '3.00.8' but the about box says 2.82 (14160)).
Im also looking for the WebSVN client, was that one of yours as well?

Have to say the 104 seems quite nice and much quieter than my Duo. I liked the sound of the Genie store so dev could get paid (Im a dev too but not on this platform), but now its gone? What the heck?

Message 43 of 43
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