Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0


Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Maybe you can upload your current version through System -> Settings -> Manual Install Firmware and browse for the file of your current OS 6 version.


Alternatively, make sure you never reboot your NAS 🙂

Message 26 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I did try uninstalling LMS from the Apps menu and then SSHing in and removing references to LMS etc in both /apps and /var/lib/, but there must be something somewhere else that I missed.


What command(s) would you have used to find all traces of relevent files?


This time I have accepted defeat and done a full factory reset. On the plus side, LMS will now register with myqueezebox.com and the added repositories are working Man Happy

I've just got to wait 24hours for the drives to re-sync again.  Man Frustrated


Thanks for your help.

Message 27 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Well, I tried all non-destructive solutions but none seem to work.

To remove all traces of LMS I used 'apt-get purge logitechmediaserver' in a SSH-window. That got rid of almost everything (excluding Lame and a few non-empty directories) so you might try the same.

I'll try re-installing again after all this, and *if* that works I'll report back here.


A factory reset is, IMHO, a real last ditch attempt, so you might consider just installiing LMS on something else than your NAS for the time being? I've got > 6TB of data on this NAS so...really.



PS. No luck. (I know I said I'd ony report success, but hey, this might help as well)

Message 28 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

The only reason I purchased my Netgear NAS was to run LMS.  As others have said, the hassle of doing a factory reset and restoring several TB of data means that I too have just installed LMS on another device.  I am using my Raspberry Pi v3 and the piCore Player version of LMS.  It works really well streaming the music via wifi from the NAS, even synchrinising with two other players.  Perhaps, LMS will be reinstated and working with the next Netgear update...

Message 29 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

can you post the log so I can diagnose what's happen ?


Message 30 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0



Which log would you like to see? dpkg.log? install-debpkg.log?

Message 31 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

just like Alpcrow i have the same problem and i tried the same thing: putting lms on my raspi 2 PiCorePlayer.But i failed.

 I want to know how you did configure the LMS server on the picoreplayer to fill the library from the readynas? 
I've been trying that using UNC(\name nas\folder) paths but PiCorePlayer just wont take it. it simply sets it back to some root folder on the device.
Is there a trick to it?


Also I am looking forward to have an updated packadge from Super-Poussin. Since he is looking at this tread i got an additional question. The poussin packadge previously has reported to be an LMS 7.9 version. Is this correct?

Message 32 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I super_poussain.  I would be happy to post the log, if you can tell me which one and where to find it.  The NASTools image just fails to load.  I also tried loading the LMS image directly as well but it appears in the Apps but then when I tried to turn it on it woudl not start.  This was the same behaviour I got after installing 6.6.0 when I tried to restart LMS (before I removed it).

Message 33 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

That might be my next option.   To get a Pi and put LMS on that.   Thanks for all the comments guys.

Message 34 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Also when i try to launch LMS NT it goes to toggle and then simply does not go to ON.  It stays off

Message 35 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

petecath wrote "Also when i try to launch LMS NT it goes to toggle and then simply does not go to ON.  It stays off"


This is exactly the same symptom that I had after upgrading to v6.6.0


The only solution that I have found is to revert back to v6.5.2, (despite Netgear's warnings I had no problem with this), and do a full factory reset. Factory reset under 6.6.0 made no difference. After doing the OS revert but before the Factory Reset, I found that whilst LMS would now start it would not log in to mysqueezebox.com or connect to additional plugin repositories - only fully working after factory reset.


HWStiger reported here earlier today that they had tried removing all traces of LMS via command line but without success apparently.


I was able to install LMS straight after the reset and fully configure it with mysqueezebox.com and the plugin repositories. The disks took 24 hours to resync, but I am now only 15 minutes away from having fully restored all my data so normality is very nearly achieved.  Man Happy


I have also tried LMS on a RaspberryPi3 previously, but could never get it to recognise any music or playlist files unless they were actually on the same microSD card as the PI's OS - no success at all with either a USB hard drive, (externally powered), or networked drive. I would be interested to know exactly what to put in the appropriate settings for Music and Playlist folder locations in this case.

Message 36 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0



I did just that for testing purposes. Just follow the recipe at http://www.gerrelt.nl/RaspberryPi/wordpress/tutorial-stand-alone-squeezebox-server-and-player-for-bb... and you'll get a perefectly working Pi with LMS.

But I'd sooner wait for either Super_Poussin or NasTools to come up with a new version, since I'm sure they are just as eager to fix the problem as you are. Just give them a few days.

Message 37 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Factory reset


You can always go back to a previous FW if you factory reset the NAS. But for some that isn't really very feasable, since you have to backup and restore all data. That might take much longer than it takes to (patiently!) wait for the package developers of LMS for OS 6.x to come up with a new version that will work.

Going back on a running system is not recommended for various reasons, mostly to do with the issues you will/might introduce if you do that. So don't unless you already have that backup!

(Been there, done that, but I know how to mess it up as well...)


Just give them time to look into the problem. I know it's hard (I also miss my LMS, I really do) but it won't kill us. Smiley Sad

Message 38 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

mherge over at slimdevices forum mention that perl hard-float or something is missing.


This directory should exist 


but it's missing on my RN104 6.6.0.


It does exist on my RN202 6.5.2.


Have no clue how to install it.

Message 39 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0


Message 40 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Same sh*** here with a RN204. LMS is not working anymore after the update. I deinstalled LMS and NAS Tools and reinstalled the "logitechmediaserver_7.9.0-1475786002_arm" and "lms_1.0.9_all". (Some messages before someone wrote, it works fine...) I can see the installed programm on the Netgear App Page and die Start Button is "on" - but when I try to open the LMS via IP:9000 there is only an error message 😞 


So downgrading to FW 6.5. is not the best idea? Any other option? Anyone made the LMS run with FW 6 6 0 (and RN204)? 


Cheers 😕



Message 41 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Downgrading is only a good idea if you are prepared to backup everything (twice, preferably...).

For most that is just too much hassle. If you are in a hurry: Buy a Pi and follow the recipe I linked to above TUTORIAL: Stand alone Squeezebox server and player for BBQ


Message 42 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I need to know what's happen on start : a crash , a library problem .....


so if you have a log 


Message 43 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

If you have a RaspberryPi it is pretty easy to set-up.  


  1. First install piCorePlayer from https://sites.google.com/site/picoreplayer/home and connect to your network
  2. Enable LMS (not enabled by default) and set-up 
  3. On your NAS you will probably already be running SMS (aka SMB/CIFS, SAMBA) or NFS. If not, enable one of them from the ReadyNAS Admin/System/Settings console
  4. In the LMS table on the piCorePlayer you will need to "Install and Enable additional FileSystems", which will install CIFS and NFS support.
  5. To allow LMS to see your music collection on the NAS you will need to mount it.  You do this in the "Setup Network Disk Mount" section on the LMS tab.  For SMB/CIFS choose the share type to be CIFS and enter the IP Address, the server share name (in my case it is "Music"), the user name (probably guest) and the password if any.  For NFS you will need choose the share type as NFS and enter the complete volume name e.g. /volume1/Music
  6. You can set the LMS to store your preferences on your NAS (the deafult is the SD card) in the "Save LMS Server Cache and Preferences to Mounted Drive"
  7. Once it is up and running you can access the LMS in the normal way with IP Address:9000.  Before you see your music you will need to force a scan of your collection.  I have a large music collection so it took an hour or two to do this.  During this time you will get some drop-outs if you are playing music at the same time (at least over wifi and synching another player too).
  8. Then you are on your way and can enjoy your music again.

I hope that helps.


Message 44 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

have tried to attach log.  LMS has not worked since i upgrades to 6.6.0


Could not see how to attach zip file.  HOw do i do that please?



Message 45 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Sharing logfiles:


Put the logfile somewhere publicly accessible (Google-drive. Dropbox, Onedrive, etc., etc.) and send Super_Poussin the link or post it here.

I cannot do that myself now, since I'm not near my NAS...

Message 46 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0


Same problem as all others with OS 6.6.0

Using lms_1.0.9_all.deb & logitechmediaserver_7.9.0~1475786002_arm.deb


Log generated with "./squeezeboxserver -d_startup" as suggested in this discussion:






Hope this helps to solve the "mystery" 🙂



Message 47 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Excellent thanks.   Here is the url to my public dropbox folder and the log file



Message 48 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Since the Update I can't open the LMS and have no access anymore to the Log (IP:9000/server.log) 😞


Is there a different way to find & copy the log file? 



Message 49 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Same problem, output of ./squeezeboxserver -d_startup here : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3641262/lms_startup.txt




Message 50 of 212
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