Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0


Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

@ABNLI think this version is OK, since in Apps by NASTools people (well: m-frank) report it functioning well.

It's less work for those who want to do things the easy way. The method @ottovonkopp and me suggested is more complicated, but gives the advantage that you can always install the latest version (the 'nightly'). It's simply a matter of preference.

But I'm glad the NASTools version is again available on the web-interface because many people simpy prefer something that is easy to maintain.

Another advantage is, as we've learned from @nsne- and @StephenB's info, that this version installs itself on /apps (which is on the 'data' -volume) instead of on /var/lib (which is on 'root'). For some that may be important enough!






Message 176 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Upgraded from 6.6.0 to 6.6.1 on my RN104 and RN202.


Both LMS and Plex works after upgrade.




Message 177 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

A little late, but thanks to all who replied to my initial query. Happily now running an RN212 with LMS. LMS installed no problem from the apps page in the server setup, no need to install any additional packages and worked out of the box first time. Smiley Happy John

Message 178 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

RN202, 6.7.1 and LMS?


Anyone brave?

Message 179 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

@ottovonkopp wrote:

RN202, 6.7.1 and LMS?


Anyone brave?

With my test, after upgrade from 6.6.0 to 6.7.1, or install LMS with 6.7.1 FW, LMS both work fine.

Message 180 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Same experience as @xiao123. Installed 6.7.1 on both a legacy Ultra 4 and a 314, no problems with LMS.

Message 181 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

LMS also seems to be OK with 6.7.1 on RN214 (ARM).



Message 182 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

RN202, updated from 6.6.1 to 6.7.1. Works with LMS 7.9.Smiley Happy

Message 183 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I wait as long as possible. LMS is not stabile on my system, and recently I had to return to factory settings for the 3th time in a few years.



Message 184 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Has anyone upgraded to 6.7.5 yet?   Was wondering if LMS works without investing hours in trying to fix it?

Message 185 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Seems to be OK on my RN214, no problems that I have noticed.
Message 186 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Firmare 6.7.5. + Logitech Media Server Versie: 7.9.1,  RN102


I have learned that a complete network shutdown by powering off the modem and the SQBT is importan to make it work again (Qobuz, Spotify)


Unfortunately: Spotify will soon not be supported on the SQ.

Message 187 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Message 188 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Why does everything has to be so complicated 🙂


I have to install a Perl module (I have no idea what this is) because of this: Spotty requires the Perl module IO::Socket::SSL. You can NOT use Spotty without this module. Please use your operating system's package manager to install it.


I am lost there, so I did some research and found this thread:


Unfortunately it does not explain (yet) how to install this Perl thing.


In the end it will be alright, but now it's just annoying.

Message 189 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Hi Guys,

Has any LMS user updated to ReadyNAS OS V6.8.0?

Does it work with both setups (Poussin & NAStools) of the LMS apps?


The kb says "Devices updated with 6.8.0 firmware should not be downgraded to earlier firmware versions."...

So wouldn't want to go through the same hassle as described in this thread regarding 6.6.0 if 6.8.0 creates same issue  🙂

Thanks in advance!




Message 190 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I have updated to 6.8.0 on my RN104 and RN202. Both LMS 7.9 (Poussin 1.0.9) and Plex works for me.


Even Spotty works but i think that SSL module or something needs to be installed.

Message 191 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Thanks Otto!

Can now confirm LMS 7.9.1 (with Poussin 7.9.0) also works on my RN102 on 6.8.0.




Message 192 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Hi Geddy, how are you updating the app version of LMS to the lastest build?


FWIW I have the latest firmware working with the latest default 'app' version of LMS.  I have had a Readynas running LMS since the early ReadynasDUO days 🙂

Message 193 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

@Mickatroid wrote:

Hi Geddy, how are you updating the app version of LMS to the lastest build?


FWIW I have the latest firmware working with the latest default 'app' version of LMS.  I have had a Readynas running LMS since the early ReadynasDUO days 🙂

HI Mickatroid,

I use the Beta version http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.9 which is very stable, but here is the "Official" 7.9.0 if you want a more tested version http://downloads.slimdevices.com/LogitechMediaServer_v7.9.0/

Uploading on OS 6.x.x is done on Apps tab via the "Upload" button, similar on OS 4.x.x if you're still using ReadyNas Duo.. In OS 6 you need the Poussin plug-in to have the ON/OFF option & icon on apps tag. Download links for Poussin (1.0.9 and 7.9.0) found earlier in this same thread.

The NAStools version of LMS https://github.com/nastools/logitechmediaserver has not been updated for a while, but works ok I guess 🙂 Have not used it since the OS 6.6.0 update...




Message 194 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Thanks Ken.  I will have to read the earlier part of the thread more carefully.


I have had mixed results with manual installation of updates of LMS with the Super P's packages (though always got there in the end).  As for the nightlies I would need to start by figuring out which Debian package I needed (I am guessing x86_64).  Do you roll it over the top of the app version or do a clean install?

In any case, having had a good look at it all I won't be doing it right away.  The ReadyNAS 'App' is version 7.9.0 for me (I just checked) and the changelog on 7.9.1 does not contain any killer changes. 

FWIW, given the increasing rareity of Squeezeboxes, I have recently tried a LMS to ChromeCast Audio bridge plugin without sucess but am not done yet.  There is also a DLNA bridge too (both by Philippe).  Both will, when working, apparently make DLNA devices that support remote management and ChromeCast Audio devicies appear as squeezeboxes.  Sweet 🙂

Message 195 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Smiley Tongue

Lot's of questions asked... I'll just use bullet points to make it easier to read


- Did clean everything related to LMS (Nightly & NAStools) from NAS during the 6.6.0 incident via SSL as discussed earlier in this thread. Took backups first for favourites and other settings.

- Before 6.6.0 i did not clean up but installed new nightly on previous, same now with 6.6.0 forward, have not noticed any problems (yet) with straight forward updating

- My RN102 LMS works on both arm.deb- & all.deb-packages, don't know what system your LMS is running on so please check somewhere what operating system. Not much difference in features between 7.9.0 and nightly 7.9.1

- I have the bridge plug-ins installed for both chromecast and UPnP/DLNA. I can use chromecast, TV and Amp as LMS players but they don't support reliably 192/24 and DTS FLAC's so I never use them. I have 2* Touch for playback, one with the 192 option and other also with analog output for wireless headphones. I have a 4 Zone setup but as the Amp plays e.g. net radio (Radio Paradise is my favourite station) I'm fine with 2 squeezebox players.


and what more to say....

Oh yes, a hint for anyone struggeling with LMS playback..

- Use a PC/laptop (a spare if possible) with HDMI-output, connect it to your amp (HDMI), install SqueezePlay on the PC, setup so you can control the PC SqueezePlay player via other PC/Mobile/Tablet Squeezebox control app and you have a LMS setup which plays 192/24, DSD 176/24, 6 channel PCM 96/24 and everything else you have on your LMS. DTS & DD playback might be tricky unless your LMS is running on the PC in question.. If you only hear static noise with DTS you've got a problem :-  And you don't even have to touch the PC so it can be out of sight unless you want to see what's playing on the laptop screen. Or if your Amp is connected to a TV/Monitor you see the large SqueezePlay now playing info if needed.

- This setup only needs 2 audio playback setup changes on PC if you have multichannel PCM files. Change speaker setup on PC to 5.1 and allow 192/24 playback to get the most out of the system.




Message 196 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

LMS and Plex survived another upgrade. Smiley Tongue



RN202, RN104.

LMS 7.9.x

Message 197 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Thanks for sharing that, off to run my update 🙂

Message 198 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

So... anyone updated to 6.9.0 yet?

Message 199 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Yes, and Poussin's 1.0.9 running LMS nightly (7.9.1 - 1508904967) works just fine. So does Plex for that matter.

Message 200 of 212
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