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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New Transmission add-on thread


Initial installation

I'm late to this party so please excuse the naive questions.

I used the regular BitTorrent client on my NV+ for a long time. I've just upgraded to a Pro Pioneer and have had no luck getting that client to work (changing share/folder/user settings via FrontView fails, torrents are downloaded to SOMEWHERE but I can't find the files anywhere, etc.).

I just found out about this add-on and thought I'd try it. I've installed it, but when I click on "Transmission Interface" in FrontView it just launches a blank page.

Is there something obviously/likely wrong that I can correct in order to fix this?

Is it possible to configure/administer this add-on without enabling ssh on the box (which I haven't yet done, and would prefer to avoid if possible)?
Message 26 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

config addon, yes.
but you'll need to change the permissions to 'guest' on the 'addons-config' folder, under the shares.
you can then edit the .conf file in your favourite text editor.

for me, the url is http://nas1:8181/transmission/web

i'd give your NAS a reboot since i seem to recall something similar on the very first install of transmission (upgrades are fine)
Message 27 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Rebooting the NAS made the Transmission interface visible on port 8181, and also added the "addon-configs" share to the list. Thanks very much.

I had some initial trouble making the settings.json file editable. I'm using AFP rather than CIFS for connections to my ReadyNAS and at first I couldn't get read/write access to that file unless I connected as "guest" using CIFS. But once I disabled Transmission before trying to edit the file (as the FrontView interface plainly says that you need to do) then I was able to connect as my one-and-only user, and the file became editable. Files are owned by user 65534 rather than by my user, but I'm hoping that won't be an issue.

I haven't actually made any config changes yet--I want to confirm that everything works with the default settings before I start changing them--but this is a good start.

It looks like the default settings use the same location as the original BitTorrent client, at least for completed torrents (i.e. folder "BitTorrent" on the "media" share).

I was seeding a number of torrents that I'd like to continue seeding if possible. I've copied them over to the Pro. If I can locate the original .torrent files with which they were downloaded (they must be somewhere on the old NV+, right?), is there a way that I can drop them into place somewhere in the Transmission config and have the Pro continue to seed them?

Now to see if I can actually download a new torrent...
Message 28 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

easiest way i found to transfer torrents, was to use transmission remote dotnet (http://code.google.com/p/transmission-remote-dotnet/).

start off with the 100% complete torrent and move to your new NAS.
re-download the .torrent file
open transmission remote, and 'open with options', select the .torrent file.
point the location to the 100% completed torrent files (this is case sensitive, with / and not \, without a trailing /. ie: /media/Videos)

im GUESSING the same can be done for partially completed downloads, just force a re-check (if it doesnt do it by default) when you add the torrent to transmission.

that said, your using AFP, so your on a mac? i think theres alternative tranmission remote clients, the dotnet version is windows...
Message 29 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

ignore this post!
Message 30 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

veehexx wrote:
easiest way i found to transfer torrents, was to use transmission remote dotnet (http://code.google.com/p/transmission-remote-dotnet/).

start off with the 100% complete torrent and move to your new NAS.
re-download the .torrent file
open transmission remote, and 'open with options', select the .torrent file.
point the location to the 100% completed torrent files (this is case sensitive, with / and not \, without a trailing /. ie: /media/Videos)

im GUESSING the same can be done for partially completed downloads, just force a re-check (if it doesnt do it by default) when you add the torrent to transmission.

that said, your using AFP, so your on a mac? i think theres alternative tranmission remote clients, the dotnet version is windows...
Yes, I'm using a Mac, but I have an XP Virtual Machine running in VMware so I can run Windows clients if necessary.

It looks like there is indeed a multi-platform Transmission remote app here:


and it runs on the Mac. Not sure how to replicate your suggestion using this GUI, but I'll take a look.

Do I take it that the best way to control/administer/inspect Transmission is NOT via the Web GUI provided by the ReadyNAS add-on, but rather via its RPC interface using one of these remote-control clients?

And does this also provide pretty much the full set of controls that I would have access to if I edited the settings.json file directly?
Message 31 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

the built in webgui is very limited. it's more of a torrent monitor than an admin panel, hence the use of the transmission remote.

i dont think there's anything special about the dotnet version of transmission remote, just it has the 'add torrent with options' option, which allows you to specify another file location then the default

i've found you still need to run through the .json config file to configure watch folders, passwords, etc. limits can be set via webgui or RPC.
Message 32 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Please excuse my dumb questions, but I can't seem to find the info' that I need in this forum or via Scroogle?

I've been using a Duo for some months, with the Transmission add-on. Today I pulled out the 1TB drive & installed a 1.5TB HDD & converted to Flex-RAID, RAID-0 mode. I then upgraded the firmware to 4.1.7 beta as advised in an effort to kill the can't find 2nd drive bug, for when I reinstall the 1TB drive later when I need the extra storage space.

Anyway, I can't for the life of me remember how to find/install the Transmission add-on?

I have a copy of Transmission_1.92Light.bin, which is now superseded from what I've read in this thread. I don't know how to install that, let alone find the later version.

So if someone would be so kind as to point me in the right direction I will be forever in their debt?

Thanks. 🙂
Message 33 of 921
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Install via System > Update > Local in Frontview. Here's the Transmission add-on page for Sparc ReadyNas e.g. the Duo: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=24271.
Message 34 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Thanks mdgm.

Transmission 1.93 Light, is installed & looks as it should.

Both my eyesight & my intelligence are diminishing with age...

Thankfully my sense of humour is still in good shape, & if nothing else I can allways find a reason to laugh at myself. 😄
Message 35 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Not an advanced user. Sorry if this has been asked but can't see an answer I understand.

Using a duo and windows is it possible to set transmission and share permissions such that torrents, downloads and completed files are kept in a user share with access only for that user. When trying to do this I get access not allowed errors in transmission.

If it is possible can you point me in the direction of somewhere that explains how to do it. If not possible with transmission is there an alternative that does?

Message 36 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

what is the readyNAS based on in terms of transmission OS - GTK+?
im just wondering about what changelog sections i should be looking at/disregarding for readynas use...

i cant see it in the changelog for 2.00b2, and it's been like it for a while; any thoughts as to what's causing transmission to recheck partially completed torrents on every start of the transmission process (ie NAS reboot)?
Message 37 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Is 2.00b2 out? The link I found (earlier in this thread) is for 2.00b1.
Message 38 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

2.00b02 is out , now you will find all the link in the official community addons forum
Message 39 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

useful tip: 'subscribe to thread' for the update alerts 🙂
i've done it for all my actively used addons.
Message 40 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I'm still running 1.92 and have added "trash-original-torrent-files": true, to my settings.json file but the .torrent files aren't getting deleted from my Source Folder when downloading completes. I have watch-dir enabled.

Any ideas?
Message 41 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

veehexx wrote:
i cant see it in the changelog for 2.00b2, and it's been like it for a while; any thoughts as to what's causing transmission to recheck partially completed torrents on every start of the transmission process (ie NAS reboot)?

S-P, not sure if this is a transmission issue or what you've done with your addon release, but 2.00b2 is showing some weird issues.
24 active, partially completed torrents. 22 of them are fine. however 2 of them are being re-checked on every start, the other 22 are starting instantly.
i've done various reboots and transmission service restarts and it's always the same results with the same 2 torrents.

torrents are all from the same tracker, downloaded in the same manner (download .torrent to a watch folder), and they are all downloading to the same default location.

once you get your internet back online, could you look into it/give your thoughts please 🙂

update: might be something related to completion %. just had 2 of the 22 go over 2% completion and it's checked both of them on a reboot - the 20 that are under 2% havent been checked! :?
Message 42 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

there's no release note

sounds like this beta has some issue

I just recover my dsl line today
Message 43 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

nothing that i haven't had in previous releases of transmission (1.92, 1.93), S-P.

i've submitted a bug report (https://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/3272). im not sure on previous releases as i've only just discovered this recently while using 2.00b2, but when over 2% complete, it'll re-verify the torrent on every daemon start. it doesnt do it for torrents under 2%.

incidentally, i have seen some other news in the torrent world... utorrent have confirmed they will work on a linux client. it appears not to be in active production yet, but its something to look forward to even if it may be a year or 2 away 🙂 here's hoping they'll release the source or have a release suited for our needs 🙂
Message 44 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Trial_Master wrote:
I'm still running 1.92 and have added "trash-original-torrent-files": true, to my settings.json file but the .torrent files aren't getting deleted from my Source Folder when downloading completes. I have watch-dir enabled.

Any ideas?

Ditto here. I made sure to stop the Service before editing the .json file, but no luck--original torrent files remain.

And on a (perhaps) unrelated note, all of my downloaded directories (not files) download with the following permissions:

drwxr-xr-x    2 nobody   nogroup

This makes it impossible for me to edit file names or uncompress archives when viewing the Downloads directory from my Mac (connected as an AFP mount point). My only solution has been to ssh in as root and chmod 777 the entire downloads directory. But I end up doing this VERY frequently.

Question 1: Is there any way to make sure directories downloaded via Transmission to the Downloads directory have drwxrwxrwx permissions by default?

Question 2: Is there anything I can do to get the "trash original torrent files" thing working?
Message 45 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I prepare a new beta with blocklist improvment in script 🙂
Message 46 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I have done a big update for X86 units :

Now transmission can send an email when a torrent is finished downloading

To be able to receive email you have two solutions :

1st) modif your alert settings in frontview and use custom-provider instead of internal and also use advanced parameters

2d) modify the email_alert file located in /addons-config/Transmission/ :

replace the email_alert file with this one and do not forget to change SMPT_SERVER value to a correct one

SUBJECT="Torrent Done!"

if [ -f /etc/frontview/alert.conf ]; then
EmailTo=`/bin/grep "email" /etc/frontview/alert.conf | /usr/bin/awk -F '!!' '{ print $2 }' | /usr/bin/awk -F ',' '{ print $1 " " $2 " " $3 }'`
EmailTo=`/bin/grep "email" /frontview/conf/alert.conf | /usr/bin/awk -F '!!' '{ print $2 }' | /usr/bin/awk -F ',' '{ print $1 " " $2 " " $3 }'`
if [[ "$(readlink `which sendmail`)" = "/usr/bin/msmtp" ]]; then
EmailFrom=`/bin/grep '^from' /etc/msmtprc | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d' '`
EmailFrom=`/bin/echo $EmailTo | awk '{ print $1 }'`
echo "From:$EmailFrom To:$EmailTo"
# Create the email message
if [ -f "$EmailFile" ]; then
rm -f $EmailFile
touch $EmailFile
# Create the message headers
echo "Date: `date -R`" >> $EmailFile
#echo "From: $EmailFrom" >> $EmailFile
#echo "To: $EmailTo" >> $EmailFile
#echo "Subject:Torrent Done!" >> $EmailFile
#echo "MIME-Version: 1.0" >> $EmailFile
#echo "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1" >> $EmailFile
echo "" >> $EmailFile
# Create the message body
/bin/echo " Hostname: $HOSTNAME" >> $EmailFile
/bin/echo "Transmission finished downloading \"$TR_TORRENT_NAME\" on $TR_TIME_LOCALTIME" >> $EmailFile
/bin/echo "" >> $EmailFile
/bin/echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $EmailFile
/bin/echo "Your add-ons developer Super-Poussin" >> $EmailFile
#/bin/cat $EmailFile |/usr/sbin/sendmail -f $EmailFrom $EmailTo
$NAIL -v -S from="$EmailFrom" -S smtp -s "$SUBJECT" -S smtp=$SMTP_SERVER "$EmailTo" < $EmailFile
rm -f $EmailFile
# you can use nail instead of readynas exim in this case : #
# uncomment the $NAIL line #
# comment the message header section #
# put a correct SMTP_SERVER value #

# this script will work with exim if you use custom parateters in frontview aka you specify : #
# username #
# smtp server ans so on #

Transmission 2.00b03 with email support for x86 only

Enjoy this hard work

PS : you can disable email in settings.json

"script-torrent-done-enabled": true,


"script-torrent-done-enabled": false,

Message 47 of 921

New Transmission add-on thread

Next beta will have :

Modification 10783 by charles:
(trunk) #2983: add command-line utilities for creating .torrent files, for editing passkeys, for adding/removing trackers, etc.
Message 48 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Well, I installed the latest update last night... damn that was painful. The installation kept stalling. It turns out, as I learned later, that what was happening is that the wget's for the level1 file were hanging... just standing still holding the whole process up. I found that if I ran the install and killed the wget after it hung then the installation process seemed to proceed normally. Not sure what the wget is precisely for or why it was not completing correctly.

One thing that I'm find EXTREMELY annoying is the add-on's incessant behavior of changing the ownership of all my torrects and the /addons-config/Transmission directories. I change the runtime user of the service so that it matches the user ownership of the files in the share where Transmission puts my files. But having to fight with the installer each and every time is getting old.

I wonder if there is some way that parameters in the start script could be put in the addon configuration (not transmission, but the actual addon config panel in the Frontview services page) and the service would no longer automatically start each time it's installed/upgraded...? This would make a HUGE difference in the installation and upgrade process for those of us who don't like having all their files owned by "nobody".
Message 49 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

will try to work on this , give me some time but be patient remember I do addons on my personal time
Message 50 of 921