Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.


6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there. #26140511

I have a 102 and all was fine on 6.2.5


Then I updated to 6.4.0. and all USB backups failed as it seems as has happened with others.


Now updated to 6.4.1 and on attempting a USB backup the 102 freezes and I have to power down and restart to regain control.


Anyone else having problems?

Message 1 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

I had the same problems, rendering my RN202 completely useless.

It seems that the problems went away when I turned off the antivirus (AV) option in my RN202.

Message 2 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

My anti virus is already off.


I am in business, this is diabolical. I had a perfectly working system until 6.4.0 and now 6.4.1 doesn't solve issues.


If I went to a client and worked on his building management systems and left him with an unstable system I wonder if he would be happy to wait weeks while I sorted it?


When 6.2.5 was working for me and it seems many others please Netgear don't reinvent the wheel simply get us back to a firmware that worked and then leave well alone.


I am already in the process of swopping to another supplier of equipment and it's obvious Netgear don't give a jot, they have had my money.


Yes, I'm really p****d off with this.



Message 3 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

What I fail to understand and I would be grateful for an explanation, is why unlike a normal computer, why I can't simply format the hard disk drive and reinstall a perfect good and acceptable 6.2.5 and then reinstall my data.

Yes it will be a timeconsuming hassle, but waiting weeks for Netgear to solve this is no longer an option and based on previous experience I have little faith in Netgear any more.

Message 4 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

My use is very basic.


I  have around 200gb of data on a 102 unit with 2 x 1TB drives.


My backups consist of daily backups of the entire system.


Weekly backups of the entire system on a further drive.


Finally, daily backups of my current years projects which fit quite comfortably on a 32gb USB stick because they presently amount to around 20gb.


I have two such sticks, one for odd numbered days the other for even numbered days and the the relevant stick gets inserted into the front socket and the backup button pushed. It's this final backup that fails. Tried twice since 6.4.1 and fails (locks up the NAS) and stops backing up at 800mb!!!!!


I haven't backed up or rather I haven't been able to back up the other USB drives since 6.4.0 and have manually every night backed up my files which are normammly only the current years work. Occassionally some additions are made to older information and this can be saved on the NAS but obviously not backed up. I therefore have to save this manually in a second place.


Now I'm not an IT person, I know my way around a PC enough and bought ReadyNAS to protect my data. I had a Readynas V1 which ran faultlessly and only upgraded to a 102 to get more reliability and speed. The old V1 still sits on the shelf and I was seriously thinking of going back to it.


The 102 failed me when bought new due to firmware issues and has failed me once more destroying my data on a firmware update. Fortunately I was able to restore because I'm paranoid about backups.


Now this latest farce has left me speechless. 6.2.5 was perfect (for me) and how I wish I never had updated my firmware.


I just want to keep my business going, I don't have the time nor the interest to try all manner of work arounds for a system that worked faultlessly up until the firmware update.


If I ran my business like Netgear I wouldn't have any customers and they have lost me as a customer.







Message 5 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

Further update.


It seems that for some reason my front socket on my 102 if used causes the unit to freeze even though I have always used this socket and the backup button in the past.


I have just altered my settings to enable this backup to be performed from the back upper socket.


All went well except it was very slow.


But even though the NAS 'ejected' the stick it still continues to appear on my shares. This is the very same problem I had when I first bought the  unit which was given the title 'ghost shares'. It took ages to sort.


However on then plugging in a WD hard drive to perform a complete backup even though this was successful it took three times as long as it used to and strangely the 'ghost share' now shows excatly the same storage capacity as this WD drive as if its a mirror of it.


Have sent the information to Netgear but hold out little hope that this will be delat with quickly.


I have also asked if, now that I have an up to date back up, if I can factory reset my NAS and force it to reinstall 6.2.5 which worked a treat. No response from Netgear.


You really have to ask yourself how such a thing can be allowed to happen? I run no apps, just a standard 102 with a very basic setup.


If I ever get this going again I will never update my firmware, leave well alone.


In sheer frustration I went to order a WD NAS but stopped the order. I'm now thinking that was a big mistake.

Message 6 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

@YorkBoy wrote:




I have also asked if, now that I have an up to date back up, if I can factory reset my NAS and force it to reinstall 6.2.5 which worked a treat. No response from Netgear.


See ifixidevices post on this thread: https://community.netgear.com/t5/ReadyNAS-Beta-Release/Downgrading-from-6-4-0-to-6-2-4-with-a-Pro-Pi...


Netgear doesn't recommend that method, but it seems to have worked for the people who tried it.

Message 7 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.



Certainly having a good backup  (two actually) of the complete data from the NAS this doesn't appear to be too much of a risk. Its worth a punt and then Netgear can go and hang.


Thank you.


Quite honestly I wonder what the legal side of all this is? There are people in business who have been told that theres an update to be installed and they in good faith follow Netgears instructions and ruin their systems. Isn't there any liability here?


My unit, a 102, still in warranty and I would gladly hand it back for a refund. I'll neve rbuy or recommend their equipment ever again.

Message 8 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

Discussion of legal topics in the past hasn't gone anywhere useful (and answers would depend on the jurisdiction anyway).


It'd be best to keep off that topic here.

Message 9 of 17
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

Ronbo02467, I have moved your post into a new thread. Your post is for a business product and would be best discussed in a separate thread.

Message 10 of 17
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there. #26140511

What brand and model USB disk is this?

Message 11 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there. #26140511

They are Corsair Slider USB 3.0 32GB and have been working perfectly for 18 months up until 6.4.0.


The USB sticks happily works in my laptop and recently because of this issue I have reformatted and error checked them.


However I accept that things do go wrong so I will experiment and come back. I suppose the socket could have gone faulty.


This of course does not answer the second problem, why is it that FULL backups to my WD USB hard drives now take much longer than before


"Backup Start Time: Mon Dec  7 2015  0:05:04 Backup Finish Time: Mon Dec  7 2015  3:40:04 Backup Status: Success"  Over 3.5 hrs.


"Backup Start Time: Sun Nov  1 2015  0:05:01 Backup Finish Time: Sun Nov  1 2015  1:08:46 Backup Status: Success" Just 1 hour!


In addition USB sticks now show in my shares even though they are no longer connected.


I don't think this is a problem with faulty USB sticks do you?

Message 12 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there. #26140511

Today after numerous emails back and forth to Netgear they have sent this.


Please let me start by apologizing for any inconvenience that this might have caused you. It may be a little too late saying but it would be worth mentioning nevertheless.

Your concern would require us to analyze your unit. With that we will need to to access the unit remotely thru secure diagnostic access (our backdoor access to the system). It is done by none other than our Engineers, However, in order for us to have the case endorsed to them your unit needs to be subscribe to support(OnCall 27x7) contract.

That maybe difficult to accept at first but the contract will let us have our Engineers check the system thoroughly and will provide you a 24/7 phone support for any concern in the future, It will also offer a next business day replacement free of charge.

Let me please remind you as well that complimentary support has been provided already that is why we could not offer it no more.Below are the pricing for the said contracts:

OnCall 24x7 1 Year, Phone Support, Cat. 1, UK GBP 85.01
OnCall 24x7 3 Years, Phone Support, Cat. 1, UK GBP 99
OnCall 24x7 5 Years, Phone Support, Cat. 1, UK GBP 179

Should you be interested in any of this please enable remote access to teh system (please give us the admin password of the system,or change it temporarily) by following the link below:


instructions for OS6 system are at the bottom part.

Please also comply on the following remote access agreement:



My reply


So lets get this right, in order for you to deal with my 102 unit which is still under warranty and up to the point I installed 6.4.0 was working perfectly you want me to pay you £85.01 to diagnose whether its a hardware fault in warranty or a firmware fault caused by you.

In order for me to progress this matter could you please confirm that my understanding correct and if so you may rest assured I will be taking action.

Give it some careful thought. 


Aren't NETGEAR wonderful to us customers?     


At £85.01 I might as well buy a new unit for a few pounds more, however if I did it wouldn't be a Netgear but for the moment lets see what they say. I like a battle.                          

Message 13 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there. #26140511

Well it goes on.


Users, you need to read this because Netgear are saying if they supply you with faulty firmware they will expect you to sign up to a service contract before they will sort it. Rather like you taking your car into a garage, they tell you that it needs a new part, they fit it, the car doesn't work and then they expect you to pay to investigate and correct the faulty part.....interesting customer service. We'll see what the legal boys say.


From Netgear

Dear John, The device indeed still has it's hardware warranty. However the issue as far as I could tell is not with the hardware, this is more of an OS/software issue. And as much as I wanted to assist you we could not endorse the case to our Engineers without the support contract that I am offering.


Message 14 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

Unfortunately, I feel the same way as everyone else. I guess they cant get a grip on this issue of automatic shut down. It's weird that the log is useless in resolving this. I have tried most things mentioned from 6.4.0, this time Netgear is kinda mute...

Message 15 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

Hi Tony P


Yes it's unbelieveable isn't it?


At the moment I still owe Netgear some information on my NAS so the buck is with me but their attitude beggars belief.


So far the 'try this' 'alter that setting' 'send us a log' is all very well but seems to be nothing more than delaying tactics as they ask the same question again and again and ask questions they already have answers for. All they keep doing is suggesting I turn off anti virus which has never been switched on! I had a well functioning 102 which has been completely ruined by 6.4.0 and 6.4.1 and they appear not to give a jot.


Strangely if I plug in my backup USB hard drive two additional items appear as shares, the USB hard drive itself and a USB stick with identical amounts of storage even though the stick doesn't actually exist.


At the moment I get by because at least 6.4.1 has enabled my rear USB sockets to work and provide backups. The front USB socket just freezes the NAS sometimes but any backup by that method never completes. In addition my nightly backup which normally took less than one hour now takes over three hours.


Theres a saying 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' and for the life of me all these firmware updates seem to be doing is creating more issues than they fix.


What problems have you had?



Message 16 of 17

Re: 6.4.1 and the problems from 6.4.0 are still there.

I should also add that given the appalling issues that have arised since 6.4.0 and the clear lack of testing prior to it's release it seems ludicrous not to provide a facility to enable a resinstallation of an earlier firmware / setup that the use knows will work. I fail to understand why this cannot happen.

I am told that a factory default reset will simply reset to a firmware that already exists in memory within the NAS and obviously this is the 6.4.1 in my case. That is not factory default in my books.

Surely this is only software? I fail to understand why there isn't a method to take control of the NAS and force it to a true factory default including firmware to enable the user to then reinstall a known working configuration.

You know people moan about Microsoft and Windows but I have used their restore facility a few times with 100% success.

If Netgear are going to release firmware which doesn't even approach 99% perfection then some restore ability is a must.


Message 17 of 17
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