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Re: Can't turn on SMB


Re: Can't turn on SMB

@bubu wrote:

I launched it but nothing done no message.

root@serveur:~# curl -s https://gitlab.codycook.us/readynas-scripts/share_lun_ui_fix.sh/raw/master/share_lun_ui_fix.sh | bash

Did it complete right away, or did it take a while?

Did you try rebooting the NAS after it finished?  Then see if the behavior is any different?

Message 26 of 31

Re: Can't turn on SMB

It did it right away and also manual reboot

same issue after reboot


Message 27 of 31

Re: Can't turn on SMB

@bubu wrote:

It did it right away and also manual reboot

same issue after reboot


Ok.  Then the script didn't run.  I think the issue is that the certificate has expired.


Try these commands instead


cd //
wget --no-check-certificate https://gitlab.codycook.us/readynas-scripts/share_lun_ui_fix.sh/raw/master/share_lun_ui_fix.sh
chmod +x ./share_lun_ui_fix.sh




Message 28 of 31

Re: Can't turn on SMB

during this time I found how to restore smb service by istalling smb plus apps

smb is now there


I launched your last script



Welcome to ReadyNASOS 6.10.8

Last login: Wed Oct 5 20:55:08 2022 from
root@serveur:~# cd //
root@serveur://# wget --no-check-certificate https://gitlab.codycook.us/readynas-scripts/share_lun_ui_fix.sh/raw/master/share_lun_ui_fix.sh
--2022-10-05 21:51:47-- https://gitlab.codycook.us/readynas-scripts/share_lun_ui_fix.sh/raw/master/share_lun_ui_fix.sh
Resolving gitlab.codycook.us (gitlab.codycook.us)..., 2604:a880:2:d0::66:7001
Connecting to gitlab.codycook.us (gitlab.codycook.us)||:443... connected.
WARNING: The certificate of ‘gitlab.codycook.us’ is not trusted.
WARNING: The certificate of ‘gitlab.codycook.us’ has expired.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10410 (10K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘share_lun_ui_fix.sh’

share_lun_ui_fix.sh 100%[============================================================>] 10.17K --.-KB/s in 0s

2022-10-05 21:51:48 (101 MB/s) - ‘share_lun_ui_fix.sh’ saved [10410/10410]

root@serveur://# chmod +x ./share_lun_ui_fix.sh
root@serveur://# ./share_lun_ui_fix.sh
* Share and iSCSI Rebuild v6.10.0 *
= [Info] Share config backups folder exist (/var/backups/shares)
== [Task] Backing up existing share config backup folder
=== [Info] Completed share config backup folder.
=== [Task] Listing backup folder for a quick analysis
2022-10-05 21:42:10.369849980 +0200 583680 /var/backups/shares/shares.tar
2022-10-03 20:58:43.548893073 +0200 583680 /var/backups/shares/shares.tar.0
2022-10-03 06:25:51.334454853 +0200 132786 /var/backups/shares/shares.tar.1.gz
2022-10-02 21:14:42.914998417 +0200 33070 /var/backups/shares/shares.tar.2.gz
2022-10-02 20:23:36.490948431 +0200 33074 /var/backups/shares/shares.tar.3.gz
2022-10-02 20:01:50.179781375 +0200 33068 /var/backups/shares/shares.tar.4.gz
==== [Info] Review backup folder listing and decide to continue or restore.
==== [Decide] To cancel and manually restore from an above config, CTRL-C now... Otherwise, continuing in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0...
= [Task] Discovering volumes
== [Info] 1 volume(s) found.
==== [Task] Backing up existing Snapper configs
===== [Info] Success at backing up snapper configs
===== [Task] Removing Snapper Configs
== [Task] Investigating volume /data...
=== [Info] Number of items found : 10
=== [Info] Items found: AmazonCloudDrive AmazonPhotos Immersion Musique NAS Photos Prive Prophecy Prophezine Vidéos
=== [Task] Reviewing AmazonCloudDrive
=== [Info] Found share at /data/AmazonCloudDrive
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/AmazonCloudDrive.
=== [Task] Reviewing AmazonPhotos
=== [Info] Found share at /data/AmazonPhotos
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/AmazonPhotos.
=== [Task] Reviewing Immersion
=== [Info] Found share at /data/Immersion
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/Immersion.
=== [Task] Reviewing Musique
=== [Info] Found share at /data/Musique
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/Musique.
=== [Task] Reviewing NAS
=== [Info] Found share at /data/NAS
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/NAS.
=== [Task] Reviewing Photos
=== [Info] Found share at /data/Photos
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/Photos.
=== [Task] Reviewing Prive
=== [Info] Found share at /data/Prive
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/Prive.
=== [Task] Reviewing Prophecy
=== [Info] Found share at /data/Prophecy
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/Prophecy.
=== [Task] Reviewing Prophezine
=== [Info] Found share at /data/Prophezine
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/Prophezine.
=== [Task] Reviewing Vidéos
=== [Info] Found share at /data/Vidéos
=== [Task] Recreating share configs.
==== [Info] Done with Share /data/Vidéos.
= [Info] done with /data
= [Task] Restarting readynasd to apply changes.
[Stats] Rebuilt Share configs: 10
[Stats] Rebuilt LUN configs: 0
[Stats] Migrated folders to subvolumes: 0

it seems to be there now I will test more and give you feedback


thank you 🙂

Message 29 of 31

Re: Can't turn on SMB

Dear @StephenB 

Thank you so much it seems to work again 🙂

I have some issues shared folder rights but I must resetup them again


Strange thing I must enable AFP share for TimeMachine because always SMB not working.


I will launch this night TM by AFP to see if everything is correct.


I will send you complete feedback tomorrow.


Message 30 of 31

Re: Can't turn on SMB

Thank you @StephenB SMB and share are working fine after recreate network access and rights

I have issue with Time Macine but I will open new post because seems to be different issue.

Message 31 of 31
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