Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed


Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

@kgorlen wrote:

Crashplan stopped working after the 4.5.0 upgrade on a ReadyNAS Ultra w/ RAIDiator 4.2.28. uname -r is but ldd (GNU libc) 2.7. Is there an addon for RAIDiator to upgrade glibc to 2.9+? Is there a DropBox add-on that will upgrade glibc?

See the marked solution - That upgrades glibc to 2.13.  whocares_ has chosen not to charge for it (though you will need to go through the checkout motions at rnxtras.com).

Message 51 of 86
Not applicable

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

The link to the add-on states "ReadyNAS OS 4 x86 only".  The Ultra 2 is not running OS 4, and my understanding is that an upgrade is not available.


Message 52 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

Working for me on two Pro 4 boxes with CrashPlan 4.5.0. Thanks!
I hope CrashPlan leaves things alone for a while now. I'm very close to switching entirely to something like urBackup, because CrashPlan keeps breaking with forced upgrades.

Message 53 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed


I just installed in on my Ultra 6 running RAIDiator 4.2.28 this morning and it solved the issue with Crash Plan for me.


Message 54 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

@kgorlen wrote:

The link to the add-on states "ReadyNAS OS 4 x86 only".  The Ultra 2 is not running OS 4, and my understanding is that an upgrade is not available.


The ultra certainly runs OS 4.  That means your firmware is 4.2.x.

Message 55 of 86
Not applicable

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

Excellent!  I just installed the glibc upgrade add-on on the Ultra 2 w/ RAIDiator 4.2.28, and CrashPlan 4.5.0 is running OK.  Thanks for all the help--I was beginning to panic!

Message 56 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

Thanks so much Whocares. I would seriously have paid for this fix as well. Do you have any kind of donation link on RNXtras.com?

Message 57 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

Well, making it available for free was deliberate and meant as a service to the community. On the other hand I don't mind buying out of the ordinary candies for my kids. So feel free to send donations to https://www.paypal.me/whocares if you insist 😉



Message 58 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

You need glibc 2.9 or later, see here:




I had the same problem and I updated glibc with the following add-on:




Please be sure that you have the same OS on your ReadyNAS.


My back-up is now running again! Hope this helps.

Message 59 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

Boy am I glad I found this thread! Thanks a lot Stefan for your free addon. 🙂 That solved my problem beautifully. Cat Very Happy

Message 60 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

WhoCares - champion, thanks very much!

Message 61 of 86

Betreff: Crashplan JRE update needed

Immense thanks to WhoCares and others in this thread.  Helped me quickly solve my trouble with crashplan 4.5 on my Ultra 4.  You folks are amazing!

Message 62 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

Anybody else using plex who also installed this addon? It looks it may have broken audio transcoding. I have tested a few movies that have 5.1 audio and the transcoder now appears to mux the track improperly. Just curious if anyone else sees this or its a plex issues. Plex is like a house of cards so it could very well be on their side but timing is coincidental.
Message 63 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

Do you see any error messages in either the syslog or logs provided by Plex? While there is a chance that the glibc broke the transcoding this would be a quite rare thing to happen. Unfortunately I currently don't have Plex installed so I can't test it.



Message 64 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

Had a look through the logs and didn't see any issues. Tried another Plex client that also requires transcoding and it played fine. So this looks to be a android fire plex client issue. Not a shock really as plex on the fire tv platform is riddled with issues. 


Thanks for putting this addon together! Everything seems to be looking good!

Message 65 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

Well I tried this addon, to try to get crashplan restore working.  Immediately after running the add on installer, the ssh command line started returning nothing but "segmentation fault".  Frontview responded with request for password, and my own password didn't work.  I waited a while, no change.. Tried to restart the readynas, its not coming back to me, I can't access it through frontview, nor are my AFP shares coming back up, and ssh is also not getting to it now.


It would appear this is completely hosed my readynas.  




Message 66 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

before running the add on I did a check to see what version of glibc I had before hand.  it said this:


(sjs)[~]: dpkg -l | grep libc6
ii  libc6                              2.7-18lenny7.netgear4        GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libc6-amd64                        2.7-18lenny7.netgear4        GNU C Library: 64bit Shared libraries for AM
ii  libc6-dev                          2.7-18lenny7                 GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Hea

I had the last and final firmware on my ultra 2 plus.  4.x.28 I believe it was.


I hope someone has some suggestions for me, I'm seriously panicing right now...

Message 67 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed



Try PMing whocares_ - he might know how to repair or backout the install.


Not sure if an OS reinstall would include the original libc - maybe mdgm has a thought on that.


Does the NAS boot up in tech support mode?



Message 68 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

What you could try to do is to run a "OS Reinstall" from the ReadyNAS boot menu. This should restore the original OS together with the libraries that were replaced by the add-on. However, there's a chance this won't work either and you need to get in touch with NETGEAR technical support or allow me to try to fix the NAS for you.



Message 69 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

reinstalling the OS is a nuclear option..my god... What did you do to my NAS?



Message 70 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

What do you mean with "nuclear option"? Reinstalling the OS is just that: it installs the operating system, leaving everything else (including your data) as it is. I guess you're mistaking "OS Reinstall" with "Factory Reset". The latter will wipe your NAS, the former will just do what would be done on for example a firmware upgrade.


Message 71 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

ok its good to hear my data will still be there, though it will take me some time to get my various addons functioning again...I have no idea whether that will break some of them, I'm assuming so.


..but I guess it sounds like I have no other option but to try that at this point...  



Message 72 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

if its really just like a firmware downgrade and is able to preserve various settings...what is the instructions for doing that?

Message 73 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

@Dewdman42 wrote:

if its really just like a firmware downgrade and is able to preserve various settings...what is the instructions for doing that?

See the boot menu page for your particular NAS in the hardware manual: http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/RNDU2000/ReadyNAS_Ultra_UltraPlus_NVX_Pro_HW_en_8July11.p...


It will reset your IP address to use DHCP, and your admin password to netgear1.  Generally all other settings are preserved, and add-ons are not affected.


Be careful not to do the factory default, as that one is destructive.  

Message 74 of 86

Re: Crashplan JRE update needed

Basically you need to power off your NAS, find the reset button on the back of the unit, put a straightened paper clip in it and depress the reset button *before* powering on the NAS and keep the reset button depressed until the phrase "Boot Menu" is displayed on the LCD. Then use the backup button to cycle through the options until you get to "OS Reinstall". Now use the paper clip to press the Reset button on the back again.


This would also be the way to get your NAS into TechSupport mode which you could try first as StephenB suggested. This will open a telnet connection to the ReadyNAS and allow to run some diags on the system.




Message 75 of 86
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