Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support


Re: Easy fix fan/temp issues on OS6 legacy #no support


I'm on Os 6 from Os 4 on my ultra2.

By now I've got trouble getting logged via SSH. Yes it's enable but keep kicking me out after login.

I would love to fix the temp-fan issue...

Anything that I,m missing?

Anyone got into the same trouble?

Thx for helping!
Message 51 of 174
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Easy fix fan/temp issues on OS6 legacy #no support

Remember the user for SSH is 'root' (no quotes)
Message 52 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp issues on OS6 legacy #no support


I did'nt recall this one!

it's working
Message 53 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I have applied the fan fix to my Pro6 running 6.1.1 but the fan keeps powering up and down almost constantly. I took it to another location and it was fine, so it's sensing the temperature in it's normal location is too hot, and is powering the fans to keep the CPU at a constant temperature I think.

The problem is from the UI I can't see what the CPU real time temps are so I can determine how to tweak my profile to adjust accordingly.

How can I see what my temps are for real?
Message 54 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Optimal Fan Setting for an Ultra2

after many days of testing+many settings here's what I find are the best:


it keep the fan very quiet but with high airflow so, the CPU barely reach 55 celcius.

glad if it can help cuz for me it was a long road of testing!
Message 55 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

yupsolo wrote:
Optimal Fan Setting for an Ultra2

after many days of testing+many settings here's what I find are the best:


I assume that your numbers are MinTemp, MaxTemp, MinStart, MinStop, MinPWM, MaxPWM. If so, how did you come up with MinPWM=45? And more importantly, why did you limit MaxPWM to 155? That seems dangerous.
Message 56 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

maxPWM was chosen by me to ensure minimal fan noise with good max speed versus my real average temp number: 54-55 celcius for over a week.... so it does not bother me.

45 seems ideal cuz with greater number, the fan was, again, too noisy. so with 45, i get 54-55 celcius without that noisy fan pattern: low speed-fast speed-low-fast...

in short, the fan is running all the time at 1350 wich is my magic number: quiet!


believe me I spent a lot of hours on that.
Message 57 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

On my legacy Ultra2 I had false CPU temp readings exactly like drfrgosplat (serrated, like a wood saw, saying the cpu went up close to 70°C degrees).
Then I upgraded from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 and I noticed an nice improvement in the CPU temperature reading that doesn't cause anymore the fan to ramp up to it's 2200rpm maximum (this is not documented in the release notes ; understandable if it didn't occur on ReadyNAS 3xx/5xx).

The inconsistent noise level was really annoying!! So I am now a happy OS6 user :woot:

PS: I didn't had to apply any command line fix for the temp reading neither fan speed the fan.
Message 58 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I am struggling with my Pro6.

Here is my graph


# Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
DEVPATH=hwmon0=devices/platform/coretemp.0 hwmon1=devices/platform/w83627ehf.2576
DEVNAME=hwmon0=coretemp hwmon1=w83627dhg
FCTEMPS= hwmon1/device/pwm2=hwmon1/device/temp2_input hwmon1/device/pwm1=hwmon1/device/temp1_input
FCFANS= hwmon1/device/pwm2=hwmon1/device/fan2_input hwmon1/device/pwm1=hwmon1/device/fan1_input
MINTEMP= hwmon1/device/pwm2=30 hwmon1/device/pwm1=55
MAXTEMP= hwmon1/device/pwm2=60 hwmon1/device/pwm1=60
MINSTART= hwmon1/device/pwm2=70 hwmon1/device/pwm1=30
MINSTOP= hwmon1/device/pwm2=70 hwmon1/device/pwm1=30
MINPWM= hwmon1/device/pwm2=70 hwmon1/device/pwm1=30
MAXPWM= hwmon1/device/pwm2=200 hwmon1/device/pwm1=155

Anyone able to offer any assistance? My fans are going so loud every 10-20 seconds or so.
Message 59 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Hi everyone!

I just updated my Ultra 6 from 6.0.8 to 6.1.2 and suddenly started getting fan alerts.
The OS6 GUI says my fan is dead. However, I can hear & see it blowing, and running "sensors" gives me the following output:
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: +47.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1: +47.0°C (high = +80.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
in0: +12.14 V (min = +9.41 V, max = +9.50 V) ALARM
in1: +5.00 V (min = +4.74 V, max = +0.87 V) ALARM
in2: +3.32 V (min = +0.83 V, max = +0.53 V) ALARM
in3: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V) ALARM
in4: +1.14 V (min = +2.05 V, max = +1.33 V) ALARM
in5: +1.81 V (min = +1.42 V, max = +1.81 V) ALARM
in6: -12.10 V (min = +7.06 V, max = +2.04 V) ALARM
in7: +3.29 V (min = +3.38 V, max = +1.46 V) ALARM
in8: +3.38 V
fan1: 0 RPM (min = 16 RPM) ALARM
fan2: 0 RPM (min = 30 RPM) ALARM
fan3: 866 RPM (min = 15 RPM)
temp1: +0.0°C (low = +71.0°C, high = -20.0°C) ALARM sensor = thermistor
temp2: +0.1°C (low = +122.0°C, high = +59.0°C) sensor = thermal diode
temp3: +0.1°C (low = -1.0°C, high = -6.0°C) ALARM sensor = thermal diode
cpu0_vid: +2.050 V

So the fan is actually running fine.

/etc/fancontrol looks like this:
# Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
DEVPATH=hwmon0=devices/platform/coretemp.0 hwmon1=devices/platform/it87.2576
DEVNAME=hwmon0=coretemp hwmon1=it8721
FCTEMPS= hwmon1/device/pwm3=hwmon0/device/temp2_input
FCFANS= hwmon1/device/pwm3=hwmon1/device/fan3_input
MINTEMP= hwmon1/device/pwm3=51
MAXTEMP= hwmon1/device/pwm3=58
MINSTART= hwmon1/device/pwm3=40
MINSTOP= hwmon1/device/pwm3=40
MINPWM= hwmon1/device/pwm3=40
MAXPWM= hwmon1/device/pwm3=255

root@megapinnemuts:~# uname -r

I don't have any shell scripts running with a cron job though.
Should I have some script running to have my RN report correct fan status?


Message 60 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

OS 6 reads fan1 speed, but unfortunately it's pwm3 file which control fan on ultra 6 system....
Since 6.1.1, on ultra 6, OS 6 reports 0 rpm as fan speed and send an alert mail every 10 minutes about fan error ....

Add a sensors.d config file to compute 0+800 rpm on fan1, and OS 6 reports 800 rpm on GUI . It's not really good, but fan error disapears !

Add this file rndu6000.conf in /etc/sensors.d and reboot your nas :
chip "it8721-isa-0a10"

compute fan1 @+800,@-800

Another thing: OS6 reads /sys/devices/platform/it87.2576/temp2_input as sys temp.... unfortunately, on ultra 6 sys temp is temp1

**** EDIT **** better solution to solve this problem and activate reports and history on frontview : viewtopic.php?f=51&t=71155&start=60#p411650
Message 61 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I've installed OS6 on a pro2. As I don't have fan speed and CPU temp, I've made a small script to generate my own RRD.

First, we have to generate the cpu RRD and Temp RRD. I've created on /dashboard/frontview/stats/

rrdtool create fan.rrd --step 60 \
DS:rpm:GAUGE:120:0:5000 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:1:2880 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:30:384 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:120:384 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:1440:365 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:1:2880 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:30:384 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:120:384 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:1440:365 \
RRA:MIN:0,5:1:2880 \
RRA:MIN:0,5:30:384 \
RRA:MIN:0,5:120:384 \

and now CPU RRD:

rrdtool create temp_sys.rrd --step 60 \
DS:core0:GAUGE:120:0:100 \
DS:core1:GAUGE:120:0:100 \
DS:system:GAUGE:120:0:100 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:1:2880 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:30:384 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:120:384 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0,5:1440:365 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:1:2880 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:30:384 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:120:384 \
RRA:MAX:0,5:1440:365 \
RRA:MIN:0,5:1:2880 \
RRA:MIN:0,5:30:384 \
RRA:MIN:0,5:120:384 \

Now it's time to create a script (update_rdd). This script gets temperature from CPU Core 0, CPU Core 1, System temperature and fan speed and updates de RRDs

F=`cat $fan`
C1t=`cat $Coretemp1`
C1=`expr $C1t / 1000`
C2t=`cat $Coretemp2`
C2=`expr $C2t / 1000`
S=`cat $Systemp`
rrdtool update /frontview/dashboard/stats/temp_sys.rrd N:$C1:$C2:$S
rrdtool update /frontview/dashboard/stats/fan.rrd N:$F
##echo " CPU1=$C1 CPU2=$C2 SYS=$S "

So, We have the data on RRD. Now It's time to draw!. This example creates 2 simple PNGs from "now - 4 hours"

rrdtool graph /frontview/dashboard/stats/tempsys.png --title="Temperature" --start end-4h \
--imgformat=PNG \
--width=500 \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--interlaced \
DEF:a=/frontview/dashboard/stats/temp_sys.rrd:core0:AVERAGE \
DEF:b=/frontview/dashboard/stats/temp_sys.rrd:core1:AVERAGE \
DEF:c=/frontview/dashboard/stats/temp_sys.rrd:system:AVERAGE \
LINE1:a#800000:core0 \
LINE1:b#00FF00:core1 \
LINE1:c#FF0000:system \
rrdtool graph /frontview/dashboard/stats/fan.png --title="Fan" --start end-4h \
--imgformat=PNG \
--width=500 \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--interlaced \
DEF:a=/frontview/dashboard/stats/fan.rrd:rpm:AVERAGE \
LINE1:a#800000:rpm \

The last step it's call those scripts from crontab:

*/1 *   * * *   root /root/scripts/update_rrd
*/2 * * * * root /root/scripts/print_rrd

I've tried to change the images from original dashboard with this ones but it was much easier to generate a simple HTML and call this PNGs 😎
Message 62 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

revin wrote:
I've installed OS6 on a pro2. As I don't have fan speed and CPU temp, I've made a small script to generate my own RRD.

First, we have to generate the cpu RRD and Temp RRD. I've created on /dashboard/frontview/stats/

and now CPU RRD:

Now it's time to create a script (update_rdd). This script gets temperature from CPU Core 0, CPU Core 1, System temperature and fan speed and updates de RRDs

So, We have the data on RRD. Now It's time to draw!. This example creates 2 simple PNGs from "now - 4 hours"

The last step it's call those scripts from crontab:

I've tried to change the images from original dashboard with this ones but it was much easier to generate a simple HTML and call this PNGs 😎

WOW revin! Your post above looks pretty cool. Any chance we could get a glimpse of your "Performance Tab" after you performed this hack? I'd be interested to see if I could do something similar on a Pro 6. . .
Message 63 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support


My images are really crapy :D. Here are an example:

But you really can make them as you want, simply playing a bit with rddtool graph (http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/rrdgraph.en.html)

Here you have a few examples about what can you do with rrdtool : http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/gallery/
Message 64 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Is this fix still needed for the Ultra series?
I just upgraded and my fans/temp seems be ok. At least they are recognized in the dashboard.
Fan running a bit slow atm though (820 rpm)
CPU is 59/138 and System 44/111

System is idle except for re-sync
Message 65 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Hi all,

I've just upgraded my Ultra 6 to 6.1.4. & having fan issues. i've followed all the instruction in the threads, but it doesn't work at all for me.
i've installed the lm-sensors & fancontrol, but giving me this error

Setting up fancontrol (1:3.3.4-1) ...
ln -s '/lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/fancontrol.service'
[....] Restarting fancontrol (via systemctl): fancontrol.serviceJob failed. See system journal and 'systemctl status' for details.
invoke-rc.d: initscript fancontrol, action "restart" failed.
dpkg: error processing fancontrol (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Setting up lm-sensors (1:3.3.4-1) ...
ln -s '/lib/systemd/system/lm-sensors.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/lm-sensors.service'
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

& tried to setup the config using pwmconfig & got this error:

Current temperature readings are as follows:
cat: hwmon0/device/temp2_input: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: line 892: let: S= / 1000: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 1000")
cat: hwmon0/device/temp3_input: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: line 892: let: S= / 1000: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 1000")
hwmon1/device/temp1_input 0
hwmon1/device/temp2_input 0
hwmon1/device/temp3_input 0

Any idea guys? i'm very desperate & my Ultra 6 fan now running on max 2300rpm. 😞

Please help me. Thanks in advance
Message 66 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I'll post my fancontrol config tonight (if I remember, I'm terrible at those things). It should work for you, but if the device is idle, frontview will report the CPU at -1°C / 30°F.
Message 67 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

F.L. wrote:
Is this fix still needed for the Ultra series?
I just upgraded and my fans/temp seems be ok. At least they are recognized in the dashboard.
Fan running a bit slow atm though (820 rpm)
CPU is 59/138 and System 44/111

System is idle except for re-sync

F.L.: which Ultra do you own? I own an Ultra 6 and my fan still isn't recognized in the web UI ("fan dead" message).
Message 68 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

sventunus wrote:
F.L. wrote:
Is this fix still needed for the Ultra series?
I just upgraded and my fans/temp seems be ok. At least they are recognized in the dashboard.
Fan running a bit slow atm though (820 rpm)
CPU is 59/138 and System 44/111

System is idle except for re-sync

F.L.: which Ultra do you own? I own an Ultra 6 and my fan still isn't recognized in the web UI ("fan dead" message).

I own an Ultra 4. Fan is still working here without any modification
Message 69 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Are you running a custom fancontrol/lm-sensors config? Would you care to post it here?
Curious about the difference between an Ultra 4 & an Ultra 6 concerning fans.
Message 70 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Nothing custom. I just upgraded to 6.1.4 and it was working out of the box.

If you still want any config please let me know where they are located.
Message 71 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I'm running in a similar behaviour on my Ultra 6 upgraded to 6.1.4. the fan slow down when I run /etc/init.d/fancontrol start but after few minutes I get a warning on hdds temperature:

Thu Nov 7 2013 23:34:23	Disk: Disk in channel '5' (Internal) exceeded safe temperature threshold (70 C).

and after few minutes the Nas shutdown automatically.

Any suggestion ?

Here my /etc/fancontrol file

# Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
DEVPATH=hwmon0=devices/platform/coretemp.0 hwmon1=devices/platform/it87.2576
DEVNAME=hwmon0=coretemp hwmon1=it8721
FCFANS= hwmon1/device/pwm3=hwmon1/device/fan3_input


Message 72 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

You can try to upgrade a little bit the fan speed.
Test 45 or 50 as fan speed. Change this lines in fancontrol file:
MINSTART= hwmon1/device/pwm3=50
MINSTOP= hwmon1/device/pwm3=50
MINPWM= hwmon1/device/pwm3=50
Message 73 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Hi glem,

thanks for the help, I did set 50 but unfortunatly after 1 hour the hdd temperature went close to 70°C again 😞


Message 74 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

OS 6.x on it8721 chip use fan1 sensor to drive enclosure fan and temp2 sensor to monitor enclosure temperature (this configuration works fine on Ultra2 model, for example).

Unfortunately, ultra6 model use fan3 and temp1 sensors.
To activate reports and history on frontview on ultra6 model running OS 6.x, you must add this sensors.d config file to compute the correct values:

in /etc/sensors.d add this file rndu6000.conf
chip "it8721-isa-0a10"

compute fan1 0+fan3_input,0-fan3_input
compute temp2 0+temp1_input,0-temp1_input

and restart your ultra6 NAS
Message 75 of 174
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