Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!


RE: Did you try the Volume Read-Only boot option?

RE: Did you try the Volume Read-Only boot option?

Check your PM, I will do that now. Will let you know the results. . .

Edit: Results - Still says "Booting. . ." for 15+ minutes now. . . 😞
Message 451 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Quick question: does v6 check hardware "editions" to enable features, or will it behave the same on, say, a Ultra 4 as on a Pro 4?
Message 452 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

ReadyNAS OS does not check hardware editions. All features supported by the hardware are available on all models.
Message 453 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

mdgm wrote:
ReadyNAS OS does not check hardware editions.

Well, v4 did. :wink:

Message 454 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Well there are no hardware editions for the new models so ReadyNAS OS doesn't have code in it to check hardware editions.
Message 455 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!


I have installed the latest firmware [6.0.8] on my readynas pro 6. Everything seems to work fine except for the WakeOnLan. I am currently using interface teaming.

Is this a known issue? Does anyone know if there is a workaround?

Message 456 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

If you download your logs what are the contents of bios_ver.log ?
Message 457 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

bios_vendor=American Megatrends Inc.
board_asset_tag=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
board_name=To be filled by O.E.M.
board_serial=To be filled by O.E.M.
board_vendor=To be filled by O.E.M.
board_version=To be filled by O.E.M.
chassis_asset_tag=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
chassis_serial=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
chassis_vendor=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
chassis_version=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
product_name=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
product_serial=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
product_version=07/26/2010 FLAME6-MB V2.0
sys_vendor=To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Message 458 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

That's the latest known BIOS for it.

Did you enable Wake On LAN in the Dashboard?

It's possible features such as WOL won't work on the legacy models.
Message 459 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

greenwell wrote:
I have installed the latest firmware [6.0.8] on my readynas pro 6. Everything seems to work fine except for the WakeOnLan. I am currently using interface teaming.

Is this a known issue? Does anyone know if there is a workaround?

"No WOL on eth1" is a known issue for 4.2.23 on at least some of the x86 boxes; depending on which teaming configuration you've chosen, that might be what's affecting you.

It's apparently a hardware issue, so a) it would also affect OS6, and b) there's no workaround (unless you count "Use eth0 instead" as a workaround).

Here's the relevant forum thread:
Message 460 of 1,275

Ultra 4 Running OS 6.0.8 - Configuration Backup Issues

Hey Everybody,

Thanks to the assistance of mdgm I have my Ultra 4 running well on OS version 6.0.8 (again).

Unfortunately, I'm still having an issue downloading a Configuration Archive. Now that I have the device reconfigured as I desire, I'd like to make a configuration backup in case I run into problems (again) in the future. . .

So, I go to System --> Settings --> Backup, check the checkbox that says "Everything" --> click the button that says "Download Configuration Archive". The little flower petals rotate and rotate and rotate. . . I have literally waited for 20+ minutes and the Configuration Archive never comes. The weird thing is I had the exact same issue with version 6.0.6. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a solution or workaround?

EDIT: The issue reported above was using Internet Explorer 10. However I just tried the same process with Chrome and got the following message:

<xs:nml xmlns:xs="http://www.netgear.com/protocol/transaction/NMLSchema-0.9" src="browser" dst="nas" locale="en-us">
<xs:transaction ref-id="" type="0">
<xs:response ref-id="" status="failure">
<![CDATA[ 5008020125 ]]>
Can't zip all configs. Total files are more than 50MB when including volume
<![CDATA[ Error in zip configs ]]>

Thanks in advance! :worship:
Message 461 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Thanks everyone for their comments.

Yes, WOL is enabled in the dashboard.

I think it may very well be the software/compability issue as it worked perfectly before I upgraded to the new OS from 4.2.23. I have two pro 6 boxes, one with 4.2.23 and one with 6.0.8 with identical network setups.

I also tried a network configuration with no teaming (ie. eth0) and it still didnt work.
Message 462 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!


same problem as my Pro2 .. ,
still rotating icon .., but sometimes i can get cca 50kB incomplete (damaged) file ..
tried only under Firefox ..

so i can't to do backup of config too 🙂
Message 463 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

tkapin wrote:

same problem as my Pro2 .. ,
still rotating icon .., but sometimes i can get cca 50kB incomplete (damaged) file ..
tried only under Firefox ..

so i can't to do backup of config too 🙂

Thanks for the report! BTW, I edited my post above. Perhaps that will shed some more light to the OS6 Guru's out there. . .
Message 464 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

There is one last thing stopping me from switching to RN6 :
I still have some users that are loging to my NAS through HTTP/S therefore I a still using an addon for DynamicDNS because my provider assigns dynamic IP only... Is there a way to have DDclient on readyNAS OS 6?
Or is there any other solution based on the new "cloud" features advertised ?

Thanks for you enlightenment.
Message 465 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

ATCIS wrote:
tkapin wrote:

same problem as my Pro2 .. ,
still rotating icon .., but sometimes i can get cca 50kB incomplete (damaged) file ..
tried only under Firefox ..

so i can't to do backup of config too 🙂

Thanks for the report! BTW, I edited my post above. Perhaps that will shed some more light to the OS6 Guru's out there. . .

You probably don't want to select "Everything", since it includes Volumes. That's really meant for a clean system little to no data. Try selecting each individual item except "Volumes". The problematic "Volumes" option should be going away in a future release.
Message 466 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Skywalker wrote:
You probably don't want to select "Everything", since it includes Volumes. That's really meant for a clean system little to no data. Try selecting each individual item except "Volumes". The problematic "Volumes" option should be going away in a future release.

Dear Skywalker,

Thanks very much for the reply, and thanks for the suggestion! Your recommendation DOES in fact seem to work. I checked all the boxes except for "Everything" and "Volumes" and the Configuration Archive downloaded just fine!

Your input is very much appreciated. :thumbsup:
Message 467 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

any chance of this working on a RN 3200 V1?
Message 468 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

That depends on whether there is support for the legacy LSI SAS/SATA controller used for ports 5-12 or not. It's possible the OS might not work on the 3200 or might only work with disks in ports 1-4.
Message 469 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Is there VAAI support for iSCSI in OS 6?
Message 470 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I don't think so
Message 471 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

No VAAI - that's too bad.

What about the fan control? Does OS 6.08 have fan control for legacy ReadyNAS units, such as ReadyNAS Pro 6 Business?

I've just purchased a QNAP TS-569L, and am migrating all of my files, VMs, Time Machine backups, etc. to the QNAP. The performance of my ReadyNAS Pro is absolutely dismal. ISCSI started crashing over a year ago, and Negear never resolved the issue (even though the unit is still under warranty). After the previous crash, I updated to 4.2.23, and for several weeks, everything seemed fine. I started thinking that my issue was finally resolved just to encounter another crash a week ago, from which I can no longer recover my VMs. So, iSCSI is very important to me, and it's completely fallen by the wayside with Netgear.

Before I get rid of my ReadyNAS Pro, I want to give it one more chance with OS 6.
Message 472 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

sirozha wrote:

What about the fan control? Does OS 6.08 have fan control for legacy ReadyNAS units, such as ReadyNAS Pro 6 Business?

No. Running ReadyNAS OS on legacy devices is not supported.
Message 473 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I know running OS 6 on legacy devices is not supported. Frankly, I couldn't care less about Netgear support at this point - after having dealt with them for a year just to find out how sorry this company is. I've never bought anything from Netgear for that very reason. I became a fan of ReadyNAS when it was made by Infrant.

By the way, the built quality of the ReadyNAS Pro is still superior to QNAP built quality. And when trying to choose between QNAP and Synology, I've read numerous reports of how QNAP built quality is much superior to that of Synology. So, ReadyNAS Pro is a superior built device with absolutely dismal software developers behind it at this point. After the Jedi left, software development and support is just a disaster.

What I'm trying to find out is if OS 6.08 finally has fan control working on legacy devices. I may keep my ReadyNAS Pro if I can throw OS 6 on and deem it reliable after some testing.
Message 474 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

There are still a number of Jedi at NetGear including Skywalker (who was one of the first Jedi to join the forum) who has posted in this thread a number of times.

Since NetGear doesn't need fan control working on legacy devices for internal testing on the new OS I doubt it will be added.

You have a few options.

1. Consider the advice in this thread: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=71155
2. Make sure you are running the latest BIOS (download the logs - Status > Logs > Download all logs and check the version in bios_ver.log). Get a VGA header cable (http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=70133&p=390511#p390511) and connect it to your motherboard. Hook up to a monitor via VGA and connect a USB keyboard. Under Hardware Health Configuration in the BIOS there are options to let the BIOS handle the fan control. This solution works well and would mean you wouldn't have to worry about getting an OS to do fan control.
Message 475 of 1,275
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