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Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

New features such as unlimited snapshots, ability to encrypt volumes etc.
Message 601 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

is there a full list of new features somewhere?
Message 602 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Just read the software manual and you will see most of them - http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/ ... pr2013.pdf
Message 603 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

thanks.. I have read something.. I think I will update if and when they solve temps and fan bug... not before... because I don't want to use any command line.
thanks again!
Message 604 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I have not resist to try os6 and I try to install it as upgrade.
I have two disks, I take all one off (from off power machine) and I upgrade on other...
it remain blocked on retry startup....
someone know why?
Message 605 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!


did you start with empty drive ? or after factory reset to default ?
i run on my Pro2 OS6 with only few minor issues .. 😄
Message 606 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I have upgraded an existing system as described above
I don't arrive at the point of factory default... it will not start as soon as it found disk

+** update: I have facory reset my nas from rear and redone procedure. installed 4-2-24 and upgrade to 6.1.1
error could not properly estract ----- when firmware update
booting... added new disk....

retry startup....

now locked.....

update 2, refactory defaul and change disk with a 500gb instead of 3tb, now it is working... bha....

now I have to modify for fan speed and temps... I read at the post 3, but I don't understand what to do... after connect via ssh to the root... I have to write code or create files?

root@Readynas_Pro_4:~# cat /ramfs/enclosure.cfg 
cat: /ramfs/enclosure.cfg: No such file or directory
Message 607 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

but.... seeing fan/temps panel.... it seems to work without any modify....

can someone confirm that can work on Pro4?

Message 608 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

platini76 wrote:
but.... seeing fan/temps panel.... it seems to work without any modify....

can someone confirm that can work on Pro4?

Message 609 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

no, after a reboot fans now go wrong... 😞

Message 610 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

upgraded to 6.1.1 few minutes ago...

now I'm stuck at a blinking power light.... won't boot.

any toughts on that?

thanks for helping
Message 611 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

@yupsolo: have this experience today... I only solve with a factory reset from rear switch
Message 612 of 1,275

OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!


you hold down the reset switch while you turn on?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
Message 613 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

got it....

http://www.readynas.com/kb/faq/boot/how ... _boot_menu

i suppose i select factory default?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
Message 614 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

YES, only this can solve for me.
Message 615 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

it's working!

I did an os reinstall via the reset button options


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free
Message 616 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Can anyone confirm that updating a Pro 6 from 6.0.8 to 6.1.1. through the webinterface works without having to do a factory reset? I know I'm at risk with my data but knowing that a factory reset is needed helps a lot..
Message 617 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Once you have ReadyNAS OS 6 running you should be able to update normally without needing to do a further factory reset. Of course it is advisable to have an up to date backup just in case something goes wrong.
Message 618 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Omaha2002 wrote:
Can anyone confirm that updating a Pro 6 from 6.0.8 to 6.1.1. through the webinterface works without having to do a factory reset? I know I'm at risk with my data but knowing that a factory reset is needed helps a lot..

i was do same procedure on Pro2 .. with success 😄
Message 619 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I am recovering a pro4 with 2 wd 3tb red.
one inserted as primary and one after,
it was rebuilding.....
had 2 times freeze.
one this night and one now...
restart and it is recovering data at 80%

it can be the second disk? it is new one....or firmware problem?
Message 620 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Any SMART errors on the disks? What OS and version are you running on your Pro 4?
Message 621 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

where can I see those errors? I see only an alert window in browser to contact service center and not reboot.
and if I try to push power button also display is lock and off. only a 5 seconds push switch off nas,
version is 6.1.1

edit 02.06 : another time now... it only appear offline.... and front button will not respond and don't switch display...
Message 622 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Do you get a login prompt if you attempt to SSH or telnet in?
Message 623 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I will try if another time go offline, for now I pus out the second 3tb HDD and USB hdd

can be usb HDD connected?
Message 624 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

At least some of the md devices have the same name as internal disks so you wouldn't be able to mount the array off a USB disk connected to the ReadyNAS.
Message 625 of 1,275
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