Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re:Manually deleting snapshots

NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Still there may be relevant changes. Not everything is documented in the Release Notes. Compare the GPL and you will see that relevant software has changed.

Can you compile a custom version of the kernel for 6.1.4?
Message 776 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Well, I did it once so I should be able to do it again I guess 😉

The problem is however that I build it on the NAS itself. Which has no space left at the moment...
So when the snapshot problem I experience is not addressed by a newer release, I end up with a full drive, a kernel that doesn't support DVB and I can't go back to 6.0.6. Which means no tv streams on XBMC.

I'd prefer to fix it from the command line, if possible. But as I have seen no other postings with this problem, it might as wel be some specific problem that's not OS6 related.

(I will continue in the morning, it's 3 AM now here in The Netherlands)
Message 777 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

You could try compiling the kernel in the VM: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=70699
Message 778 of 1,275

Re: Cannot delete old OS6 snapshots

IcyK wrote:
Unfortunately, that doesn't work. When I select 'delete', they won't get deleted. Only the ones from the last day of the month I can delete, the rest remains there (and eating up space...).
I now have snapshots from June 15 till August 15 (the day I disabled snapshotting) but I can't get rid of them...

It is quite annoying: there is about 975 GB of data on the drive but the whole 1.75 TB is reported full.

Yo IcyK,

I own an Ultra 4 that has a similar problem. It has 4 X 1TB drives in it and has been running OS6 since version 6.0.3 (if my memory serves) or so. Like you, I disabled snapshots before successfully deleting them all, and now it seems I'll be stuck with them forever (or until I decide to reformat the array and start from scratch). I have tried everything I can think of to get rid of those fu**ers, to no avail. The weird thing about my particular scenario is I can move the snapshots, rename them, change permissions and manipulate them in just about every possible way I can think of, except DELETE THEM! It makes absolutely no sense to me. Personally I have chalked it up to one of the many bugs that still need to be ironed out in the BTRFS file system. I'm really astounded that you and I are the only ones out there that have come across this?!?!?

I currently have somewhere in the neighborhood of 700GB's of wasted space on my ReadyNAS, but like you I have a considerable amount of tweaking time invested in the unit and don't really feel like going through that effort all over again 😞
Message 779 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

O.K. Just had a look into this.

Snapshots can't be deleted like ordinary directories/files. You need to use the btrfs command.

Here is an example:

# btrfs subvolume list -s /data
ID 263 gen 93 cgen 93 top level 5 otime 2013-10-08 00:00:57 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381215657
ID 264 gen 96 cgen 96 top level 5 otime 2013-10-09 00:00:00 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381302000
ID 265 gen 99 cgen 99 top level 5 otime 2013-10-10 00:00:03 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381388403
ID 266 gen 102 cgen 102 top level 5 otime 2013-10-11 00:00:08 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381474808
ID 267 gen 116 cgen 116 top level 5 otime 2013-10-12 00:00:44 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381561244
ID 268 gen 118 cgen 118 top level 5 otime 2013-10-13 00:00:47 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381647647
ID 269 gen 121 cgen 121 top level 5 otime 2013-10-14 00:00:49 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381734049
ID 270 gen 123 cgen 123 top level 5 otime 2013-10-15 00:00:52 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381820452
ID 271 gen 125 cgen 125 top level 5 otime 2013-10-16 00:00:54 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381906854
ID 272 gen 127 cgen 127 top level 5 otime 2013-10-17 00:00:57 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381993257
ID 286 gen 200 cgen 200 top level 5 otime 2013-10-18 00:00:00 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382079600
ID 287 gen 296 cgen 296 top level 5 otime 2013-10-19 00:00:04 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382166004
ID 288 gen 320 cgen 320 top level 5 otime 2013-10-20 00:00:06 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382252406
ID 289 gen 322 cgen 322 top level 5 otime 2013-10-21 00:00:09 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382338809
ID 290 gen 324 cgen 324 top level 5 otime 2013-10-22 00:00:12 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382425212
ID 291 gen 326 cgen 326 top level 5 otime 2013-10-23 00:00:15 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382511615
ID 292 gen 329 cgen 329 top level 5 otime 2013-10-24 00:00:18 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382598018
ID 293 gen 331 cgen 331 top level 5 otime 2013-10-25 00:00:21 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382684421
ID 294 gen 333 cgen 333 top level 5 otime 2013-10-26 00:00:24 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382770824
ID 295 gen 335 cgen 335 top level 5 otime 2013-10-27 00:00:26 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382857226
ID 296 gen 337 cgen 337 top level 5 otime 2013-10-28 00:00:29 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1382943629
ID 297 gen 339 cgen 339 top level 5 otime 2013-10-29 00:00:32 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1383030032
ID 298 gen 341 cgen 341 top level 5 otime 2013-10-30 00:00:35 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1383116435
ID 299 gen 343 cgen 343 top level 5 otime 2013-10-31 00:00:39 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1383202839
ID 300 gen 345 cgen 345 top level 5 otime 2013-11-01 00:00:43 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1383289243
ID 301 gen 347 cgen 347 top level 5 otime 2013-11-02 00:00:46 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1383375646
# btrfs subvolume delete /data/._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1383375646
Message 780 of 1,275

Re:Manually deleting snapshots

mdgm wrote:
O.K. Just had a look into this.

Snapshots can't be deleted like ordinary directories/files. You need to use the btrfs command.

Here is an example:

# btrfs subvolume list -s /data
ID 263 gen 93 cgen 93 top level 5 otime 2013-10-08 00:00:57 path ._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1381215657
# btrfs subvolume delete /data/._share/stuff/.snapshot/c_1383375646

OH MY GOSH mdgm! You are a frigging GENIUS! The command above WORKS! My disk space utilization just went from 40% down to under 20%. I don't care what anybody says - YOU ARE THE MAN! :worship:

Thank you soooooooo much!
Message 781 of 1,275
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I'm just a man.

It's understandable the snapshots are set to be read-only to avoid making changes to them by mistake.
Message 782 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

mdgm wrote:
I'm just a man.

Yeah, whatever you say. . . I am so pleased with your discovery / solution I could kiss you!

mdgm wrote:
It's understandable the snapshots are set to be read-only to avoid making changes to them by mistake.

I agree. . . However one would think if you are logged in as ROOT, there should not be any action outside of its grasp. I guess BTRFS does not see it that way :nashammer:
Message 783 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

mdgm wrote:
O.K. Just had a look into this.

Snapshots can't be deleted like ordinary directories/files. You need to use the btrfs command.

Here is an example:

Whow! Thank you mdgm!

I was able to free up 'some' space: disk usage went from 1.75 TB (100%) to 971 GB (55%).
I'm very grateful for your help!
Message 784 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

This morning, I woke to find my ReadyNAS shares are "missing" and none of my 6TB of data can be found. I'm running a ReadyNAS Ultra 6 with upgraded CPU and 4GB memory on OS 6.1.4 with 6x 3TB HD's [X-Raid]. Since dropping DirecTV about three months ago, I've used my ReadyNAS mostly for downloading and serving media files. I had multiple apps installed, but deactivated most to devote horsepower to SABnzbd, Sickbeard, and Plex. 😞

It boots fine, but no volumes or shares are found. The following error is listed under [System][Volumes]: "Please remove the inactive volumes in order to use the disk. Disk #1,2,3,4,5,6."

I've tried OS Reinstall - no luck.

Any recommendations?

Message 785 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

mangrove wrote:
mangrove wrote:
How do you solve the performance problem with your own encryption? Larger blocksize?

Well, I guess... they did in some way. Compressed performance is ten times better than TrueCrypt, still measly but 25MB/s (write) on an iSCSI container on an encrypted volume (sequential writes). On an unencrypted volume, it is closer to 70MB/s. This looks normal in comparison to competing devices for an Atom platform.

Soooo I reverted to OS4 and did the same test. Problem is, now performance is normal again; I get 64 MB/s writing to a Truecrypt volume on an iSCSI target on a RAID5. So clearly this is related to BTRFS.

To recap: Truecrypt on OS6 on a RAID5 = 2.5-4 MB/s. Netgears own full volume encryption = 25 MB/s.

Verdict: OS6 is completely unusable with small writes to an iSCSI target on a RAID5 volume, probably due to CoW not really being disabled. I wonder if this extends to small CIFS writes as well -- or database performance.

Edit: the bulk of the problem showed to be related to the "sync writes" setting for iSCSI containers, a setting finally exposed by 6.1.9 RC5. This has made 50 MB/sec possible, still not the best performance but clearly workable.
Message 786 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

mangrove wrote:

Verdict: OS6 is completely unusable with small writes to an iSCSI target on a RAID5 volume, probably due to CoW not really being disabled. I wonder if this extends to small CIFS writes as well -- or database performance.

There is definitely something strange going on with BTRFS, although I can't nail it down. For example - I have one computer that has Arconis Backup and Recovery installed on it. A typical backup routine will write one large monolithic file to the NAS that is approximately 60GB in size. This 60 GB file takes about 30 to 40 minutes to write up the NAS, which is what I would consider good or normal performance. The weird part is the backup verification process. I wound up having to disable that feature for the daily incremental backups and only enable it for the full backups that it does once every month or so. Get this. . . the verify process if left unattended would take three to four DAYS to complete (at a speed of less than 4 Mbits per second). The only way that I am able to make the verify process progress at an acceptable speed is to pause the verify task, disable Jumbo Frames and AntiVirus software on the PC, reboot the NAS, wait 5 minutes and resume the verify. Unfortunately I don't have a clue as to what exactly Arcronis is doing during the backup verification process, but one would assume it would primarily be a read and compare operation. It just boggles my mind that during the course of this process the upstream speeds are between 60 and 80 Mbps and the downstream speed is only 3 or 4 Mbps.

Anyone care to make sense of this phenomenon?
Message 787 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Ruh Roh, been running the OS6.X.X since it was tweaked to run on legacy boxes. I am currently on 6.1.4 on a 6 Pro

This morning I awoke to find frontview is dead/down. The box was running fine after 6.1.4 and a Plex upgrade. No changes were made yesterday. Reboot changes nothing.

I was able to SSH, and there seems to be some issues with Snapshotting

root@AMRNAS:~# /usr/sbin/readynasd -v 3 -t
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Backup/.snapshot/c_1364799644'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Documents/.snapshot/c_1364799650'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Music/.snapshot/c_1364799655'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Pictures/.snapshot/c_1364799663'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/readydrop/.snapshot/c_1364799666'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367035210'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367031604'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367028056'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367024449'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367020843'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367017237'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367013631'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367010025'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367006418'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1367002813'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366999207'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366995601'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366992055'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366988450'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366984845'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366981240'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366977635'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366974029'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366970424'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366966817'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366963212'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366956048'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366952437'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366948827'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366945220'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366941655'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366938048'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366934443'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366930839'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366927232'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366923626'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366920019'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366916413'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366912806'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366909200'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366905653'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366902047'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366898441'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366894834'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366891228'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366887622'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366884015'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366880409'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366876802'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1366869628'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1365739210'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1365735600'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1364799670'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/sabnzbd/.snapshot/c_1364713271'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367035213'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367031606'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367028060'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367024452'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367020845'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367017239'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367013633'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367010027'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367006421'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1367002815'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366999209'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366995603'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366992058'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366988452'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366984847'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366981241'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366977636'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366974031'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366970426'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366966821'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366963214'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366956052'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366952441'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366948831'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366945223'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366938050'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366934445'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366930840'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366927235'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366923628'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366920022'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366916415'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366912808'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366909202'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366905656'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366902049'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366898443'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366894837'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366891230'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366887624'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366884018'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366880411'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366876805'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1366869632'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365724836'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365721226'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365717616'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365714007'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365710458'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365706848'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365703240'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365699631'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365696022'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365692413'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365688805'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365685256'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365681647'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365678039'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365674431'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365670820'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365667263'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365660018'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365656408'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365652856'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365649238'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365645625'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365642017'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365638408'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365634858'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365631250'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365627643'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365624036'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365620430'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365616820'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365613209'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365609659'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365606049'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365602437'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365598828'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365595217'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365591608'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365588053'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365584439'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1365580824'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1364799674'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Transmission/.snapshot/c_1364713274'
ERROR: error accessing '/data/._share/Videos/.snapshot/c_1364799678'

Please help me access Frontview so I can disable snapshots or repair whatever is going haywire.
Message 788 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I tried to reboot your box after removing those snapshots.
Message 789 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Hi everyone,

I just upgraded my ReadyNas Pro 6 to OS6 and loving it except one major thing. I'm finding that the system is constantly crashing. The only way that I can recover is reboot the machine until the next crash. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out what is the root cause yet. Do you any of you guys have any suggestion where I can look?

Message 790 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Sigard what version are you on? I think 6.1.4 may be unstable on the pro 6. 6.1.1 was much more stable.
Message 791 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

With no help from anyone, I had to figure this out on my own.

Recovered data by extracting files from the OS 6.1.4 btrfs pool of the data partition onto a mounted nfs share of a separate remote NAS.
Reformatted ReadyNAS back to 4.2.24.
Message 792 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

sgirard wrote:
Hi everyone,

I just upgraded my ReadyNas Pro 6 to OS6 and loving it except one major thing. I'm finding that the system is constantly crashing. The only way that I can recover is reboot the machine until the next crash. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out what is the root cause yet. Do you any of you guys have any suggestion where I can look?


Are you running any addons or software packages that generate a significant amount of disk I/O? If you copy a large amount of files to the device, will it at intervals freeze the copy?
Message 793 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I've finally figured out what was causing my Ultra6 to constantly freeze. A huge thank you to ACTIS, who volunteered a device to test some theories. It turns out that it was very hard to reproduce on his system, since that device was equipped with faster disks (7200v5400 rpm), a whopping 8GB of ram and a proper dual core CPU (not an Atom).

The problems on the Ultra 6 turn out to be the following:
  • BTRFS and Atom processors do not really play well together. It can run on an atom obviously, but the Atom isn't well suited to handle the amount of calculations BTRFS demands.

  • The 1GB of RAM. Upgrading to 4GB made a massive difference in general load on the system, but still did not resolve the I/O wait spiking to near locking point.

  • Snapshots. Snapshots are an incredible pain in the behind. Even with the creation of new snapshots disabled, btrfs was constantly checking against the last snapshot on a subvolume, causing significant load when multiple threads are simultaneously writing to the device.

After deleting the snapshots, device load peaked at 7 when downloading with 40 simultaneous threads, a par2 repair and an unrar, while Sickbeard and Couchpotato were moving files around. As an added bonus, after all the snapshots were gone, the admin UI was about 50 times faster when modifying a share or access to a share. Permission changes were suddenly done in a few seconds instead of several minutes (and in some cases, a frozen device).

I'm still seeing some performance fluctuations, but the device is stable, doesn't crash when looking at it funny and most importantly: my girlfriend no longer nags me daily about missing her series.

Again a big thank you to ACTIS for volunteering a device so I could test this. You're awesome.
Message 794 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I seem to be going through the same level of learning on a fully supported 3220.


Default for OS6 is to enable the snapshots on a newly created share, so I had 8 shares full of snapshots. System performance on a 4 thread i3 with 4G of RAM is in the dirt. I am in the process of removing snapshots to see if it salvages the system.
Message 795 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

MueR wrote:
I've finally figured out what was causing my Ultra6 to constantly freeze. A huge thank you to ACTIS, who volunteered a device to test some theories. It turns out that it was very hard to reproduce on his system, since that device was equipped with faster disks (7200v5400 rpm), a whopping 8GB of ram and a proper dual core CPU (not an Atom).

The problems on the Ultra 6 turn out to be the following:
  • BTRFS and Atom processors do not really play well together. It can run on an atom obviously, but the Atom isn't well suited to handle the amount of calculations BTRFS demands.

  • The 1GB of RAM. Upgrading to 4GB made a massive difference in general load on the system, but still did not resolve the I/O wait spiking to near locking point.

  • Snapshots. Snapshots are an incredible pain in the behind. Even with the creation of new snapshots disabled, btrfs was constantly checking against the last snapshot on a subvolume, causing significant load when multiple threads are simultaneously writing to the device.

After deleting the snapshots, device load peaked at 7 when downloading with 40 simultaneous threads, a par2 repair and an unrar, while Sickbeard and Couchpotato were moving files around. As an added bonus, after all the snapshots were gone, the admin UI was about 50 times faster when modifying a share or access to a share. Permission changes were suddenly done in a few seconds instead of several minutes (and in some cases, a frozen device).

I'm still seeing some performance fluctuations, but the device is stable, doesn't crash when looking at it funny and most importantly: my girlfriend no longer nags me daily about missing her series.

Again a big thank you to ACTIS for volunteering a device so I could test this. You're awesome.

MueR, thank you for writing this!
I'm experiencing somewhat the same behaviour on my Ultra 6 on OS 6.1.4 as you describe, so I'm about to disable snapshotting too. I have good daily backups, so I don't need the snapshots anyway.

One question: which modules did you use to upgrade the RAM to 4 GB on your Ultra 6? I've been reading so much on these forums about unsupported memory & possible data corruption that I've not yet taken the plunge to upgrade memory on mine, but I definitely want to!

Message 796 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

I seem to be having similar issues on my Pro 6, ever since 6.1.4 came out the snapshotting is causing major load. I looked yesterday and i was at 10.4 load average.

Netgear likely doesn't read this, but if you are thinking up upgrading, stay with 6.1.1. 6.1.4 is pure garbage.
Message 797 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

sventunus wrote:
MueR, thank you for writing this!
I'm experiencing somewhat the same behaviour on my Ultra 6 on OS 6.1.4 as you describe, so I'm about to disable snapshotting too. I have good daily backups, so I don't need the snapshots anyway.

Be sure to delete your snapshots too! Snapshotting was disabled for over a month on my device, but the performance only increased when I had removed them.

One question: which modules did you use to upgrade the RAM to 4 GB on your Ultra 6? I've been reading so much on these forums about unsupported memory & possible data corruption that I've not yet taken the plunge to upgrade memory on mine, but I definitely want to!

I used a 2x2GB kit by Crucial, CT2KIT25664AA800.
Message 798 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

Superb MueR, thanks!
*edit*: just ordered a 4GB set through Crucial, looking forward! 🙂
Message 799 of 1,275

Re: OS6 now works on x86 Legacy WARNING: NO NTGR SUPPORT!

A good read for anyone running OS6/btrfs


A REALLY good read if you run VMs. Netgear/Jedis, any of this stuff being looked at/worked on? A checkbox for a share that disables CoW options completely may go a long way. I see relatime is in there by default, but this still causes massive fragmentation on a VM file.

part of my 'mount' output:

/dev/md127 on /run/nfs4/data/dbs type btrfs (rw,relatime,space_cache)
/dev/md127 on /run/nfs4/data/logs type btrfs (rw,relatime,space_cache)
/dev/md127 on /run/nfs4/data/Public type btrfs (rw,relatime,space_cache)
/dev/md127 on /run/nfs4/data/vm2 type btrfs (rw,relatime,space_cache)
Message 800 of 1,275
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