Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?


RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hi everyone,

my RN104 says its firmware 6.10.8 is up to date, even if I search for updates no update ion any kind s available; but I know there is a 6.10.9 release.

Is it safe to upload it on the NAS and manually install it anyway?



Message 1 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Yes, it is safe.  Netgear always releases for local installation before putting it on the update server.  But this time they are being even slower than usual, likely because most of the folks who supported ReadyNAS no longer do.

Message 2 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Thanks a lot it worked fine

Message 3 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hello, I have the RN214 and tried to do the manual update but I kept getting the "unrecognized server error" when I tried to upload the image. Would you mind walking through the steps you took to manually install?

I tried uploading the arm, and the x86, both as .zips and then just the .img files and every time it immediately failed. Did you instead overwrite the files? Did you install it in a way other than through the admin page settings?

Thanks in advance
Message 4 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hello @Etarsha 


Please find the steps for upgrading or downgrading the Firmware :
1.Download the required firmware image from google browser compatible to your ReadyNAS model.
2.Open the NAS admin UI
3.Navigate to system >> settings >> update
4.Click on Install firmware >> browse the downloaded firmware
5.Click on upload.


Link for reference : https://kb.netgear.com/000065653/ReadyNAS-OS-Software-Version-6-10-9

Please try upload the .img file from the arm based firmware for RN214.


Have a lovely day, 
Nivedita Pa
Netgear Team 


Message 5 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

surely I downloaded the file , unzipped it and uploaded it from the admin page; as far as I can remember, I used the .img file.
Now I am not home and I can’t tell you more about it. Did you read the .readme file about direct update from older os version?
Message 6 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hello @77PALE77 


Could you please try downloading and installing the .img file again.

Please make sure your ReadyNAS is getting proper internet connection.


Have a lovely day,
Nivedita Pa
Netgear Team


Message 7 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hi @NiveditaP3,
I suppose your last answer was for @Etarsha and not for me.
I got my install successfully about two weeks ago, and anyway I could do nothing now, as I am far from home until the end of this month😀
Message 8 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hello Nivedita,
I'll give that a try, I did follow the steps you previously posted and when I selected the file from the browse, I encountered the "unspecified server error". Hopefully it was just a corrupted download, I will reply after I re-download and try again later today.

And 77Pale77,
Thank you for confirming you didn't do anything different. I did read the files attached and since I was installing from 6.10.8 it didn't look like any other upgrades were needed.
Message 9 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@Etarsha wrote:
I did follow the steps you previously posted and when I selected the file from the browse, I encountered the "unspecified server error". Hopefully it was just a corrupted download, I will reply after I re-download and try again later today.

If you get that again, try rebooting the NAS.  Then see if 6.10.9 ends up installed anyway.


FWIW, it is installed on my RN102, so it should work fine with your RN104.

Message 10 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hello @NiveditaP3 


I tried downloading the ReadyNASOS-6.10.9-arm from the link you provided and I am still having the "unrecognized server error".  After a NAS reboot, I tried again the .zip, then the .img and even tried putting them in different locations (c://, d://, on the NAS storage itself) to make sure it wasn't a permissions issue.  Still no luck.


I am using the RadyNAS 214, antivirus 02Aug2023 02:34:4 so at least that is getting updated. I have file search enabled, running firmware 6.10.8.  Checking for updates results in "Your system does not need a firmware update".  The firmware version 6.10.8 appears to be causing issues with my installed apps and now I cannot even upgrade to 6.10.9; any other suggestions?



Message 11 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@Etarsha wrote:

The firmware version 6.10.8 appears to be causing issues with my installed apps and now I cannot even upgrade to 6.10.9; any other suggestions?


What apps?

Message 12 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Plex, it hasn't let me update the app since I updated the firmware.  I get an error code 22007100001; which there was another thread about and I tried all of their actions but nothing worked.  Everything currently "works" but I am worried how many updates before things start breaking.


Link to post #https://community.netgear.com/t5/New-ReadyNAS-Users-General/ReadyNAS-212-won-t-upgrade-or-install-ap...


Additionally I have tried to manually install an older firmware version (6.10.7-arm) and I tried to reinstall 6.10.8-arm to see if that would do anything, both resulted in the unknown server error.  Short of combing through he storage and overwriting files, which I do not want to do, I am at a loss.  



Message 13 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@Etarsha wrote:


Additionally I have tried to manually install an older firmware version (6.10.7-arm) and I tried to reinstall 6.10.8-arm to see if that would do anything, both resulted in the unknown server error. 


I am puzzled by this, as I did not see this behavior with my RN102 or my RN202.

Message 14 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Hello @Etarsha 


You can follow these steps manually and try installing the firmware:

1. copy the image to : /root/ReadyNASOS-6.10.9.img

2. and echo /root/ReadyNASOS-6.10.9.img >/etc/.flash_update
3. then reboot, it should install the 6.10.9


Have a lovely day, 
Nivedita Pa
Netgear Team 

Message 15 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@NiveditaP3 wrote:


You can follow these steps manually and try installing the firmware:

1. copy the image to :/root/ReadyNASOS-6.10.9.img

2. and echo /root/ReadyNASOS-6.10.9.img >/etc/.flash_update
3. then reboot, it should install the 6.10.9


Note this requires ssh to be enabled.  If you use these exact steps, then delete /root/ReadyNASOS-6.10.9.img after the reboot.  Though you can simplify by just copying the image to /etc/.flash_update

Message 16 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

Can you confirm that I have to do this through some form of SSH?  Using windows explorer, I see no root folder on my NAS even with unhidden files/folders.   Must I copy these files over using the cmd or other console like program (like PuTTy)?


Message 17 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@Etarsha wrote:

Can you confirm that I have to do this through some form of SSH?  Using windows explorer, I see no root folder on my NAS even with unhidden files/folders.   Must I copy these files over using the cmd or other console like program (like PuTTy)?


None of this required .... https://kb.netgear.com/26212/ReadyNAS-OS-6-Updating-Firmware Scroll down to "To locally update ReadyNAS OS 6 firmware via the Admin Page:" FMI.


Desperate to do it "manually" using SSH do as @NiveditaP3 advised before. Start with downloading the https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/READYNAS-100/ReadyNASOS-6.10.9-arm.zip to a shared folder like Public, do the unzip there, ...

Message 18 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?


The issue is the automatic and manual updates from the admin page are failing.  So I am trying to find another way to force it to complete and hope that fixes whatever is causing the errors.  I really do not want to factory reset the NAS since that also wipes the drives.

Message 19 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@Etarsha wrote:

Can you confirm that I have to do this through some form of SSH?  Using windows explorer, I see no root folder on my NAS even with unhidden files/folders.   Must I copy these files over using the cmd or other console like program (like PuTTy)?


Yes, @NiveditaP3's procedure requires use of ssh. 

Message 20 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@StephenB wrote:

Yes, @NiveditaP3's procedure requires use of ssh. 

@Etarsha following the ssh based update process does not magically cure (most or any) update issues. 


Start with a cold reboot to clear out the RAM disk based root file system - I understand, you already tried this. Poor deployments of Apps can easily cause many issues, the "wrong" file systems are easily flooded.


When having a root shell access open, check (and post) the output of mount and df (disk free) for further reference. And no, this does not imply there is a risk or a problem in deploying firmware updates. 

Message 21 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@schumaku wrote:

When having a root shell access open, check (and post) the output of mount and df (disk free) for further reference. And no, this does not imply there is a risk or a problem in deploying firmware updates. 

@Etarsha - it is possible that the OS partition is too full to apply the update.


If you don't want to use ssh, you can also check for this by downloading the log zip file from the web ui log page. Open volume.log, and scroll down to the section that starts with === df -h ===


You should see something like this:


=== df -h ===
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev             10M  4.0K   10M   1% /dev
/dev/md0        3.7G  746M  2.8G  21% /

=== df -i ===
Filesystem      Inodes IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
udev             63126   437   62689    1% /dev
/dev/md0       1048576 14586 1033990    2% /

The /dev/md0 lines are the OS partition on the disks.


Let us know what these lines show in your logs.


Message 22 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

hello from France
Version 6.10.9 has been available since May 5, but it is not automatically offered for download/installation.
In France we discovered that this new version allowed to unlock two problems:
- a ReadyNas 102 blocked in version 6.4.2 and which refused the installation of a 6.10.8 version
- a ReadyNas 104 which refused to install applications
This version 6.10.9 seems more important than Netgear announces it. So much the better
No, the ReadyNas is not dead ... 😉

Message 23 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

I can confirm the following steps worked for me, I have a ReadyNAS 214 and updated it in the last couple of weeks:

  • Download ReadyNASOS-6.10.9-arm.zip
  • Unzip on my Win10 PC, to get ReadyNASOS-6.10.9-arm.img
  • Using Firefox, visit the ReadyNAS dashboard -> settings -> Install Firmware
  • Browse to the .img file and select upload
  • Reboot the NAS


Do you have any blockers/antivirus on your PC that could be messing up the download?

Message 24 of 25

Re: RN104 Is manual install of 6.10.9 safe?

@Loic44600 wrote:

- a ReadyNas 102 blocked in version 6.4.2 and which refused the installation of a 6.10.8 version

Read the release notes - you should have installed 6.5.2 first.

ReadyNAS 102, 104, and 2120 systems must not be updated directly to 6.10.x from 6.3.x or older firmware. They must first be updated to either 6.2.5 or 6.3.5 then to 6.5.2 and then to 6.10.x. 


Some folks have bricked their NAS by not following those instructions.  


@Loic44600 wrote:

- a ReadyNas 104 which refused to install applications

The Netgear 6.10.8 repo is broken, and so far Netgear hasn't bothered to fix it.  Another aspect is that the Debian 8 ("Jessie") version of Linux used by the ReadyNAS is outdated, and the Debian folks archived its repos.  There is an extended discussion here:

Post 37 (page 4) has links to two files that also need to be manually applied to the OS partition in order to get many linux installs to work. 


@Loic44600 wrote:

No, the ReadyNas is not dead ... 😉

  1. The most recent ReadyNAS product was released in 2017, so about 6 years ago.
  2. ReadyNAS products were removed from the main Netgear webpages a while ago, and are only on the support pages.  All say "This product/software is end-of-life."
  3. ReadyCloud has been turned off
  4. Firmware updates have been less frequent, and largely limited to security updates
  5. Several folks have complained here about their inability to get support from Netgear (including data recovery contracts).

So I think "dead" is a good description.  That said, I have no plans to discontinue using them, as mine are still working well for me.




Message 25 of 25
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