Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk


RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

I've added an eda500 to my rn314 and want to migrate disks & data from the old rn212.


I powered the rn212 down and removed one disk.  I then added this to the EDA500 and set up a new volume on it.


The intention was to then create the shares and copy the data, before taking the remaining disk out of the RN212 and adding it to the EDA500 to re-mirror.


However... When I started the RN212 with one disk in, it boots as a new device and I cant access the disk.  It reports "your readynas booted with dsiks that where previously used in another type of device" The only option is to format the disk.


Why has this happended, and is there anything I can do to access the data? I do have a backup, but am concerned that this has occured, I would expect this to be ok? i.e if disk fails when nas off, then it should start ok with just one disk?


Thanks for any insight


Model: RN212|2 BAY Desktop ReadyNAS Storage
Message 1 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

What kind of volume did you have?  If it was RAID0 or JBOD, you can't remove one drive and retain data on the other.

Message 2 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk



It was a 2 disk mirror (x-raid). If I go into the volumes tab, theres a message "remove inactive volumes to use disk. Disk #2"


I would expect everything to work fine with one mirror removed, it should just be degradded.



Message 3 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

That is the expectation.  But waiting until you already re-formatted the second drive before checking the first would give you a degraded volume was not your best choice.  Best would have been to remove the drive with power on.  Second best would be to at least re-boot before re-formatting.


It appears that something did get corrupted on your drive and it now no longer has the other to recover from.  On the outside chance it's just the OS partition, you can try an OS re-install.

Message 4 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk



I agree, in hindsite, I should have checked it would boot with the disk removed!  I did think I was taking the safest approach by powering down first. I was also trying to save doing a volume resync if I put the disk backin if the EDA500 had not worked and I needed to put the disk back. (wasn't sure you could have 2 x-raids with EDA500 - I can confirm you can)


Tried the OS reinstall, it now boots without going through the wetup wizard and has the correct NAS name, but the volume is still not accesible. 



Message 5 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

Is the NAS showing any volumes, even "bad" ones?


As for the EDA500.  You can have one XRAID on the main NAS and one on each EDA500, if that's what you meant.  Having a single volume span both chasses is a really bad idea.  You cannot have two XRAID volumes in any single chassis, you have to use FlexRAID for that.

Message 6 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk


I see a voluime "data" showing 3.63TB, 0 free, Raid 1.  There is a red dot in the top right corner, hovering on iot is says the volume is inactive or dead.  Theres also a log message "remove inactive volumes to use the disk. Disk #2" 

A disk shows in slot 2 high;ighted red.


I only have options to "DESTROY" the volume or format the disk

Message 7 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

So, they were 4TB drives?  This is an odd one to me.  I've seen a similar display when more than one drive in a RAID5 was missing or dead, but not when one of a RAID1 is.  It sounds like it may be recoverable, but you'll have to get one of the Netgear moderators to take a look at your logs to find out for sure and how.

Message 8 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk



Yes they were 4TB drives.


Thanks for your help.


I dont think I'll try any further recovery, I've restored the backup to the EDA500, so will initialise the disk and add it to the EDA500 and let it mirror.  


I really wanted to check all the permissions on the share rather than the data to ensure the new shares were setup the same.  


I'm just left a little uncomfortable over readynas's ability to recover from what should be a recoverable event. 

Message 9 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

@Paul_Thomas wrote:


I'm just left a little uncomfortable over readynas's ability to recover from what should be a recoverable event. 

It certainly should have, so I am a bit puzzled.


Was the disk in it's original slot, with the other slot empty?  Any evidence of disk errors in the SMART stats?

Message 10 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

I've posted 2 updates, but they seem to be missing?

Message 11 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

Hi @Paul_Thomas 


If you wouldn't mind, download the logs from the RN212 NAS that now shows: "Remove Inactive Volumes".

Upload the zip to a Google drive or similar and PM me the link. Then I will take a look as to what happened.



Message 12 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

Thanks for offering to look, this is the complete log...


May 17, 2019 10:41:07 AM System: Host name was changed to readynasos.
May 17, 2019 10:41:06 AM System: Alert settings are updated.
May 17, 2019 10:41:06 AM System: Alert contact information was saved.
May 17, 2019 08:50:42 AM System: Host name was changed to readynasos.
May 17, 2019 08:50:40 AM System: Alert settings are updated.
May 17, 2019 08:50:40 AM System: Alert contact information was saved.
May 17, 2019 08:49:52 AM System: Host name was changed to readynasos.
May 17, 2019 08:49:50 AM System: Alert settings are updated.
May 17, 2019 08:49:50 AM System: Alert contact information was saved.
May 17, 2019 08:49:40 AM System: Host name was changed to readynasos.
May 17, 2019 08:49:38 AM System: Alert settings are updated.
May 17, 2019 08:49:38 AM System: Alert contact information was saved.
May 17, 2019 08:49:31 AM System: Host name was changed to readynasos.
May 17, 2019 08:49:29 AM System: Alert settings are updated.
May 17, 2019 08:49:29 AM System: Alert contact information was saved.
May 15, 2019 10:05:01 AM System: Host name was changed to readynasos.
May 15, 2019 10:05:00 AM System: Alert settings are updated.
May 15, 2019 10:05:00 AM System: Alert contact information was saved.
May 14, 2019 03:14:32 PM Volume: Volume configuration switched to XRAID.
May 14, 2019 03:14:05 PM Volume: Volume configuration switched to Flex-RAID.
May 14, 2019 02:38:05 PM System: ReadyNASOS background service started.

Message 13 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

You can download an extensive log-set from the NAS.



Follow the instructions for: "ReadyNAS OS 6" to get the logs out. It will come in a zip file and you can upload that zip file to Google drive or similar and share it (then PM me the shared link so I can download them) 🙂

Message 14 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

Ok, that gives a lot more detail!


PM sent


Message 15 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

Hi @Paul_Thomas 


Thanks for the logs. I appreciate it.


Something very odd is going on here, something I have never seen before! The NAS operating system (OS) is definitely messed up, but I am pretty sure the data is just fine. I suspect that this oddity came about after you did the OS re-install. Something must have gone wrong then (not something you did). Firstly, the logs don't go back further than the 14th. This is because the NAS logs indicate that the NAS was factory defaulted, which it was not.

[2019/05/14 21:36:50 UTC] Factory default initiated on ReadyNASOS 6.10.0 (ReadyNASOS).
[2019/05/14 21:37:13 UTC] Updated from ReadyNASOS 6.10.0 (ReadyNASOS) to 6.10.0 (ReadyNASOS).


The hostname is also suspicious as that is the default name upon manual reflash of the OS.

May 14 14:37:19 readynasos connmand[2885]: System hostname is readynasos


Looking at the raids, we can see that the OS raid was re-created as well. Even more strangely the OS raid is now build with /dev/zram0 rather than /dev/sda1. The data raid looks fine tough.

--- OS raid ---
Creation Time : Tue May 14 14:36:30 2019
/dev/zram0 <<<=== zram0??? What...

--- Data raid ---
Creation Time : Wed Mar 21 02:34:51 2018
/dev/sda3 <<<=== Normal


Looking in the partition log, have zram0 and no sda1. Very strange!

8 0 3907018584 sda
8 2 524288 sda2
8 3 3902299936 sda3
250 0 4194304 zram0
9 0 4190208 md0
9 1 523712 md1
9 127 3902168832 md127


Anyhow, the data is unharmed here for all I can see in the logs. Getting access to the data is troublesome right now, probably because of the state of the OS. I reckon, to recover the OS, one would need to reinstate the sda1 partition, re-create md0 (OS) raid and flash a fresh OS install onto that. This can certainly be done but would require NETGEAR assistance.


Options? Unless you have a support contract it will cost a fee to have NETGEAR support fix this. If you have an up-to-date backup then that might be the best route here. Up to you 🙂


Message 16 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk


Many thanks for your detailed diagnostics.


Unfortunatly, I think we needed the log from when it first booted with the removed disk.  This boot was strange, I first thought there was a problem as the fans were at full speed for longer than usual & the boot process was very slow.  When I connected, it ran through the setup wizard, I also noticed a strange NAS name, it had a fomat somthing tike "xx xx xx xx" I think each xx may have been a hex number but I couldn't be certain now.  Each pair was different and there may have been 4 to 6 pairs.


I guess the OS is using the nvram disk as the main raid disk cant be accesssed/used for some reason.


As I mentioned, its not the data I need, I really wanted the share permissions.  I suspect even with an OS reinstall & making the disk accecible this would be lost as I would expect the UID & GID's to be different.


When I get some time over the weekend, I'll put the disk in my windows server & see what the disk looks like.  I'll then be doing a diskpart clean, befor adding it to the EDA500 to build an x-raid miror.


Thanks again for all your help & advice.


Message 17 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

@Paul_Thomas wrote:


As I mentioned, its not the data I need, I really wanted the share permissions.  I suspect even with an OS reinstall & making the disk accecible this would be lost as I would expect the UID & GID's to be different.


If you recreated the user accounts, they likely would be different.   You could try looking in the log zip file in shares.log, though it might not include your old shares. You could also log in with ssh, and look at the user accounts (though they might also have been trashed).


I suggest documenting this info on your RN314, so you will have it when needed.  For example capturing screenshots of the web ui, and also download the configuration files from system->settings.


@Paul_Thomas wrote:

I also noticed a strange NAS name, it had a fomat somthing tike "xx xx xx xx" I think each xx may have

That would be the default NAS name - based on the ethernet mac address.



Message 18 of 19

Re: RN212 - Removed one disk, now cant see data on remaining disk

Thanks for all the help on this.  Hopefully it was a one off blip!


I've now put the disk in the EDA500 and the rn314, and that went fine.  A new (unusable) volume appeard as expected, I performed a "DESTROY" on the volume, and the disk was immediatly detected and started to mirror with the existing disk.




Message 19 of 19
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