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Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks


ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Hi All,

I dont need a definate answer, i have somewhat given up, but let me ask my question and if anyone knows a better way i am happy to try. Do note though i am not really too keen on enabling root/ssh, so where possible i would like to leave this alone.

Within my home network i use a product called SpiceWorks to monitor things like disk space, network traffic, machines being online/offline, ups and so on. Ever since my first NV/NV+ i could never get SpiceWorks to scan it correctly, i have tried as HTTP, SNMP and i have even been asked (on SW forum) to enable root and scan it as this. I didnt on mine, but on another test NV+ i had access to i did - still it never worked.

Can anyone advise if they have SW scanning the Nas and reporting back correctly? Currently it is scanning with SNMP and picks up network traffic, disk space - albeit it very incorrectly. SW says the nas has Total Disk Capacity: -846713786368 Bytes (The Ultra has 6x2TB RAID6 if that helps). And CPU type is not detected - as i have said above i can cope with it not scanning it, or correctly i am more curious if anyone has this working.

The nas already does a good job of emailing it's own alerts, i was just hoping to get all my devices monitored by one app that i can login and look at, as and when required.

SpiceWorks identifys this as a server, i am scanning it using Public SNMP

Any help is appriciated
Message 1 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

So running an Ultra 6 Plus? What firmware on the NAS? What SpiceWorks version?
Message 2 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Hi Chirpa, thanks for the reply here are your answers

Firmware: RAIDiator 4.2.19
Spiceworks, Inc. Version 5.3.75884

I also have the addon SNMPon installed and active and that is how i am currently getting the results i get.

I hope this helps, if you need any further information please do let me know, as stated though if possible i would like to avoid using SSH or any form of root access, but i guess if i have to i have to (or i simply dont monitor this with SpiceWorks properly).

Message 3 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Hi Chirpa, i know you are busy, just wondering if you found anything i might be able to do to get SW scanning my nas as it should - no problem if you haven't or you are still looking.
Message 4 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Sorry to chase an old thread, but has anyone got any more news on this at all. So far this is the only device on my spiceworks that isnt reporting correctly.
Message 5 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

I could get it to scan my Ultra 4 no problem. Can't remember if I used the "root" account & password (RootSSH Enabled) or the admin account. If I had to guess, it was probably root. I don't know, but I am doubtful the admin account would have sufficient priviledges for Spiceworks. For me, the bigger problem was getting it to scan my Windows 7 Home machines. It just refused point-blank, and I tried pretty much every firewall bypass rule, registry hack and setting I could find on their help section, no dice. So I uninstalled it.
Message 6 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Hi Gibxxi,

SNMP is pulling a lot of the information but some is wrong - mostly disk space.

For example with SNMP i get the following

Linux NAS1
1GB Ram
Device mac address(es)
and then;

-850998976512 Bytes of disk space

I would prefer not to enable root since SNMP should be giving back enough information for my needs (and as it stands i can deal with what i get returned), it would just be nice to have all devices reporting correctly, without the need to open the system up as it were.

Windows 7
As for that and SpiceWorks, that is easier than you think (it does however need to be run on each machine so if you have loads, build this in to the image).

Run a Command Prompt as Administrator, and enter / paste the following (without quotes):
"netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (WMI)" new enable=Yes"
NB you can't do this via a manual rule, you have to enable it by the above line in a command

Reg edit
Save below here to a text file with the extension .reg and run it on the Win7 machines.

---------- from here----------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


---------- to here ----------

and hey presto, Windows 7 scans.

I use spiceworks for several reasons

a) it's free
b) it does what i need
c) it isnt overly complicated to use for a small network.
d) i can use it to keep track of my purchases/assets
e) it has a built in helpdesk system, and it works great for small networks

I'm sure there are others out there but i like this one and i am sure if you didnt have issues you too would have got involved in it, and liked, some if not all it has to offer.

I have been using SW since V1.6 and it has grown rapidly over the years.

V6 is to bring out an agent for guests, so this will also help issues with firewalls etc.
Message 7 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Hi ukmagic,

Thanks for the tips. They look vaguely familiar, but I'll give it another try over the next couple of days and report back. Spiceworks looks like a comprehensive app, and I was somewhat dismayed it didn't work for me first time around. But I'm not above calling it "idiot-error" lol.

I'm assuming you have the SNMP add-on installed on the NAS? or are you using one that has SNMP functionality already enabled?

[EDIT:] I'm only an amature techie / enthusiast, but have been in computers for about 15 years. I have 4 systems of my own, and also do support for family & freinds. Spiceworks looked like the kind of thing I was looking for to keep an eye on the entire network when everything's powered on (see my sig). So if I can get this working, it'll be a real boon for me.

Message 8 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

ukmagic wrote:
Hi Chirpa, thanks for the reply here are your answers

Firmware: RAIDiator 4.2.19
Spiceworks, Inc. Version 5.3.75884

I also have the addon SNMPon installed and active and that is how i am currently getting the results i get.


Taken from a post higher up 🙂
Message 9 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Should of looked, didn't see that. I'm having one of those kinda days, lol, 35 today too. Think the rampant senility is creeping in already.

Message 10 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

It happens, especially when we are as old as you are!

I noticed in your sig that you have the same MB and CPU combo as me - i7 920 and GA-EX58-UD5, but i have 12GB ram.

I'm sure now the forum post is active again somene else might add in any comments they have with regard to SNMP scanning using spiceworks.

Oh and Happy Birthday old (wo)man?
Message 11 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Old man lol, Thankyou.

Well I bit the bullet and installed it again. I'm getting the issues you mention. My shares as displayed in Spiceworks for the RN-Ultra are showing 154% free space which is obviously out of whack. Also, while it correctly detects memory amount (RAM) and linux version, nothing can be gathered about installed software and the CPU type is listed as "unknown". I've tried both the "root" account and the "admin" account as credentials too.

SNMP config:

Public Community Name: public
Trap Destination: (Used host-name as a pose to IP address)
Hosts allowed access:

What is puzzling is the fact that some information is passed along fine, while other information is missing / incorrect. Hopefully someone on this forum uses SpiceWorks who has a NAS that natively supports SNMP. Then at least we can tell if the problem lies with the add-on or the NAS itself.

Thanks for the tips by the way, my computers are now being recognized properly. So happy days on that front at least.

Message 12 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

Ah-ha, so it's not just me. Well that is good at least, and as with your reporting, my nas reports a negative 100 and something free space figure as well as unknown CPU.

Chirpa did take some interest a while back but i guess he's busy (perhaps working on a magic formular for me - we can hope).

You now see what i mean, neither Admin (the web one, which i doubt would work anyway) and the root with rootssh enabled do not gather any further information, and in my case, gathered less than SNMP alone.

I have tried this both on an Ultra 6 and an NV+

Now as stated, both device has in-built disk/space monitors and are configured to email with notifications, which works perfectly fine. But it would be a nice bonus to have Spiceworks read the information correctly - however that may be, but possibly not requiring root.

I have posted the same issue on the SW forum and a member claimed root was essential, but as we have both witnessed, this is not true.

That lead me here to ask the same question.

So far the results are the same, but as above Chirpa did take away some more information than the SW members and i am sure he is ferretting away somewhere with magic dust and sprinkles figuring this out for me (now us).

I had thought that the addon might be the issue, but having tried root, which uses SSH to query the device i would guess not. But i am no Linux expert so i am not going to say it is, just 'guess not'

Glad to have helped on the SW/W7 issue, i'm sure you will now get back in to SW and see what it can do for you.
Message 13 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

I understand this is an old post, and i was not the only one who had seen this issue, but i wanted to post a note to inform others and clarify the situation as it stands today.

As of Beta Version 6.0.00581

SpiceWorks identifies both my ReadyNas NV+ and Ultra6 perfectly, without any changes on my part, i am still using SNMP as i had originally hoped to and i can confirm this version is working for what i wanted.

Those who are unable to get the Beta, at least you know now this works in 6
Message 14 of 15

Re: ReadyNas & Spiceworks

For those who are interested, the press release for Spiceworks 6 is here: http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2 ... ledge-base

There is a link to the Beta II download at the foot of the article. Thanks for remembering me and the PM ukmagic!

Message 15 of 15
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