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Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000


Help troubleshooting rndp6000

I am troubleshooting some issues with new old (newly acquired) RNDP 6000 100NAS.


This board won't allow me to post my log in zip format.


Not sure if disk network or other problem. Trouble with writing to NAS from computer with Acronis true image 2019.


p.s. some of the higher temperature operation is when I had the A/C off of minute and should not be an issue.


Please advise.



Model: ReadyNAS RNDP6000|ReadyNAS Pro 6 Chassis only
Message 1 of 33

Accepted Solutions

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:

The wifi uses your Netgear DC112A-100NAS cradle with ATT wifi hotspot.

Uses "ac" I think.


It's not mine - I don't work for Netgear (neither does anyone else you've been connecting with here).  This is a community forum, you are talking with other users.


It is an 802.11ac device (2x2 in the 5 ghz band), so you should be seeing better speeds if you are close to the cradle.  Perhaps confirm that you are connecting to the 5Ghz band.

View solution in original post

Message 21 of 33

All Replies

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:


This board won't allow me to post my log in zip format.



There is some privacy leakage if you post the full log zip file, so please don't do that. 


It's fine to cut/paste a small section though.


@nickel22222 wrote:


Not sure if disk network or other problem. Trouble with writing to NAS from computer with Acronis true image 2019.


Are you seeing any issues reading/writing to a NAS share?  You can use Nastester to test this: http://www.808.dk/?code-csharp-nas-performance.


Message 2 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

i typed in the ip address and get errors.


NAS performance tester 1.7 http://www.808.dk/?nastester
Running warmup...
An error occured: Could not find a part of the path '\1test.tmp'.
Running a 400MB file write on 5 times...
An error occured: Could not find a part of the path '\1test.tmp'.
Running a 400MB file read on 5 times...
An error occured: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\AsuS\Downloads\NASTester_17\\1test.tmp'.

Message 3 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

You're entering the wrong thing.  You need to specify a NAS share as the destination, and you need use the UNC format.


For instance, if you have a share called Media, enter \\\Media in the network path field.  Note the direction of the slashes - that matters.

Message 4 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Got it working.


NAS performance tester 1.7 http://www.808.dk/?nastester
Running warmup...
Running a 400MB file write on \\\nas 5 times...
Iteration 1: 7.19 MB/sec
Iteration 2: 7.37 MB/sec
Iteration 3: 7.31 MB/sec
Iteration 4: 7.17 MB/sec
Iteration 5: 6.92 MB/sec
Average (W): 7.19 MB/sec


Looks ok.


What log files do I post to ensure mem and cpu and disks are

Jan 01, 2019 13:58:30   System: ReadyNASOS background service started.
Jan 01, 2019 13:58:21   System: ReadyNASOS service or process was restarted.
Jan 01, 2019 10:01:26   Volume: Disk test completed for volume NAS.



It doesn't say if disk check was good or not. Just that it was completed.

Message 5 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:

Got it working.


NAS performance tester 1.7 http://www.808.dk/?nastester
Running warmup...
Running a 400MB file write on \\\nas 5 times...
Iteration 1: 7.19 MB/sec
Iteration 2: 7.37 MB/sec
Iteration 3: 7.31 MB/sec
Iteration 4: 7.17 MB/sec
Iteration 5: 6.92 MB/sec
Average (W): 7.19 MB/sec


Looks ok.


It looks incredibly slow.  Over gigabit ethernet you should be seeing something close to 100 MB/sec.  Is this over wifi?


@nickel22222 wrote:


It doesn't say if disk check was good or not. Just that it was completed.

Download the log zip file.


Look in disk_smart.log to see the details of the SMART stats.

Also you can see networks stats in network_settings.log



Message 6 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Regarding network, not sure what drops are.


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1f:33:ea:2b:b5
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
Interrupt:28 Memory:ff6fc000-0

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1f:33:ea:2b:b4
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21f:33ff:feea:2bb4/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:232379277 errors:0 dropped:19 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:78547114 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:347964844886 (324.0 GiB) TX bytes:9151747045 (8.5 GiB)
Interrupt:27 Memory:ff7fc000-0

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:106 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:106 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1
RX bytes:36105 (35.2 KiB) TX bytes:36105 (35.2 KiB)

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 eth1 U 0 0 0 eth1 UH 0 0 0 eth1

Message 7 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Here is smart information. 



time model serial realloc_sect realloc_evnt spin_retry_cnt ioedc cmd_timeouts pending_sect uncorrectable_err ata_errors
------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ----------------- ----------
2018-12-30 12:21:51 ST8000DM004-2CX188 ZCT08HQV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018-12-30 12:24:57 ST8000DM004-2CX188 WCT0Y1ZZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018-12-30 12:27:05 ST8000DM004-2CX188 WCT0WV0L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018-12-30 12:27:05 ST8000DM004-2CX188 ZCT085ZC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2018-12-30 12:29:12 ST6000DX000-1H217Z Z4D08APZ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2018-12-30 12:29:12 ST6000DX000-1H217Z Z4D02MRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Message 8 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

From disk information. I only see one out below. when I looked at the posts in the forum i see mostly "increasing" or a great many of them. Not one.


If it had a problem why would it stop reporting them the last several days?


Device: sdb
Controller: 0
Channel: 1
Model: ST6000DX000-1H217Z
Serial: Z4D08APZ
Firmware: CC48
Class: SATA
RPM: 7200
Sectors: 11721045168
Pool: NAS
PoolType: RAID 5
PoolState: 1
PoolHostId: 33ea2bb5
Health data
ATA Error Count: 0
Reallocated Sectors: 0
Reallocation Events: 0
Spin Retry Count: 0
End-to-End Errors: 0
Command Timeouts: 1
Current Pending Sector Count: 0
Uncorrectable Sector Count: 0
Temperature: 54
Start/Stop Count: 1944
Power-On Hours: 31596
Power Cycle Count: 371
Load Cycle Count: 556801



Message 9 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Not undestanding logic of the NAS.


The log indicates a command timeout occurred on one drive several days ago.


Yet when I did a disk check since then (which took forever) it showed a green light in the software and said it was completed. Apparently no errors (wouldn't it have shown it in the log?


So how can there be a timeout when the disk check is 100% ok?

Message 10 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:

Regarding network, not sure what drops are.


Dropped packets are being dropped by the NAS itself for some reason, not the network.  Occassional drops happen (sometimes related to a lost connection to the NAS).  That stat doesn't look concerning.


I do see you have ipv6 enabled on your NAS - you likely are just using ipv4 on your network, so I suggest disabling ipv6 on the NAS.


At the botton of the file you shoule see the negotiated ethernet speed for each link.  Can you let us know what speed  and Duplex you are seeting for eth1?  It is normally 1000 MB/s / Full Duplex.

Message 11 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

What firmware are you running on the NAS?


@nickel22222 wrote:

Not undestanding logic of the NAS.


The log indicates a command timeout occurred on one drive several days ago.


Yet when I did a disk check since then (which took forever) it showed a green light in the software and said it was completed. Apparently no errors (wouldn't it have shown it in the log?


So how can there be a timeout when the disk check is 100% ok?

The disk check is running the disk self-test that is built into the drive.  The NAS just reports the results of that diagnostic.  There likely are thresholds built into that test - a couple of errors likely won't result in a fail, but they would show up in the SMART statistics (which are also kept by the drive).


@nickel22222 wrote:


If it had a problem why would it stop reporting them the last several days?

Well, obviously you haven't had more command timeouts since then, and the other SMART stats look fine.  I suggested earlier that you keep an eye on the drive, since command timeouts (like reallocated sectors and pending sectors) are an indicator that something might be going wrong.  I wouldn't get too concerned about an isolated command timeouts, but I would be worried if the count starts to increase.

Message 12 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Settings for eth1:
Supported ports: [ TP ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 1000Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: Twisted Pair
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
MDI-X: Unknown
Supports Wake-on: g
Wake-on: g
Link detected: yes
Type = ethernet
Security = [ ]
State = ready
Favorite = True
Immutable = False
AutoConnect = True
Name = Wired
Ethernet = [ Method=auto, Interface=eth1, Address=00:1F:33:EA:2B:B4, MTU=1500 ]
IPv4 = [ Method=dhcp, Address=, Netmask=, Gateway= ]
IPv4.Configuration = [ Method=dhcp ]
IPv6 = [ ]
IPv6.Configuration = [ Method=auto, Privacy=disabled ]
Nameservers = [ ]
Nameservers.Configuration = [ ]
Timeservers = [, time-e.netgear.com, time-a.netgear.com ]
Timeservers.Configuration = [ ]
Routes = [ ]
Routes.Configuration = [ ]
Domains = [ ]
Domains.Configuration = [ ]
Proxy = [ Method=direct ]
Proxy.Configuration = [ ]
Provider = [ ]

Message 13 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Ok, so the NAS is using full duplex gigabit, which can deliver about 100 MB/s throughput.


When you ran NAStester (and got ~7 MB/s), how was the PC connected to your home network?

Message 14 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

The PC was wifi connected to router.


Router was ethernet connected to one of LAN ports.


If I upgrade from old 1.8 Ghz cpu to 2.6 Ghz, and double to 4 GB ram, will speed improve?





Message 15 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:

The PC was wifi connected to router.


That makes a huge difference.  Are you using 802.11g, 802.11n, or 802.11ac?  


@nickel22222 wrote:


If I upgrade from old 1.8 Ghz cpu to 2.6 Ghz, and double to 4 GB ram, will speed improve?


You should be seeing ~100 MB/sec over wired ethernet with your current CPU and RAM.  The bottleneck you are seeing now isn't the NAS hardware, it's almost certainly the PC's wifi connection.  You should solve that before considering hardware upgrades for the NAS.

Message 16 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Stopped using wifi now ethernet. how is this/


ce tester 1.7 http://www.808.dk/?nastester
Running warmup...
Running a 400MB file write on Z: 5 times...
Iteration 1: 84.26 MB/sec
Iteration 2: 113.87 MB/sec
Iteration 3: 111.41 MB/sec
Iteration 4: 112.05 MB/sec
Iteration 5: 108.85 MB/sec
Average (W): 106.09 MB/sec
Running a 400MB file read on Z: 5 times...
Iteration 1: 58.34 MB/sec
Iteration 2: 56.50 MB/sec
Iteration 3: 57.67 MB/sec
Iteration 4: 51.53 MB/sec
Iteration 5: 53.36 MB/sec
Average (R): 55.48 MB/sec

Message 17 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

That is much better.  The read speeds should also be in the 100 MB/s range, but that might be related to the PC (for instance if antivirus software is running on the PC).  You could see if ethernet flow control is enabled in the PC driver - if it's not, you could try enabling it and see if the read speed increases.


Still, it is possible to get much better speeds over wifi.  If you are interested, give us more details on the router model and the PC wifi specs.

Message 18 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

The wifi uses your Netgear DC112A-100NAS cradle with ATT wifi hotspot.

Uses "ac" I think.


Coincidentally LAN connections to this cradle bought on 1-12-18 are erratic at times.

Message 19 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

my wifi is built into the asus rog laptop.


intel dual band wireless ac 8260.


LAN port is Realtek PCIe GBE Family controller.

Message 20 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:

The wifi uses your Netgear DC112A-100NAS cradle with ATT wifi hotspot.

Uses "ac" I think.


It's not mine - I don't work for Netgear (neither does anyone else you've been connecting with here).  This is a community forum, you are talking with other users.


It is an 802.11ac device (2x2 in the 5 ghz band), so you should be seeing better speeds if you are close to the cradle.  Perhaps confirm that you are connecting to the 5Ghz band.

Message 21 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Sorry. yes I'm only on 2.4 ghz due to old devices but that's ok lan is ok.

What is the best I could get for write speed for lan? It seems 115 MB/s is best I can get. I could upgrade ram and cpu maybe.


I found flow control enabled for wifi but not in lan device manager settings.

I have 20 tb to backup. anything I can do to speed up within reason is an option.

Message 22 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:

What is the best I could get for write speed for lan? It seems 115 MB/s is best I can get. I could upgrade ram and cpu maybe.


Gigabit ethernet (1000 Mbits/second) translates to 125 MB per second (for 1000*1000 bytes) and 119 MiB per second (for 1024*1024 bytes).


There is overhead (ethernet framing, IP headers, SMB protocol overhead) so you'll never see those values.  So you are at the limit of gigabit ethernet for large file transfers.  RAM/CPU upgrades won't increase your speeds.  The main reason to consider those upgrades is to speed up apps (including Antivirus and File Search in OS-6) on the NAS.  The upgrades won't speed up the file server speeds.


If you had current wifi you could certainly gets 25-30 MB/sec speeds over wifi. (translating to wifi speeds in the 200-300 mbits range).





Message 23 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

Why not use both lan ports to double transfer speed?

Message 24 of 33

Re: Help troubleshooting rndp6000

@nickel22222 wrote:
Why not use both lan ports to double transfer speed?

Your PC only has one LAN port, so you are still limited to 1 gigabit for transfers to/from the PC.


If you have a lot of simultaneous users you can use Link Aggregation (using both LAN ports) to increase throughput.  But it won't improve the speed of a single client. 


About how many wired devices do you think will be accessing your NAS at the same time?

Message 25 of 33
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