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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

No news on this currently, would also suggest downgrading to .32 for now.
Message 76 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

is  there a fix for this yet?  i just got the router 3 days ago and it keeps showing my devices off line as well. even this laptop im writing this post on.  i have it set up   cm600-xr500-AP   i have some devices plugged into a switch in my room that is directly connected to the router (the switch is)  this laptop and some other devices are connected via wifi.. theres over 30 devices some show some dont. rebooting fixes it but its annoying to reboot when so many people is using the internet . so i wait until everyone is sleeping.. there has to be a fix.  never experienced this before . love the features just wish my devices showed online.. the ones that are off cant benefit from qos and getting a lot of bufferbloating now.

Message 77 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

im having this same issue. my xbox always stays on the network but my laptop, ipad, iphone and some unammed devices is showing up offline even though they are online. tried connecting to 2.4  5.  the access point. hard wired nothing fixed it until i restarted the router.. i downloaded the firmware u said u went back to , will try that out tonight. thanks for the info

@jeremyg237 wrote:

UPDATE: Went back to XR500 V2.3.2.32 and all has been working great for 3 days now. So it does have something to do with the firmware.


Message 78 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

@Netduma-Fraser wrote:
No news on this currently, would also suggest downgrading to .32 for now.

disregard my last message,, just seen the posts about downgrading. thank you

Message 79 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Stay on either .32 or upgrade to the hotfix if that doesn't work then .32 should be stable enough for you
Message 80 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

it did not fix the issue,   i also bought the xr700 to see if it acted differently and it does the same thing on shipped fw and upgraded fw..  what happens is anytime i use my normal set up    CM700-XR700(in basement) hard wired to AP on 2nd floor.  now anytime i have an AP involved anything connected to it WIRELESSLY goes offline and qos does not work with it.  it seems the router does not see the devices and does not enforce any settings to those devices.. now as soon as i unplug the AP and restart the XR700 all devices show where they should. and i delete the ones that are stuck offline with no IP.   


so it seems the issue is with using an AP (WHICH I NEED)  i want this router, i love the features.. but please i hope the DEV team is working on a fix for this. ive never had issues with my router showing all devices hooked up to my AP on the asus GT-AX11000 .. or RAX6000 . i went with the XR series due to dumaos .. geo filtering and all the gaming features in the software. but right now im not using an access point and getting no signal upstairs.  my gaming is fine sire its hard wired to an switch that gets hard wired through cat5e running in the walls to the basement. but i really need an AP.  is there any news of this being worked on? ive seen many posting and im pretty sure its due to the same issue. they are connectint those divces to an AP.

other than that the router is great

Message 81 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

This should have already been fixed so it might be related to specific types of APs. What is the AP router you're using?
Message 82 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

@jacegibson wrote:

ive seen many posting and im pretty sure its due to the same issue. they are connectint those divces to an AP.

There is not much of a difference to see on a network if a device is connected to a wireless access point or a switch or any similar network bridge.

Message 83 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

What mfr and model AP are you using? 

Whats the distannce between the AP and router in the basement? Routers in basements is not recommended. Main floor should be starting placement for wifi routers. 


What channels are you using on the XR router and this AP? 

@jacegibson wrote:

it did not fix the issue,   i also bought the xr700 to see if it acted differently and it does the same thing on shipped fw and upgraded fw..  what happens is anytime i use my normal set up    CM700-XR700(in basement) hard wired to AP on 2nd floor.  now anytime i have an AP involved anything connected to it WIRELESSLY goes offline and qos does not work with it.  it seems the router does not see the devices and does not enforce any settings to those devices.. now as soon as i unplug the AP and restart the XR700 all devices show where they should. and i delete the ones that are stuck offline with no IP.   


so it seems the issue is with using an AP (WHICH I NEED)  i want this router, i love the features.. but please i hope the DEV team is working on a fix for this. ive never had issues with my router showing all devices hooked up to my AP on the asus GT-AX11000 .. or RAX6000 . i went with the XR series due to dumaos .. geo filtering and all the gaming features in the software. but right now im not using an access point and getting no signal upstairs.  my gaming is fine sire its hard wired to an switch that gets hard wired through cat5e running in the walls to the basement. but i really need an AP.  is there any news of this being worked on? ive seen many posting and im pretty sure its due to the same issue. they are connectint those divces to an AP.

other than that the router is great


Message 84 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

The router is in the basement because thats where all the cat5e starter. And the only way to get wired in all my rooms (esp where my xbox is). The ap is tplink AC1750. Its wired to the router via lan. In the 2nd floor which is what all mobile devices are connecting to. And the xr700 is just in charge. So my xbox can be wired directly to it in the basement. Anything commected to the ap iphones. Laptops etc shows offline. Everything connected to xr700 directly or through a unmanaged switch (xr700-switch-xbox) shows online.
Message 85 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

And the channels are 149 and 161
Same ssid and password so when im on 1st floor it connects to the one on basement ceiling without me manually switching
Message 86 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Try setting the XR to channel 48 and the AP to 161 or 165 if thats available. Is 2.4Ghz being used on the AP as well or is this off? 

Try a different LAN to LAN AP...This mostly points to the AP wifi having issues. Not the XR router. 

Message 87 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Are you able to check on the TPLink while in AP mode if it's assigning IP addresses to devices that are different to what the XR500 would give them?
Message 88 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Some of the devices have a static ip. My laptop for example. Also dhcp on my tplink is disabled so it shouldnt be giving ips out right? Its an archer c7. I just ordered a newer A20 router to use as AP so maybe it will fix my issue
Message 89 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Ok i will try all of this tonight. Thank you
Message 90 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

And yes. 2.4 is also enabled
Message 91 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Be sure the TP Link is configured for LAN to LAN AP mode. Connect the LAN cable from the XR router to the LAN port of the TPLink, not the WAN port on the TPLink. Possible the TPLink doesn't work well in AP mode configuration.


Let us know if the new AP fixes this. 

Message 92 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

It currently is LAN to LAN. The a20 should have ap mode feature. The archer c7 is done manually so yeah im sure its the c7 causing issues. For sure. Ill update
Message 93 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Smiley Wink

Message 94 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

I'm running the .40 firmware and seeing the same issues with wired xbox and other devices. After the router is rebooted everything seems to work just fine for a period of time (I haven't taken the time to see if turning xbox off or whatever triggers problem) then I'll notice that xbox traffic is shown in the network monitor with a different device's name, or not at all, while the QoS screen shows that "High Priority Traffic Detected" xbox traffic is being handled. Other devices also sometimes are shown with the wrong name or not at all. I.E. the other day (router had been up for 5 days and showing xbox anomaly) I fired up my pellet grill, that has 2.7 wireless connectivity. The pellet grill functioned correctly and I could see it and control it with my phone app so It was on the 2.7 network of my router, but it did not show up ANYPLACE on the network monitor screen. The next day I notice a new device in the Offline area of the network map and on checking the MAC address it was my pellet grill. A reboot of the router and everything will work fine again for a while. Functionally everything connected to my network seems to be working correctly with no problems. The only problem I see is that DUMAOS seems to stop talking correctly to the router about what is connected. Seeing other comments about downgrading to .32 fixing Network Map issues makes me think that the .40 firmware update is causing DUMAOS some minor problems.


Not having any functionality problems I'm going to wait for another update to see if it fixes these problems. Should I want to try the .32 firmware I am wondering if the downgrade would require setting up things like reserved IPs again or if all current settings would be retained?




Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 95 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Any status on this? 

@jeremyg237 wrote:

2. XBOX is in energy mode. I never had it in instant mode.


Message 96 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

I have an XR500 on .40 and have the same problem with wired Xbox One initially showing up in Device Manager but then either not showing or having the name of a different device, even though the QoS page shows that xbox traffic is triggering "High Priority Traffic Detected". A reboot fixes it and it will once again show up correctly for a while. Have the same problem with other devices also. I.E. the other day (router had been up for 5 days and exhibiting xbox problem) I fired up my pellet grill which has 2.7 wifi. I know it connected as I saw it with my phone app, but it never showed up ANYPLACE on the Network Map. The next day I noticed a new device in the Offline area and when I checked the MAC address it was my pellet grill. Seeing posts that reverting to .32 has fixed problems for other people makes me think it's the .40 update not playing well with the DUMAOS.


All my devices seem to be functioning correctly so the DUMAOS Device Manager display issue is kinda cosmetic. I'll probably just wait for the next update and see if it fixes this issue.


I do have one question though. Should I decide to try reverting to .32 will I need to setup things like IP reservations again or should it just pick right up and keep working?


Best router I've had even with the minor issues.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 97 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

You can downgrade and the router should work ok. However if you seem to encounter any problems, try a factory reset and setup from scratch. 


Is the Instant ON feature enabled on the game console? If so, disabled it and check again.

Be sure your using a good LAN cable. Cat6 is recommended. 


@tfbit wrote:

I have an XR500 on .40 and have the same problem with wired Xbox One initially showing up in Device Manager but then either not showing or having the name of a different device, even though the QoS page shows that xbox traffic is triggering "High Priority Traffic Detected". A reboot fixes it and it will once again show up correctly for a while. Have the same problem with other devices also. I.E. the other day (router had been up for 5 days and exhibiting xbox problem) I fired up my pellet grill which has 2.7 wifi. I know it connected as I saw it with my phone app, but it never showed up ANYPLACE on the Network Map. The next day I noticed a new device in the Offline area and when I checked the MAC address it was my pellet grill. Seeing posts that reverting to .32 has fixed problems for other people makes me think it's the .40 update not playing well with the DUMAOS.


All my devices seem to be functioning correctly so the DUMAOS Device Manager display issue is kinda cosmetic. I'll probably just wait for the next update and see if it fixes this issue.


I do have one question though. Should I decide to try reverting to .32 will I need to setup things like IP reservations again or should it just pick right up and keep working?


Best router I've had even with the minor issues.


Message 98 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

I would recommend downgrading yes as the issue was introduced in .40. You shouldn't need to redo those settings at all.
Message 99 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

@Netduma-Fraser wrote:
I would recommend downgrading yes as the issue was introduced in .40. You shouldn't need to redo those settings at all.

I decided to revert to .32 last night and it did just pick up and keep working.  The Device Manager seems better now, correctly showing all my devices as they enter and exit my network. Did notice that .32 doesn't have the table view like .40 does so things like signal strength for wireless devices are unavailable now. I'm going to try out the Nighthawk app when I get home and see if it shows that kind of stuff. Also, I know .32 doesn't have MAC address filtering and I never looked for it in .40. I read that the DUMAOS team didn't have time to get if implemented for some firmware update. Does .40 have it? I'm betting the next firmware update will probably fix everything.

Message 100 of 155
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