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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Apologies for coming into this thread late and with no knowledge of ReadyNas OS / Linux. (Comments above about these being consumer devices ring loud and clear with me!)
I've been happily running LMS and its various predeccessors for about for about 7 years on a ReadyNAS Duo, but the NAS's getting to the end of its life and while it serves music perfectly well, I want something heavier duty to support video. I've been looking at a Netgear RN214 and want to keep running LMS, which is brought me to this discussion.
From what I've read, if the RN ships with 6.5, I should be OK - just don't go for the upgrade option when I'm setting it up. But, assuming a new RN214 will come with 6.6.0, how much hassle am I looking at to get LMS running?
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Hi JohnF1,
To be honest I cannot really say. I think the thread would be able to describe how much work you would need to set it up.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
LMS is updated and works with 6.6.0.
Install this two packages. Use the Upload button on the App page.
1. http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.9
Logitech Media Server: Debian Installer Package (i386, x86_64, ARM EABI, PowerPC) or Logitech Media Server: Debian Installer Package (ARM)
2. Wait a few minutes.
3. lms_1.0.9_all.deb
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
I am waiting for a solution for a long time now. Installing Debian Installer Package (i386, x86_64, ARM EABI, PowerPC) is no problem. Then, when I try to install LMS it says:
"Cannot install lms_1.0.9_all.deb"
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
@ABNL wrote:I am waiting for a solution for a long time now. Installing Debian Installer Package (i386, x86_64, ARM EABI, PowerPC) is no problem. Then, when I try to install LMS it says:
"Cannot install lms_1.0.9_all.deb"
Did you wait a few minutes after you intall LMS?
For some reason it's sometimes nedded to install the LMS plugin (lms_1.0.9_all.deb) twice. Maybe a reboot can help to.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Yes I waited..and installed a second time. Now LMS is running 🙂 But still impossible to install plugins because LMS cannot restart after selecting the plugin. Also a restart of the machine does not work. So LMS runs, but it's impossible to install plugins and make Qobuz work again.
After clicking on "OK" nothing happens. Normally after clicking LMS reboots.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
@ABNL wrote:Yes I waited..and installed a second time. Now LMS is running 🙂 But still impossible to install plugins because LMS cannot restart after selecting the plugin. Also a restart of the machine does not work. So LMS runs, but it's impossible to install plugins and make Qobuz work again.
After clicking on "OK" nothing happens. Normally after clicking LMS reboots.
You should be able to stop\start LMS on the ReadyNAS App page if the LMS plugin is installed.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
If LMS plugin fails to install try to install using a another browser. Think I had that problem once or twice.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Did you manage to contact the plug-in developer as I suggested earlier? Did he have any suggestions?
I know this may sound difficult but since I couldn't reproduce your problem on comparable hardware I'd still like to suggest you should try and re-install completely. I.e make a full backup and do a 'factory default'. How-To's can be found on this forum.
I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with your system, not with LMS, Poussin' LMS plug-In or the Qobuz-plug-in, otherwise it wouldn't (well: with a very high probability) run on my system without a hitch.
I'm aware you don't like to do that. Neither would I. But I've done it mysef in a (somewhat) similar case and it solved my situation perfectly. It's a lot of work but very gratifying... once it all works again.
(There is an old Dutch saying that goes something like this:"Man suffers the most because of what he fears to suffer the most".)
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
I've tried Opera, FireFox and Explorer.. and I've closed and opened LMS on the admin page, nothing helped.
I guess there's one option indeed: a full backup and do a 'factory default'. I am really annoyed by this because indeed, I do not know how, and I thought a two bay NAS is already a backup. I guess I have to buy a third HD for a external backup. To be honest: I wish I had never bought Netgear.
But, thanks for your help 🙂
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
A RAID-configuration (even with redundancy klike RAID-0 of -5) is never a replacement of a backup, although that is a common misconception. You should realise that any file-system may become corrupt. So investing in a (external!) HD for backup-purposes is very much advised!
- The way to do a factiory default: Start by downlaoding the manual for your system (http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/READYNAS-100/READYNAS_OS_6_SM_EN.pdf) and read how to make your backup (of your data files!) on an external drive (or do the same (als much slower) on a Linux/Windows-/Mac-etc. system; I'd suggest you use a file-system you know about on an external; HD, like NTFS).in Chapter 13 (p. 208 etc.)
- Then follow the procedure(s) for the factory default in Chapter 12, pagec 203 specifically)
- Then restore your data-files with the instrcutions from Chapter 13 (p. 215)
I suggest you carefully read the entire chapters 12 and 13 before you start!!!
It isn't all that difficult, but ask questions when you get stuck. That's what these forums are for.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
@ottovonkopp, does your two-step method result in the app icon appearing on the "Installed Apps" page?
EDIT: I've also experienced problems with LMS filling my root volume unless the "squeezebox server" folder (with its SQL database) is symlinked onto to data volume. Does 1.0.9 avoid this issue?
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Since @ottovonkopp didn't react: It will do so.
The problem you describe with LMS filling your root volume I have never seen. Was that on a readynas platform?
Normally the LMS (nightly) installs on /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/ where the .db is in /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache.
Mine is about 223 MB. How big is yours?
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Mine's 625MB.
And, yes, this is an issue. When it happened to me—exactly one year ago, interestingly enough—a tech had to remote in and symlink the "squeezeboxserver" folder to the /data volume. I might do that now just to be on the safe side.
Apps like Plex and LMS should automatically default to storing their databases to something like an "Apps" folder on the /data volume to prevent root volumes from silently filling and causing issues.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
@nsne wrote:
Apps like Plex and LMS should automatically default to storing their databases to something like an "Apps" folder on the /data volume to prevent root volumes from silently filling and causing issues.
They should install to /apps (which is another mount point for /data/.apps) If you install things manually, you should do the same (or create symlinks on the OS partition to the data partition).
It is risky to install software onto the OS partition, especially if the software includes databases.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
@StephenB wrote:They should install to /apps (which is another mount point for /data/.apps) If you install things manually, you should do the same (or create symlinks on the OS partition to the data partition).
That is *not* the behavior for LMS, unfortunately. I think @NAStools said that he'd created a version of LMS that avoided this issue, but S-P's implementation of LMS definitely puts the database in /var/lib. That has helped to fill my root volume to 40% after a factory reset.
So if I symlink the "squeezeboxserver" folder to /apps it won't take up any space on the root volume? And if so, what's the best way to create a symlink?
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Actually: that isn't Super-Poussin's fault, it's the behaviour of the nightly installer. The LMS-plug-in just 'finds' the LMS-server and switches it on (or off) from the Apps-page in the webinterface.
On the whole I'd say that installing on /apps is a better idea, especially for those of us who have really large numbers of (media-)files, So what would (we) need to be done (do)?
- I noticed that NASTools updated his version at the beginning of november, but it still hasn't shown up on the 'installable apps' page in the webinterface. Why? This would be the easiest solution for most users.
- We could write an instruction on how to make a squeezeboxserver' dir in /apps and a symbolic link to that dir from /var/lib/squeezeboxserver with ln (for usage type in ln --help) and how to install the nightly-LMS and S-P's LMS-plug-in. That would/could/might be a bit complicated for some users.
But I'd say that 1. is definately the better optiion...
So could somebody (at Netgear, I presume) just give that version a test and put it in the 'downloadable apps'-page?
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
I fully agree, @HWStigter. Personally, though, I prefer S-P's version, because that's what I've been using for years and "trust". So it would be great if someone experienced could post the recommended code to create a functional symlink.
I'm guessing it would be "ln /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/ /apps/squeezeboxserver" but I'm not 100% sure. ln --help offers a lot of options that might or might not be necessary.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
So do I.
Mostly because it gives me the opportunity to test the nightlies before I recommend them to others...
Would you like a 'hard' or a 'symbolic' link? In case of the latter add --symbolic to your command line.
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Anyway: I decided to plunge in....
So do the following (for an existing installation):
- shutdown squeezeboxserver with the LMS-plug-in on the 'installed apps' page
- Run SSH and login as 'root'
- cd /var/lib (where your 'squeezeboxserver'-dir is)
- mv -v -t /apps/ /var/lib/squeezeboxserver (move the whole dir to /apps/)
- ln -s /apps/squeezeboxserver squeezeboxserver (create the symbolic link from /var/lib/ to /apps/squeezeboxserver)
- exit (SSH) and restart the service through the LMS-plug-in
That should do it, mine is running from that dir now and my root-volume (/ on /dev/md0) is now only 29% full instead of 57% before the move.
Good luck!
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Thanks, @HWStigter. I'm now down to 22% root volume usage!
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
Today I completed a reinstall back to factory default after creating a full backup with readycloud on an external drive. It was all very easy. Then I reversed the backup and installed LMS and the additional supper_poussin app. This was all successfull. Then I installed the Qobuz plugin, and there was the music again 🙂
Thanks for the help!
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
BTW I noticed today that NASTools Logitech Media Server NT is back online. Perhaps someone was listening?
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Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0
It's back indeed but I thought it was safer to install manually.