Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Moving from one readynas to another one


Moving from one readynas to another one

Hi I've got some issue with one NAS (with 2 disks in RAID1) and want to migrate with new one.

I would like to know if you suggest me to either
A) unplug my 2 disks and plug them in new NAS (same model)

B) take the opportunity to make a factory reset but i'm unsure on sequence to do it
Am I right if I proceed like this
-unplug disk 2 and plug in bay 2 of new NAS (#2)
-proceed to factory reset of disk 2
-copy from disk 1 in NAS 1 to disk 2 in NAS 2 through lan
will I be able to read disk 1 without disk 2 in NAS 1?
-unplug disk 1 from NAS 1 to plug in bay 1 in NAS 2
will disk 1 automatically paired with disk 2 and mirrored?
Message 1 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

Yes you can just move the drives since they are the same model, make sure that they will be on the same bay though. (This is the faster option)

For your option B,(for factory default) indicate your model number or find it here. http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detai ... -boot-menu

This is also a good option however it is not necessary, the advantage of this one is getting the drive ti factory settings so any bad configuration on it will be gone.
Message 2 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

It is a good idea to install a scratch (spare) disk in the new NAS first, and then install the same firmware running on the original.

Then power down, and move the drives to the corresponding slot in the new NAS (with it powered down). The new NAS can have a different number of slots, but it needs to be the same family (v1 sparc, v2 arm, x86 legacy, OS6 arm, or OS6 x86).
Message 3 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

Nhellie wrote:
This is also a good option however it is not necessary, the advantage of this one is getting the drive ti factory settings so any bad configuration on it will be gone.

I was also considering the benefit of feature 11 of Version 6.1.5
"Improved performance with large volumes (Most likely seen on the ReadyNAS 104). A factory default is required to make the changes. Copy all data off the ReadyNAS, upgrade the firmware, factory default the unit, and copy all data back onto the device"

But is 3TB considered as a big volume? Is there a real improvment in performances?

StephenB wrote:
It is a good idea to install a scratch (spare) disk in the new NAS first, and then install the same firmware running on the original.

So you don't recommand to remove one disk from the raid to move in second NAS to receive datas ?

StephenB wrote:
Then power down, and move the drives to the corresponding slot in the new NAS (with it powered down). The new NAS can have a different number of slots, but it needs to be the same family (v1 sparc, v2 arm, x86 legacy, OS6 arm, or OS6 x86).

Do you think I'll benefit of improvment reported in release note 6.1.5 by doing so. I thought there were some considerations of reformatting disk behind the procedure indicated in 6.1.5#11
Message 4 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

6.1.5 is an older version though, do you consider updating atleast to 6.2.0? There are a lot more fixes and features added.
Message 5 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

Hi, I'm running 6.2.4 but when I bought my NAS it was in 6.0.0 so as I didn't make any factory default, this optimization is not accessible for me.

That was my point. As I have to change NAS. Shall I take the opportunity to make a factory default an tranfer files across LAN to 2nd NAS
Message 6 of 13
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

If the performance is fine for you then you don't need to do a factory reset, but it is an option open to you. The performance benefits of doing a factory default (wipes all data, settings, everything) are nice to have, but they may be marginal. It is a matter of personal preference as to what you do.
Message 7 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

Thx for the infos

Considering the fact that
-10% of the time I'm connected through 100Mb LAN to the NAS when I'm doing intensive backup or recovey
-90% of the time I'm connected through 802.11ac Wifi connection.

Maybe it's not relevant to do factory reset for performance. What do you think?

If I'm not doing a factory reset.
Is it mandatory to install a scratch (spare) disk in the new NAS first, and then install the same firmware running on the original?
Or can I unplugg both disk and plug in same order in new NAS?
Do you know Firmware installed by default on new NAS? Possible to detect version without disk installed?

And last one, as both are in stable release, shall I run 6.2.4 or 6.3.4? .
Message 8 of 13
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

If the firmware on the replacement unit is very old you may find you need to do it
Message 9 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

mdgm wrote:
If the firmware on the replacement unit is very old you may find you need to do it
Specifically, if you look through the releases between the old firmware and the new, you will sometimes find warnings that you can't downgrade.

If there's a warning like that, you really do need to use the scratch disk - otherwise the NAS will attempt to do that downgrade, and bad things are likely to happen.

If you do skip that step, its a good idea to over-install your current firmware after migration (from the web UI). That will resync the NAS flash with the firmware on the disk.
Message 10 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

Hi Stephen,
I'm poor in terms of disks fitting to the NAS.
Do you know if I can start on USB key or disk plugged in in USB slot to do the installation of correct OS version?
Do you recommand 6.2.4 or 6.3.4?
Message 11 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

The NAS won't install to USB disks. Maybe start it up w/o disks, and see if RAIDar 6.0 will tell you the OS?

For an RN104, I'd recommend 6.2.4.
Message 12 of 13

Re: Moving from one readynas to another one

To have benefit of new formatting and have no issues during migration, I took simpliest solution (even not the cheapest)
I bought 2 new disks so they were formatted according to 6.2.0 standards which was FW embedded in new NAS and made transfer over LAN

I had heavy transfer during 2 days, and now all is transfered.
Thanks for the help.
Message 13 of 13
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