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Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot


ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

I have a pair of these 6 bay devices and as a rule they have both wored really well. They are running firmware 6.10.67


One of them though has a problem at startup - which seems to have started since a recent disk swapout and psu replacement - but I may not be exactly correct on that.


It seems to being going to start up ok, checks all the disks, reads the firmware and then restarts - continuously.


If I carry out an OS reinstall from the boot menu it will generally boot fine and work fine until the next shutdown and restart after which the problem occurs all over again.


I thought I'd read previously that this can occur due to a 'left-over' file that causes the restart - but I can't find that post wherever it was!

I can connect through putty ok and would really appreciate any help ,guidance, advice, pointers etc







Message 1 of 10
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot



Welcome to the Community!


The issue is possible with the PSU, have you checked this post? But you may have a different case, were you able to download and check the logs at the time you had access? IF you have the full logs can you send it to me let's try to check what's causing the issue.




Model: ReadyNAS-Ultra 6|ReadyNAS-Ultra 6
Message 2 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

Thanks Marc thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the slow response.,

As I'd changed the psu last year I had assumed that was not the problem - however I will not rule it out.

I can access the device, as I'f I access the boot menu and select os reinstall it will happily start -until the next time.


Iwill log in when I'm home later and see what logs I can provide



Message 3 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

If /etc/.flash_update is not removed by the update process, the unit will want to update on every re-boot, including (I believe) the re-boot it does after the re-install.   But I don't see why actually selecting a reboot from the power-on menu would cause it to act any differently.  I don't know precisely what might ne wrong with the flash to cause this issue, but have you tried a USB recovery?


Note that to do a USB recovery to OS6 on a legacy NAS, you need to create an OS4.2.x style USB but with a renamed  OS6 image.  I don't believe you need to have a modified image like for the original conversion.  That's to fool the normal update process into recognizing it as an update, but USB recovery allows for a downgrade, too.

Message 4 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

Thanks for the response Sandshark. I've connected in and there is no left over flash update file in etc      - I was hoping that was the problem, obviously nothing so simple.


I have a zipped copy of the logs if that would shed light  - Iwasn't sure whether they should be added to a post or sent privately


Interestingly I left it reboot this morning (as the cats were howling for food!) and it did actually start up

Message 5 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

@jokeruk wrote:


I have a zipped copy of the logs if that would shed light  - Iwasn't sure whether they should be added to a post or sent privately


Sent privately - there is information leakage if you post publicly.


You can't attach a zip, so you need to put the logs in cloud storage, and put a download link in the PM.

Message 6 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

I've decided to order another PSU - on the off-chance that is the problem.

This is the one I purchased last year - can anyone see a reason why it might be not up to the job ?




As always all advice gratefully received

Message 7 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

Hard to say what you'd be getting.  The picture is of a Seasonic SS-300SFD, which is the same as the original and pretty much unavailable, as far as I've seen.


But the listed "FSP300-60GHS" is by FSP, not Seasonic.


But the good thing is either should work.  They're both right at the spec of the original.  I've used the FSP as a replacement.

Message 8 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

Ok thanks for that - well I order another one and see if that does the biz

Message 9 of 10

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 6 continuous reboot

Just as a final update, I swapped the PSU to the one indicated above.

It wasn't a bad fit - once I'd removed a bolt-on outer bracket which I initially thought I'd need to dremmel..

Also the fan surround doesn't poke through the rear hole, rather sits flat inside, and I had to add a moles splitter


However,  the reboot problems are resolved - lets see how long it lasts

Message 10 of 10
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