Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed


Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

Hi i typed %homepath%\.ssh into the windows search bar and this was the result did i misunderstand you ?


Message 26 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

I did get back in with the CMD managed to enter the password for the NAS same result see attached


Message 27 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

I uploaded shots of results it is unable to download as mine is out of date says i need newer version 

Message 28 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

@pgjscottieuk wrote:

Hi i typed %homepath%\.ssh into the windows search bar and this was the result did i misunderstand you ?


Yes.  I wanted you to type it into the windows explorer bar


%homepath% is an environment variable, on most systems it expands to c:\users\username


Anyway, it isn't needed as you have regained ssh access.

Message 29 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

@pgjscottieuk wrote:

I uploaded shots of results it is unable to download as mine is out of date says i need newer version 

No, it doesn't say that.  It just says there is a newer version.  Note the "DON'T PANIC" comment.  The version being a bit old isn't the issue, if it were the main cvd file would also have failed to download (and it is up to date).


One question to ask here is whether you really need the AV protection on the NAS.  If you are the only one uploading content, then you probably don't need it (as you likely already have AV on the PCs that are adding content).  Though if you have apps on the NAS that add content (transmission for example), then you should have AV on the NAS.


Assuming you do need it:


The next step would be to try renaming the daily.cvd file, and see if freshclam then updates.  Do that by

cd /var/lib/clamav
mv daily.cvd daily.tmp

 Then run freshclam.


If that succeeds, then enter

rm daily.tmp

to get rid of the old definition file.


If it fails, then enter

mv daily.tmp daily.cvd

to make sure you get some protection (even though the definitions are dated).


Be careful when typing these commands.

Message 30 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

Thank you for trying to restart the antivirus update the final result from the last command was as follows


Message 31 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

As I noted above "Be careful when typing these commands


You skipped a step.

@StephenB wrote:

The next step would be to try renaming the daily.cvd file, and see if freshclam then updates.  Do that by

cd /var/lib/clamav
mv daily.cvd daily.tmp

 Then run freshclam.



Message 32 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

Hi sorry about that here is the result of that still no luck


Message 33 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

@pgjscottieuk wrote:

Hi sorry about that here is the result of that still no luck


You typed it wrong. Two commands (entered one at a time).



Message 34 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

I copy and pasted your supplied command

cd /var/lib/clamavmv daily.cvd daily.tmp

Let that run then ran freshclam again?


Message 35 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

@pgjscottieuk wrote:

I copy and pasted your supplied command


Again, I gave you TWO commands (each on their own line).



cd /var/lib/clamav

and then press enter. 



mv daily.cvd daily.tmp


The first command will put you in the clamav folder.  The second command renames the daily.cvd file to daily.tmp.

Message 36 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

This was the result of your instruction two clips one after each command what am i doing wrong?IMG_4736.JPGIMG_4737.JPG

Message 37 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

@pgjscottieuk wrote:

This was the result of your instruction two clips one after each command what am i doing wrong?IMG_4737.JPG

Can you enter this, and post the results?

ls -als /var/lib/clamav
Message 38 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

Here it isIMG_4738.JPG

Message 39 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

This was the resultThis was the result

Message 40 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

FYI, pictures have to be approved by a mod, so others can't comment until they are.  They are also harder to read than pasting the text into the message.  To keep the formatting the same on the pasted text, you can use the code tool (shown as </> at the top of the edit window).

Message 41 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

Hi i am sorry but as i stated i am not it literate and am just doing the best i can to provide the information requested i am sorry if i have broken any rules guidlines it was not intentional i think i tried copy and pasting fron the command panel but it didn't work perhaps you can give me explicit instruction as to abide by forum rules

Message 42 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

You have broken no rules.  I was trying to be helpful.  While you can see your posted pics, most users currently cannot, so they cannot comment.  This is a user-to-user forum, so the more people who can see and comment on your post, the more likely you are to get a quick resolution.  @StephenB can, and I'm sure soon will, release them.


Copy from within a Windows CMD (including when running SSH) is done by selecting "Mark" from the right-click menu, then selecting the text to be copied.  Then select the text to copy and press the right button again.


To paste them within a window here that has a non-proportional font, so makes it easier to read text of that type, select the "code" button </> above the editor, then use CTRL-V to paste in what you copied before into the window that opened.  It may look odd in that window, but it will look right in the main editor and the final message.  If you need to copy a lot of different things, you can paste them into Notepad or something similar before coming to post in the forum.

Message 43 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

FWIW, I am able to release the embedded pictures from the approval queue, so don't worry when they don't show up right away.

@pgjscottieuk wrote:

Here it isIMG_4738.JPG



So this one is my fault - I gave you the wrong file name (.cvd instead of .cld).


So first enter 

cd /var/lib/clamav

and then enter

mv daily.cld daily.tmp

Then try freshclam again



Message 44 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

Hi This was the result of the commandsIMG_4739.JPGThis was the progressThis was the progress

Message 45 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

@pgjscottieuk wrote:

Hi This was the result of the commands

Thx.  Did it every finish with a successful update?  I'm guessing not.


In that case I don't think there is much more I can suggest.  More probing would require knowledge of linux that you don't have, and I think would risk doing damage to the NAS software.  


So if it never competed then undo the rename

cd /var/lib/clamav

and then

mv daily.tmp daily.cld

FWIW, I did try running freshclam on my own NAS, and it completed ok.  So this is a puzzle.


Message 46 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

Hi unfortunately not but thank you very much for all your efforts in trying yes its one on those 

anoying itches you have to scratch 

Message 47 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

I hadn't realised that was the situation hence as you guessed i posted a couple of things twice now i know i won't do that again

as for showing it in  a photo way i think that will actually help people like my self becauce that is what you would be looking at

Message 48 of 49

Re: Readynas 526x Anivirus scanner definition update failed

This problem was finnaly resolved with the latest firnware update 6.10.6 part of this update was the clamAV update


Message 49 of 49
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