Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - guest network on .44?


Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Thank you for the update bobjane!

I am going to wait *again* (V1.0.0.32 here) untill there is some positive feedback about the new version.

Which -in case it's not clear enough yet- is a disgrace Netgear.

Message 76 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

I'm still on the V1.0.0.38_1.0.1_lanip_reserve firmware.


Too scared to even try and upgrade to .42, god knows what is going in netgear.


Why oh why won't you think of the children netgear!!!!!!

Message 77 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

@GTunney wrote:

I'm still on the V1.0.0.38_1.0.1_lanip_reserve firmware.


Too scared to even try and upgrade to .42, god knows what is going in netgear.


Why oh why won't you think of the children netgear!!!!!!

Me to, staying on V1.0.0.38_1.0.1_lanip_reserve. All seems to be ok with that and unless they say what the new one is supposedly fixing I cant see me changing.


Thanks for the info.

Message 78 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Have been on the new .42 firmware for the last few days.


Seems to be stable for me. DHCP reservation is working, wireless connectivity seems to be more stable.


Will update if I discover anything else.

Message 79 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working


Hello everyone.


This evening I've upgraded our D7000 to firmware .42, and so far don't appear to be seeing any of the issues reported in bobjane's forum links above.


Fuller details on my findings here:-




Message 80 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Hmm, yes they do seem to simply route everything from the AP (in AP mode) just back to the router. Can't see them fixing this one any time soon if at all. I guess they took the decision to automatically tick the "Allow guests to see the network" and grey it out because of this.


Other than the silly WiFi bug on the basic screen .42 has been OK for me so far.

Message 81 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Hi - please send me the firmware upgrade that will apparently fix the address reservation issue. As with other posters, I cannot believe that you have allowed this serious defect to continue for 6 months and that you still have the defective firmware available for download. Because of your negligent and careless attitude I am unlikely to recommend Netgear to others or buy your products again. Nick Smith nick@word-smiths.co.uk

Message 82 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Hi Nick,


The official newly released firmware version has the fix included, I have been using it for a few weeks now with no problems, for me at least.


You can get it using the check for new firmware in your router settings or download it manuallly from the link below




Hope this helps 🙂

Message 83 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

hi have you found any other problems with the new firmware? spasificly in arias such as port forwarding and NAS drives.

Message 84 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Hi John


Thanks for this - although checking for new firmware on the D7000 home page doesn't work - just tells me no new firmware is available (D7000 - V1.0.0.38_1.0.1).

But I'm more concerned about the report that .42 automatically checks and greys out the box for 'Allow guests to see each other and access my local network’ on the Guest network page. As it’s essential for me to have this unchecked I'll guess put up with the DHCP issues until Netgear confirm that I can deselect this option.


Judging from their performance on the reservation problem I could have a long wait! It's  incredible that there’s no apology from Netgear or an explanation about why they think it’s OK to treat their customers with such disregard.





Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 85 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

I must admit I don't use the 'Guest' feature nor do I use a NAS so can't comment on them, sorry. I had issues with IP reservations and for that the '42 version works fine, hopefully others that use those features will be able to comment further.


I would manually download the new version, back up your config (to be on the safe side) and try it if things don't work properly you can always go back, I've changed several times between '32 and '38 with no loss of config settings but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.

Message 86 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Anybody on .44 yet?

Message 87 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Took the plunge to .44 - OK so far.

Message 88 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

I'm on .44 too, so far no issues for me either. 🙂
Message 89 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Yep just gone onto .44, seems ok.


Main reason I upgraded was I wanted to you use ReadyCloud again which has been included in this update.


But the good old RCloud app on th iPad still doesnt work, I think I actually had it working for about a day 18mths ago when I had a WNDR4300.


Got in touch with Netgear and they want me to download some stuff, put it into iTunes and then install it on the iPad.

iTunes is never going to be put on my PC as I have no need for it and why should I have to use debugging software anyway, they have bad reviews going back to 2014.


Good old Netgear, never seems to test anything before putting out updates.

Message 90 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Just to verify the obvious: DHCP reservations work flawlessy?

Message 91 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

@Gi0 wrote:

Just to verify the obvious: DHCP reservations work flawlessy?

Yes, they do, well for me anyway. 🙂

Message 92 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - guest network on .44?

Can anyone confirm whether or not the guest network option is available in .44? The guest network page is under the setup tab - thanks

Message 93 of 106

Re : Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Yes, the guest network is available.
Message 94 of 106

Re : Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Has anybody came across any performance issues on wifi with .44?


my wifi is normally rock solid and capable of streaming 1080p around the house but lately it keeps buffering and nothing has changed in my setup. 


I also used to get about 72meg on Speedtest. On 5Ghz connection im only getting 30 max but full speed on LAN. 


Very strange activity. 

Message 95 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Would this be on a galaxy S7 by any chance?

I'm having Wi-Fi issues with my S7 edge on both 2.4 and 5Ghz used to get 50Mbps down but I've only been getting 30Mbps since the middle of September. Just after Samsung released an update. Tried at a friend's house with the same result. If yours is the same issue I think it's down to Samsung not the router this time.

PS - I have an S5 and that sees the full 50meg down...
Message 96 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

No this is on an iPhone 7, iPhone 6s and an Amazon Fire TV 2.
Message 97 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Oh, sorry, maybe a different issue to yours then... Hope you get it resolved
Message 98 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

You got me thinking, and I dug out my old BT Home-Hub router, connected it all up and bingo, full 50Mbps down, reconnected the Netgear and it's back to 30Mbps, the issue IS with the D7000.

Can anyone else verify this please?

Message 99 of 106

Re: Nighthawk D7000 - DHCP Address Reservation not Working

Okay, I've got my issue sorted, I backed up my config settings then did a factory restore, logged in with just basic default settings tried the speed test and got 50Mbps down, I then reapplied my backed up config file and tested again, download speed is now what I expect 50Mbps.
Message 100 of 106
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