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Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections


Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

I bought an MR60 system from Costco last June. It was worked fine up until the last couple of weeks. 


Recently its begun dropping connections to the Satellites. There is no way that I can find to troubleshoot what the problem will be.

Looking at the administration website ( it looks like all 5G wireless connections are being dropped, which would explain why the satellites are losing connection. But I don't really see anything definitive. I've taken to walking around the house with a WiFi analyzer, but that's not indicating any issues. All the wired connections still work fine.


I've tried everything to work around it, but this morning my family went into open revolt and demanded that I roll back to the older WiFi system. 

Tomorrow I'll be returning to Costco to see if I can get a refund.

Message 1 of 33

Accepted Solutions

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Just purchased this about a week ago.  For the first couple of days, was having the same issue as everyone else here, but since assigning the satellites static IPs, it has been rock solid.  The other thing I did (as a result of having issues with my Sonos) was changed the wireless channels for both 5gHz and 2.4gHz, based on what the Wifi analytics (in the app) told me were the best channels to use.  I doubt changing the channels did anything, but assigning the static IPs sure seemed to help (as suggested by another user).  Just wanted to post this, to confirm what others had suggested.

View solution in original post

Message 26 of 33

All Replies
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Hi Napoleond, 


Welcome to the community! What firmware version is your Nighthawk mesh system currently on? You may check to see if there is a firmware update available for your system.



Message 2 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

I'm having the same problem.  I got the MR60 Mesh system at Costco last summer.  It worked fine up until about three weeks ago.  The satellites constantly are dropping the signal.  I've checked to see if firmware updates are available but it say there aren't any available.  I have Comcast 250MB internet.  I switched to the Nighthawk from an Orbi because I found out that Orbi was not compatible with Comcast.  Ugh.  Any ideas?

Message 3 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

I have troubleshooted this with the netgear technical team as part of the complementary support and I found no resolution. I returned the item at Costcto and bought another set and again running into the same issue. I hope they have a documented solution for it

Message 4 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

I switched to EERO and haven't had a single problem since day 1. I believe it is worth every penny above what I paid for the Netgear product.

Amazon.com: Amazon eero Pro mesh WiFi system (1 Pro + 2 Beacons): Amazon Devices

Message 5 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

I have satelite connection drop problem too. router and satelite firmware level upated to latest on the download, satelite connection drops still......

Message 6 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Same issue here - running up to date firmware.

I'm past the 90 days and apparently getting hardware support is an act of congress.

If there aren't any ideas - this 3 1/2 month old mesh system will be visiting the recycling center!

Netgear - would you like to lose a decades long customer?

Message 7 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60


Same issue.  I have spent so much time on the phone with Netgear and still no resolution.  I get the working for a short time and the satellites disconnect.  Netgear is silent on this issue.  When I brought up all the threads on this issue I was told you cant always trust what people put on here.  Very disappointing. 


Message 8 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Same issue here, I’m absolutely over it. This is a garbage solution that Costco needs to stop carrying. I had Orbi previously and it’s essentially the same garbage. I’m actually surprised how crappy this stuff really is, they made better products once upon a time. I trusted Costco’s own vetting process, I’ll be returning these tomorrow.

Total garbage, save your money.
Message 9 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Got the prime day deal on Eero and will be putting this on eBay.
Message 10 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Good call!
Message 11 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Nighthawk Router Mesh system is total garbage. My old WiFi with booster occasionally dropped signal. I spend 10-15 minutes a day, everyday, trouble shooting to get everything talking again. I will be taking this garbage product back.
Model: A7000|Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi USB Adapter - USB 3.0
Message 12 of 33
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Hello Mike_B80,


Welcome to the community! Have you had a moment to get in contact with our support team regarding your issue(s)? Newly purchased devices are provided with 90 days of complimentary support. 





Message 13 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Dont bother. They are junk. Could you return them to the store? I had the same issues. Netgeat couldn't get them to work. After I investigated further the are known for problems
Message 14 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

This is an interesting issue and the Netgear team should do all they can to support us. I bought the MR60 system about a year back. I have spent a few hours resetting everything with the support line (even check with my ISP). No chance. Every couple of weeks that connection drop and no more internet…
I removed one satellite… the one causing issues… and since then it is rock solid. And I mean rock solid.
Message 15 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

My take on that satellite issue:
1) an ip is allocated for a device and shared across the network
2) one connection drops… it’s short.
3) the dropped satellite assigns a new IP
4) the phone/device gets confused and switches and gets connected
5) the satellite however pulls the connection back… but with the IP mismatch you have no internet… and eventually the device is kicked out.

What do you think?
Message 16 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

What Firmware version is currently loaded?


What is the size of your home? Sq Ft?
What is the distance between the router and 📡 satellite(s)? 30 feet or more is recommended in between MR and MS📡 to begin with depending upon building materials when wirelessly connected.


What channels are you using? Auto? Try setting manual channel 1, 6 or 11 on 2.4Ghz and 40 to 48 channel on 5Ghz.
Any Wifi Neighbors near by? If so, how many?


Try setting a IP address reservation for the MS on the MR router. 


@Nikotttin wrote:
My take on that satellite issue:
1) an ip is allocated for a device and shared across the network
2) one connection drops… it’s short.
3) the dropped satellite assigns a new IP
4) the phone/device gets confused and switches and gets connected
5) the satellite however pulls the connection back… but with the IP mismatch you have no internet… and eventually the device is kicked out.

What do you think?


Message 17 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

So guys the mesh device I bought started having issues with the internet port losing connection to the internet. After research it’s an issue that people have had with this model since 2020 and Netgear hasn’t seemed to patch the issue. So I decided to turn it from router mode to AP mode and disabled the WiFi on my Comcast modem things runs with no internet drop and the performance seems to be better.
Message 18 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Any progress on this? 

@Nikotttin wrote:
My take on that satellite issue:
1) an ip is allocated for a device and shared across the network
2) one connection drops… it’s short.
3) the dropped satellite assigns a new IP
4) the phone/device gets confused and switches and gets connected
5) the satellite however pulls the connection back… but with the IP mismatch you have no internet… and eventually the device is kicked out.

What do you think?


Message 19 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Apologies I had some issues logging in onto the website. Took me multiple tryouts…

Size: 1400 sqft
About 35ft between router and the broken satellite (horizontal direction, 1 floor up)
About 24ft vertical to the second floor where we have the working satellite
Channel is auto for 2.4ghz and 44 for 5ghz
Only 2 wifi neighbors that I can see. Looking at a wifi analysis, my bands are not interfering
The MR60 has already a dedicated IP. The support team made me do that 😊 I added another reservation for the second satellite.

Of note I found a mismatch in IPs between 2 devices (MacBook and iPad). One was connected to 1 satellite, the other with the same IP to the other satellite.

Following your advice:
I changed the 2.4 ghz channel to 1
I updated the firmware from to 116…

Now after a few weeks of use:
1) wifi is rock solid for a few days
2) as soon as the ISP changes the IP to the router, some mismatches happen between the main and satellites (construction in my village). This is evidenced by a satellite without access and the main with access to the internet.
3) The last ISP issue was about 1.5 weeks. As ever I had to switch down the main and the satellites, restart the main and let it do its thing for 2 minutes, the. Run around my house turning on the satellites, then waiting for about 5 min and then all is good.
Message 20 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Try this here it resolved my issues with this.


So guys the mesh device I bought started having issues with the internet port losing connection to the internet. After research it’s an issue that people have had with this model since 2020 and Netgear hasn’t seemed to patch the issue. So I decided to turn it from router mode to AP mode and disabled the WiFi on my Comcast modem things runs with no internet drop and the performance seems to be better.

Message 21 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

I have a fix that worked for me if interested.

Message 22 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

@Nikotttin wrote:
Apologies I had some issues logging in onto the website. Took me multiple tryouts…

Size: 1400 sqft
About 35ft between router and the broken satellite (horizontal direction, 1 floor up)< move this one MS closer to the MR? Swap MS locations as well. 
About 24ft vertical to the second floor where we have the working satellite
Channel is auto for 2.4ghz and 44 for 5ghz
Only 2 wifi neighbors that I can see. Looking at a wifi analysis, my bands are not interfering
The MR60 has already a dedicated IP. The support team made me do that 😊 I added another reservation for the second satellite.

Of note I found a mismatch in IPs between 2 devices (MacBook and iPad). One was connected to 1 satellite, the other with the same IP to the other satellite.

Following your advice:
I changed the 2.4 ghz channel to 1
I updated the firmware from to 116…
Has a power off for 1 minute then back ON with the ISP modem and Orbi system been performed since last update?

Now after a few weeks of use:
1) wifi is rock solid for a few days
2) as soon as the ISP changes the IP to the router, some mismatches happen between the main and satellites (construction in my village). This is evidenced by a satellite without access and the main with access to the internet. <What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?
3) The last ISP issue was about 1.5 weeks. As ever I had to switch down the main and the satellites, restart the main and let it do its thing for 2 minutes, the. Run around my house turning on the satellites, then waiting for about 5 min and then all is good.


Message 23 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

I have the issue since update of the sattelites to V1.0.6.16.
I've also made some other changes like re-adjusting QoS bandwith that shouldn't have an impact.
Sometimes it droppes a sattelite after one day. Today it dropped all 3 sattelites 30min after hard reset.
I have servers running that need internet access. The instability has reached unacceptable levels.
I'm so fed up that I will hardwire everything (which means construction works). I can't even sell the MR60 mesh system with good conscience.
Netgear has really messed up the SW develpment- and verification setup of this product.
Netgear should get it's priorities right. When admins are very unhappy with their consumer equipment at home it will have an impact on their enterprise decisions.
Message 24 of 33

Re: Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6 Router MR60 Dropping Satellite Connections

Please contact NG support and let them know what your experiencing. 

@Chilli71 wrote:
I have the issue since update of the sattelites to V1.0.6.16.
I've also made some other changes like re-adjusting QoS bandwith that shouldn't have an impact.
Sometimes it droppes a sattelite after one day. Today it dropped all 3 sattelites 30min after hard reset.
I have servers running that need internet access. The instability has reached unacceptable levels.
I'm so fed up that I will hardwire everything (which means construction works). I can't even sell the MR60 mesh system with good conscience.
Netgear has really messed up the SW develpment- and verification setup of this product.
Netgear should get it's priorities right. When admins are very unhappy with their consumer equipment at home it will have an impact on their enterprise decisions.


Message 25 of 33
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