Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2


Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

Thanks Stephen. The thought of bricking my NAS doesn't appeal and neither does paying out good money to enable a workaround for a problem which isn't of my making.


While it works I'll leave well alone and hope that Netgear will come up with a solution.


However i have spoken to a person in consumer law and would point out that users of 102 units which freeze or fail to work as intended now have units which are not fit for purpose becuase they no longer comply with their sold specification. This potentially opens other possibilites for owners. I don't expect you to comment on this, I'm just stating this for the record shall we say.


Thanks again.




Message 76 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

@YorkBoy wrote:

Thanks Stephen. The thought of bricking my NAS doesn't appeal and neither does paying out good money to enable a workaround for a problem which isn't of my making.



Your choice, just pointing out that is an option.  Even with 6.2.x, ext formatting would give the fastest USB backup speed.


Another (free) option is to fire up your NV+, and use it to back up your RN102 over a gigabit network. 

Message 77 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2



I have over the last few days carried out some tests which I have documented and I think they are if nothing else  very interesting.


I have passed them (in pdf) to Netgear support but wonder if you would care to look at them?



Message 78 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

@YorkBoy wrote:



I have over the last few days carried out some tests which I have documented and I think they are if nothing else  very interesting.


I have passed them (in pdf) to Netgear support but wonder if you would care to look at them?



Sure, can you PM me the pdf?

Message 79 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

Just to remind the support team at Netgear that I am having exactly the same problems as Yorkboy with a 102 after upgrading to 6.4.2.


the symptoms are exactly the same although I am able to either manually or using third party software backup the nas across the network.  The USB drives on the nas are unusable for backup now.  As with Yorkboy the admin screen and access to the nas is impossibly slow when it is attempting to backup and the unit eventually freezes.

Message 80 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

Hi Barry


Thanks for this.


For other readers.


Basically over the last two days I have carried out tests on my 102 NAS using the front USB socket.


The results are that from all five tests (using different USB sticks before anyone jumps in and grasps at straws by suggesting it's my stick that's the problem), in each case the NAS slowed down considerably. Sometimes it recovered after the backup, sometimes it didn't and finally froze requiring the power to be removed by removing the power plug as both the admin page and the power button failed to function.


As a result of this I have also discovered that backing up across my network also takes considerably longer. My last NAS to NAS backup in November 2016 (prior to 6.4.0) took just over 5 hours, the latest took five times as long in fact 29 hours to back up 143GB. So the same factors which are increasing the time taken to backup via the rear USB sockets appear to affect the NAS to NAS backup as well.


However, no doubt someone from Netgear will tell me it's me or my methods....



Message 81 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

As an update for those of interest.


As at 9th May I have been told that 6.5.0 will solve the backing up issues.........mind you 6.4.0 was going to solve issues as well!


I have for some time been using my old ReadyNAS V1 rather than the 102 simply because it never let me down.........speaks volumes doesn't it?


I have noticed that some issues appear to clear if the 102 is simply restarted prior to attempting a backup but which will then subsequently reappear at the next backup attempt.


I am in the construction business, mostly in building services (heating, lighting, air conditioning etc), I wonder if Netgear office staff would be happy if their AC failed today and I didn't put it right for over 6 months?



Message 82 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

The NTFS speeds are much faster with 6.5.0, I posted more specifics in the beta forum.


My guess is that release will be very soon.

Message 83 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

Thanks, yes support have indicated 'any day' now.


I will be interested to see if this solves my NAS to NAS issues as well. Particularly the problem that in order to carry out that weekly backup I had to power down and power up the 102 else it would report that the other NAS wasn't available, yet strangely using the TEST button in the set up routine for the backups the 102 would report all was well.


I would like to know how this NTFS issue ever got through the testing but whatever the reason theres been little excuse in my opinion to keep customers waiting over six months to resolve this. This is without doubt the very worst service I have had in any dealings with IT since my first involvement back in the 1980's, not that anyone really cares a jot do they?



Message 84 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

@YorkBoy wrote:

...I will be interested to see if this solves my NAS to NAS issues as well. Particularly the problem that in order to carry out that weekly backup I had to power down and power up the 102 else it would report that the other NAS wasn't available,

Overall 6.5 betas have worked fairly well for me, the issues I found were all fixed.  


My USB testing was quite limited, since I don't normally use it.


I do have quite a few NAS-NAS backup jobs running on the RN102 and RN202.  But I haven't seen your particular issue, so I can't speak to that.  My backups all use IP address, and not the NAS name.

Message 85 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

"My backups all use IP address, and not the NAS name."......


Yes and so do mine.


What happens is that my NAS to NAS backups will either run incredibly slow and make access to the 102 almost impossible or they will fail. To prevent either of these issues I discovered that powering down and up the NAS just prior to the backup routine solved this.


Obviously I no longer run this routine as the 102 is gathering dust until we have a solution for the problems.


If this doesn't arrive I'll attempt a downgrade to 6.2.5 as one way or another I am determined to resolve this before the end of this month.

Message 86 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

In case anyone is interested 6.5.0 has been released and I installed this yesterday.


Overnight my backup to a WD USB 3.0 drive took 1 hour 10 minutes to back up 144gb of mixed data which is almost exactly the same as it used to take under 6.2.5.


So one of the three issues appears to have been solved.


I still need to check my NAS to NAS backup which was taking anything up to 20 hours for the same amount of data and also the front socket the use of which would freeze the 102.


Not bad Netgear, problem arose in November 2015 and at the end of May 2016 we appear to have a solution to make the system perform as it did under 6.2.5 before installing the recommended and 'tested' firmware 6.4.0. I wonder if any of you Netgear guys would be happy if you reported a faulty boiler to me in November 2015 and I didn't get one of my engineers to find the fault until May 2016. I really hope that one day such an opportunity for me to return the favour occurs.......


Needless to say Netgear devices will never be purchased again.

Message 87 of 94
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

We've had a fix for the NTFS performance issue available for you to use since the end of last month, but you chose not to run beta firmware which is fine, but it did mean you had a longer wait. We use a 3rd party NTFS driver that normally provides excellent performance and root caused the issue to determine that an update to that driver was needed and then we worked with the 3rd party to get this resolved.


6.5.0 has much more than just bug fixes. We have a policy of releasing production firmware updates rather than rushing them out. So whilst it would have been nice to have got a production firmware release out immediately after we confirmed the fix, this wasn't possible in this instance.

It's unfortunate that it took as long as it did to get a resolution to this problem, but it's good to have your confirmation that it is now resolved.


It's unlikely that we'd run into an issue like the NTFS performance issue again anytime soon. We don't do changes of the magnitude we did in 6.4.x very often.

We don't recommend downgrading from 6.5.0 back to 6.4.x, but it is possible. As always if you can't downgrade to older firmware we do mention that in the Release Notes. So some users would take note of that and wait for an update or two after that before updating.


Whilst there may have been a few issues, the benefits of the 6.4.x firmware updates far outweigh any problems that arose. The 6.4.x updates had some important fixes of their own.

If you look at e.g. Microsoft, Apple etc. you will see they release updates that fix issues, but then reports come of new issues that have arisen as a result of those same updates.

Message 88 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

Lets look at this shall we.


6.4.0 was a recommended and tested update yet it failed miserably for many users. As a user do you think that I would want to try a beta firmware which is beta for one reason only, it's not completely tested and verified?


6.4.0 may have provided 'features' but the one feature that some of us didn't want is an unreliable backup facilty and a slow to respond NAS which sometimes decided to freeze.


It is clear that however good 6.4.0 was supposedly something very wrong occured with it's testing.


I'm not sure that comments like 'It's unlikely that we'd run into an issue like the NTFS performance issue again anytime soon' is very comforting for users.


Yes we all realise that others produce updates and they too have issues. However most people have a NAS to secure their data and backing up that data in a reliable way is vital, failure to check that a firmware release enables this to function is not a sign of a good system of testing.


Finally, throughout all this, the most galling aspect of this whole debacle is the failure of Netgear people to say sorry and I am fed up hearing about all the wonderful features that firmware updates provide customers, it's just a stuck record.

Message 89 of 94
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

I thought my last post was an apology as well as an explanation.

In business unless you work in I.T. you are unlikely to install a major update that you can't easily downgrade from unless you really need the benefits of it now until it's undergone a few minor updates. The .0 is a clear indication that it is a major update, and the Release Notes clearly stated that you cannot downgrade to older firmware after updating to it.

It's unfortunate but no matter how much testing is done there will always be some issues that slip through. Even the very richest IT companies in the world release software updates that introduce new problems. Indeed just the other day I read of one of these releasing an update that bricked some tablets. How could they miss that? Well it happens.

The 6.4.0 release included a major kernel upgrade. This was a necessary update and if we hadn't done it then we would still have had no choice but to do it sooner or later. A major kernel upgrade is not something that would typically happen every year, perhaps every few years or so.

Message 90 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

Apologies usually have the word sorry or say we apologise in them.


It just goes on and on, the complete failure to accept any responsibilty for all the hassle that users have had.


I hope others are reading this and taking note of the support users get.

Message 91 of 94
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

We do apologise for any inconvenience caused, however as I have stated sometimes problems are unavoidable. We're glad that the problem is now resolved.


Once we reproduced the problem we did our best to resolve it in a timely manner, however we decided not to rush out a 6.4.3 release just with this fix considering how close 6.5.0 was by that stage, but rather include it in the 6.5.0 update and provide a beta firmware with the fix that users urgently needing the fix could use till the production firmware was released.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect that there will be no bugs in a firmware update. I saw a report the other day one of the big tablet manufacturers released an OS update that bricked a number of their customers tablets. One of the richest companies in the world with products used by hundreds of millions of users missed a bug in a firmware update that bricked some units of one of their products. How could they miss that when they would spend millions and millions on QA each year, one might wonder.

Message 92 of 94

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

The good news is that the performance problem was fixed (and in fact native NTFS performance is now higher than it's ever been on any ReadyNAS).  The bad news is that it took quite a while, forcing you to limp along for some months - dealing with both a NAS that wasn't meeting your needs, and suggestions that didn't solve the problem.


I don't see much point in arguing about how to apologize.  Let's accept the situation for what it was - painful and drawn-out but ultimately resolved.

Message 93 of 94
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas 102 not backing up and freezing after upgrade to 6.4.2

O.K. I think this discussion has run its course.

Now that this is fixed in 6.5.0 if you have any issues on that you should open a new thread.

I'm closing this thread.

Message 94 of 94
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