Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET


Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Hi there, 

I have purchased a R7000 Nighthawk router and it was working perfectly fine! I messed with heaps of settings and was having loads of fun with it, however, I wanted to reset all my settings and see what a difference I had made speed wise.. So i wrote down all my settings and proceeded to factory reset using the pin button on the back of my router. 

Ever since I have done this, it just wont connect to the internet! No matter what I do in Netgear Genie, it just will NOT connect. I have googled absolutely everything and am rather tech savvy and still cannot figure it out. My understanding is that I feel like the modem (Fibre box) just will NOT "speak" to the router, as if it just won't let it assign a IP address. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. 
I plugged my old ISP provided router in and it works fine!! I am having to resort to using this to make my internet work at all. 


Any help is very much appreciated! I have also tried everything Netgear Genie recommends, nothing worked. 

Model: R7000|AC1900 Smart WIFI Router
Message 1 of 22

Accepted Solutions

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

My ISP required me to either kick my connection before I change routers or wait 30 minutes for the lease to expire. The way they determine a change in router is through the MAC adress. Why dont you clone the MAC adress of your Netcomm to your Netgear?


Im guessing you can acess the router just fine with it connected directly to your PC. From what you have written then every configuration setting to acess the network is also fine. 


This leaves me to suspect that theyre employing some sort of block.

View solution in original post

Message 22 of 22

All Replies

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

> [...] R7000 [...]


   Firmware version?  Connected to what?


> [...] the modem (Fibre box) [...]


   Not a very detailed description of anything.  What is it?  Maker?
Model?  ISP?


> [...] won[']t connect to the internet! [...]


   What _does_ it do?  LED indicators?


> [...] I have googled absolutely everything and am rather tech savvy
> and still cannot figure it out. [...]


   How long did it take you to "google absolutely everything"?  My
carefully considered opinion is that if you were as "tech savvy" as you
seem to think you are, then you might have included some basic
information in your problem description.


> [...] as if it just won't [...]


   Not a useful description of anything. It does not say what you did.
It does not say what happened when you did it.  As usual, showing actual
actions (commands) with their actual results (error messages, LED
indicators, ...) can be more helpful than vague descriptions or


> [...] let it assign a IP address.


   What, exactly, were you expecting to "assign a IP address" to what,
exactly?  The router's management web site can report on the router's IP
addresses.  For its LAN address: ADVANCED > ADVANCED Home : Router
Information : IP Address.  For its WAN/Internet address: ADVANCED >
ADVANCED Home : Internet port : Internet IP Address.


> [...] I have also tried everything Netgear Genie recommends, nothing
> worked.

   See "Not a useful description of anything [...]", above.


   Visit http://netgear.com/support , put in your model number, and look
for Documentation.  Get the User Manual.  Read.  Look for the LED
descriptions and "Troubleshoot".  If you still need help, then return
with some useful descriptions of your equipment, what you're doing, and
what happens when you do it.

Message 2 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Hi there, 

No need to be rude at all. 

I don't normally post on forums. 

Brand is Obviously NETGEAR. Model is R7000 AC1900. 

Problem is Router will not connect to internet, Internet LED is solid amber, all other LED are White. 

I cannot fully access My router through browser due to it won't let me, it won't connect to the internet so it just continues to give me ways to fix it but nothing it has suggested works. I have tried using my PC's MAC Address with no luck. 


The router WAS working fine until I factory reset it as stated above. NOW it simply won't connect to the internet, yet my ISP provided router connects fine. 


ISP is Slingshot, I have called many times and they won't help as its a aftermarket router and not one that they have supplied. 

Message 3 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

> Brand is Obviously NETGEAR. [...]


> > [...] the modem (Fibre box) [...]
> Not a very detailed description of anything. What is it? Maker?
> Model? ISP?


   Did that look to you like a set of questions about the router (which
you did identify) or about "the modem (Fibre box)", about which you said
approximately nothing?  (Hint: It was about "the modem (Fibre box)".)


> I cannot fully access My router through browser due to it won't let
> me, [...]


   Regarding "cannot" and "won't let me", see "Not a useful description
[...]", above.  What does "fully access" mean to you?


> [...] it just continues to give me ways to fix it but nothing it has
> suggested works. [...]

   With my weak psychic powers, I can't see any of those "ways to fix
it", nor have I any idea what you did, or what happened when you did it.


> [...] Internet LED is solid amber, all other LED are White.


   Does "all other LED" include the LEDs for the USB ports and all the
LAN Ethernet ports?  What, exactly, does "all other" mean to you?


> [...] I have tried using my PC's MAC Address with no luck.


   "tried" how, exactly?  What happens if you connect your (unspecified)
"my PC" directly to the (unspecified) "modem (Fibre box)"?

> No need to be rude at all.


   Not trying to be rude.  Trying to get some useful information about
your equipment, what you're doing, and what happens when you do it.  So
far, with very little success.

Message 4 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

MODEM Is a Huawei and doesn't state model. Provided by ISP. 


FULLY ACCESS means I cannot get into my usual router settings. It keeps trying to trouble shoot as there is no internet connection.


All suggestions Netgear Genie gave me did not work, simple stuff like "reset router, unplug for 30 seconds & use device MAC address which was currently connected to internet" which all did not work. 


LED LIGHTS are On/OFF - White, Internet - Solid amber, 2.4ghz - White, 5ghz - white, Usb - No light on either, LAN 1 - White, LAN 2 - White, Other LANS not lite up due to not being active.



Message 5 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

> [...] It keeps trying to trouble shoot as there is no internet
> connection.


   From here, I still can't see what you're seeing.  Isn't there an
option to configure the Internet connection manually?


> ISP is Slingshot, [...]


   I know nothing, but my quick Web search found:




   Under "Setting up Fibre on your modem", it discusses multiple
(non-default) parameters (including PPPoE user and password) which would
need to be set up after a settings reset.


> All suggestions Netgear Genie gave me did not work, [...]


   Again, "did not work" is not a useful description of what happened.

> LED LIGHTS are On/OFF [...]


   So your "all" is different from the commonly accepted "all"?

Message 6 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

All I need to know is why my router will not connect to my modem like my ISP router will,


What's this about PPPOE?

What do i need to do?

Message 7 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

@YoshiKatzo wrote:

All I need to know is why my router will not connect to my modem like my ISP router will,


There could be many reasons. That's why people have to ask questions. And they need informative answers. I'm afraid that something like "MODEM Is a Huawei and doesn't state model." leaves us all guessing.


How about using the setup wizard? That is probably how you first got connected.


If you factory reset the thing and connect it to the modem the wizard may kick in. If not, the manual will explain how to start it manually.


But first it is important to do things in the right order. This could be why it doesn't work now.

Be sure to restart your network in this sequence:

  • Turn off and unplug modem.
  • Turn off router and computers.
  • Plug in and turn on modem. Wait 2 minutes for it to connect.
  • Turn on the router and wait 2 minutes for it connect.
  • Turn on computers and rest of network.

This is guess work on my part,  which is all I have to go on given the gaps in the information you have provided.


Message 8 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET


Still no luck. I have been in contact with my ISP (absolutely useless) and have also contacted my Fibre installer (Enable) which just blamed my ISP. Basically my ISP said they won't help because its a third party router. 


My situation is now.. I can access Router Login settings which I could not earlier. 

But I am constantly getting Ip address, the same with subnet mask & DNS. 

Therefore I have no internet access, I have asked my ISP multiple times if there is a MAC address I need to use or PPPOE and they gave me the details needed for PPPOE but it didn't work, still no access.. 


My ISP router still connects to the internet just fine, no issues at all, literally plug in and go. 


But it just hates my Nighthawk R7000, the Nighthawk was working until I factory reset it and now it's almost like it won't connect to the ONT (Huawei Echolife hg8240h) .. Im so stuck and I want to use my Nighthawk but it just will not connect. 


Model: R7000|AC1900 Smart WIFI Router
Message 9 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

> All I need to know is why my router will not connect to my modem like
> my ISP router will,


   What do you think that we know about your "my modem" and how it's
configured, or how your R7000 was configured when it worked, or about
your "my old ISP provided router"?


> But I am constantly getting Ip address, the same with subnet
> mask & DNS.


   All that says is that the R7000 is not making a good connection with
your ISP.  I think that we knew that.


> [...] they gave me the details needed for PPPOE [...]


   Are you offering any clues about those "details"?


> [...] but it didn't work, still no access..


   Same kind of "didn't work" as before?

> My ISP router still connects to the internet just fine, no issues at
> all, literally plug in and go.


   What is your "My ISP router"?  Have you looked at its settings, and
compared them with the R7000 settings?


> But it just hates my Nighthawk R7000, [...]


   Thanks for your thoughtful analysis.


> [...] the Nighthawk was working until I factory reset it [...]


   Apparently, you reset some useful (non-default) settings.  I don't
know what they were.  The next time you want to reset something which
works, you might want to save your (working) settings, in case you might
ever need them again.  I also don't know what your ISP told you to do.


   You first?

Message 10 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

My modem (ONT) is Huawei Echolife hg8240h, I also have no idea on configuration settings as I'm unsure how to find out, according to the Fibre installer (Enable NZ) they said everything on there end of the Huawei is fine and working. 


Yes R7000 is not getting a good connection, everything is stated


My ISP gave me Log in details for PPPOE, E.g Password and User. 


My ISP Router is a 


Netcomm NF18ACV ADSL/VDSL Wi-Fi Modem Router

I haven't looked into ISP Router settings as of yet, I assumed if there was something obvious my ISP would have stated it. 


What do you presume I should look out for? 

Message 11 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

> What do you presume I should look out for?


   Everything which is related to the WAN/Internet/ISP connection?


   Did you look at the "Setting up Fibre on your modem" section on


>       https://help.slingshot.co.nz/hc/en-us/articles/360000242853

Message 12 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Yes I have had a look, 

I can't seem to find anything relating to the settings on my ISP website on the Netgear Router Login.. 

As in I can't even find Connection Mode\Multiplexing Type: VLAN MUX for example in router login


Here is a picture of what my status is showing when I try to use my Nighthawk R7000. 


Also, I have no internet connection when I run a LAN cable directly from my modem (ONT) Huawei as mentioned.


But my Isp router works fine? Very confusing as normally it is the other way around I.e Modem gives internet connection when directly plugged in but router does not. In my case my ISP router works fine but my PC does not when connected to modem (ONT) 



Message 13 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

@YoshiKatzo wrote:


But it just hates my Nighthawk R7000, the Nighthawk was working until I factory reset it and now it's almost like it won't connect to the ONT (Huawei Echolife hg8240h) .. Im so stuck and I want to use my Nighthawk but it just will not connect. 

Is this what you have?


Huawei EchoLife HG8240H Support Guide, Manuals & PDF – Huawei


If so, it is also a router. Look at all those LAN ports on the back. That explains a lot.


Two routers on your network can cause headaches. For example, you can end up with local address problems. Among other things, the other router can misdirect addresses that the Netgear router usually handles, such as routerlogin.net or the usual IP address for a router,

This explains some of the other drawbacks.

What is Double NAT? | Answer | NETGEAR Support

You give no indication that you have tried some of the  suggestions. For example, running the setup wizard.previous


I mention that because you claim that the thing worked before you did the reset. This could be because during the original setup the R7000 detected the existing router and configured itself accordingly, with a different IP address.


You have a couple of options to simplify your life:

  • run the setup wizard again and see if it creates an acceptable configuration
  • work out how to put the Huawei Echolife hg8240h into modem only (bridge) mode
  • put the R7000 into wireless access point  mode


Come to think of it, you say you have a Netcomm NF18ACV ADSL/VDSL Wi-Fi Modem Router and the Huawei Echolife hg8240h.


That makes no sense. You have two modem/routers on your network. One for DSL internet and one for fibre internet. It is no surprise that you have a screwed up network.







Message 14 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Thanks for the reply, 


Hmmm that would make sense wouldn't it! The huawei Modem/Router is correct, that is my model number exactly. 

So you say its a modem & Router in one? Interesting.. Also the point you made about the R7000 originally working also makes alot of sense.. 


I have tried setup wizard many many times with no success. I'm not sure why but it just returns to the same 3 options after I try all 3.

Which are: Problem detecting the internet connection

- I just power cylced the modem and waited 2 minutes

- I corrected a problem with the ethernet cable 

- None of the above


I have tried all and have got no where, it just repeats the process. 


Im unsure how to change my Huawei to modem only mode as I can't access it at all, I can't get into the settings. 

The Huawei and Netcomm are both provided units. Huawei was provided by Enable NZ who install fibre into everyones homes in christchurch & my Netcomm is ISP provided router (Which works fine) so im unsure why they would make this a headache having two routers? Very confusing 

Message 15 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Have you ever tried putting the R7000 into wireless access point mode?


It loses some features, nut they may not important to you.

Disabled Features on the Router when set to AP Mode | Answer | NETGEAR Support



Message 16 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Hey there, 

Have just given that a go and no luck 😞 I couldn't even access routerlogin.net afterwards so I had to factory reset to access it. 


Im so lost on where to go from here? 


Is it possible to get one of you guy's to download a settings back up and email me it? or would that not work due to Ip address etc etc?? 

Message 17 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Also, I can still see NETGEAR73 available on wifi devices on my phone?? Even though the router (R7000) is currently unplugged? Is this normal? or does it have anything to do with my issue? 

Message 18 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

I have just connected my R7000 to my ISP provided Router! Using a ethernet port on my ISP Router and directly into my R7000 Internet port and it seems to be working this way... 
But I don't want two routers haha, any suggestions?? 

Message 19 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

Would a Static IP from my ISP resolve this issue? 

Message 20 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET


Message 21 of 22

Re: Help!! R7000 Router Won't Connect To Modem Since RESET

My ISP required me to either kick my connection before I change routers or wait 30 minutes for the lease to expire. The way they determine a change in router is through the MAC adress. Why dont you clone the MAC adress of your Netcomm to your Netgear?


Im guessing you can acess the router just fine with it connected directly to your PC. From what you have written then every configuration setting to acess the network is also fine. 


This leaves me to suspect that theyre employing some sort of block.

Message 22 of 22
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